Our language The English language is written and spoken in many different ways. The way we speak varies according to who we are, where we are, and who we're talking to. Language can make people feel superior or inferior, included or excluded, well informed or ignorant, impressed or appalled. But language is not only about individual identity. In the following pages you can look at the way people have used language in different ways for different reasons. Persuasion Explore the contexts in which persuasive language is used as well as how it works. Who's in control? Learn how language is power - how it is used to create balance and control, to flatter and to encourage but also to deceive and dominate. Shared language Discover how language can be shared: by oppressed groups, by those with a particular identity or view, to preserve hierarchies and to prevent detection. Identity and prejudice
Gloser og grammatik | 111 variation Her kommer en lille samling af links som alle har med glose- eller grammatiktræning at gøre. På Shepperd software kan du finde en mindre række grammatikspil som kan bruges til at træne grundlæggende ordklasser på engelsk, mest velegnet til starten af 1. g. Men der er også en enkelt øvelse som er velegnet til introduktionen af kommatering på engelsk. Daily Writing Tips blogger rigtig tit nyttige gloselister, som kan bruges til at sætte fokus på sproglig nuancering i engelsk. På siden om 50 coolest onlinetools for word nerds finder du masser af link til programmer og småspil der kan bruges i glosearbejdet. Hvis du gerne vil arbejde med at visualisere gloser eller udtryk kan du måske prøve vizlingo af.
Google Skills Practice | Socratic Seminars Using Informational Text Photo Look at the front page of any day’s New York Times and you’ll find plenty for teenagers to discuss, whether meaty matters of global geopolitics, or lifestyle topics that hit closer to home. Here on the Learning Network, we’re discovering via the enthusiastic response to our first persuasive essay contest just how central the skill of argument is in many curriculums this year. So when Jonathan Olsen and Sarah Gross proposed that this week’s Skills Practice focus on the age-old inquiry-and-discussion format of the Socratic method, we agreed that it was a perfect complement to the contest — and, beyond that, a wonderful tool to help students wrestle with real-world questions and issues. Below, Mrs. The Task: The announcement that the College Board is creating a new version of the SAT made headlines and inspired editorials last week. 1. 2. 3. To Get Ready for the Socratic Seminar Students Might … — Think about the essential question you’ll pose for the seminar as they read. Standards
Film i undervisningen | 111 variation I dag vil jeg lige præsentere et par links til film og filmsites du måske synes du kan bruge i din undervisning. Ja, de fleste hører nok til engelskundervisningen, men der er også dokumentarfilm fra andre sprogområder på Documentary Heaven, og Grockit kan bruges i alle fag der bruger Youtube en gang imellem. Documentary Heaven er stor samling af (ikke så mærkeligt!) dokumentarfilm, og mon ikke der er én om lige netop det emne du er i gang med. Det samme er der på Documentary.net og Documentarytube.Snagfilms er ligeledes spækket med undervisningsfilm. Kalinago English giver her et bud på 10 mundtlige øvelser i forbindelse med brugen af film i undervisningen – helt uden forberedelse. En anden video du måske kan bruge i engelskundervisningen, er denne temmelig sjove video af Ali G (a.k.a. På grockit har du mulighed for at lave spørgsmål og svar direkte i en youtube-video.
15 ideer til at aktivere hurtige elever | 111 variation På Facebook-gruppen for engelskundervisere så jeg et spørgsmål der drejede sig om hvordan man aktiverer de elever som bliver hurtigere færdige end andre elever. Altså, hvilke små (kontekstrelevante?) øvelser kan man sætte disse elever til at lave mens de andre elever bliver færdige. Nu var det i engelskgruppen jeg så spørgsmålet, så engelsk er mit udgangspunkt, men nogle af øvelserne må kunne være relevante for andre (sprog)fag også. Og jeg har prøvet at dele forslagene ind i to kategorier: Som pause fra grammatikøvelser, og som pause fra tekstlæsning (fx arbejdsspørgsmål). Det giver ikke helt mening kun at skelne sådan, men det hjalp mig med det kontekstrelevante selvom nogle af ideerne selvfølgelig kan bruges i begge tilfælde hvis ikke øvelsen behøver at ligge direkte i forlængelse af den opgave eleven er blevet færdig med. Her kommer mine 15 forslag. Det er grammatikøvelser, eleven er hurtigt færdig med 4) Skriv fejlsætninger til dine klassekammerater.
Quotations - wildbilly.dk Documentation is important in an essay. Use quotations from the text you are writing about in your analysis and interpretation. This strengthens your argument and helps persuade the reader. Quotations must be completely accurate and in "quotation marks". They must also be incorporated into your own sentences. If, for the purpose of syntax, you have to change a small detail in the quotation, use [square brackets]. Example: According to www.wildbilly.dk "Documentation is important in an essay." The quotations above are accurate They are in "quotation marks" They are incorporated into the sentences [Square brackets] are used when the quotations are changed [Square brackets] are used when something is omitted The quotations are commented upon NB! Example: Port William is described as a small town that is more or less undeveloped: "...it hardly deserved to be called a road."
Between the World and Me 2015 book by Ta-Nehisi Coates Between the World and Me is a 2015 nonfiction book written by American author Ta-Nehisi Coates and published by Spiegel & Grau. It was written by Coates as a letter to his then-teenage son about his perception of what the feelings, symbolism, and realities associated with being Black in the United States are. Coates recapitulates American history and explains to his son "racist violence that has been woven into American culture." Coates draws from an abridged, autobiographical account of his youth in Baltimore, detailing his beliefs about what are the ways in which, to him, institutions like schools, the local police, and even "the streets" discipline, endanger, and threaten to "disembody" black men and women. The work takes structural and thematic inspiration from James Baldwin's 1963 epistolary book The Fire Next Time. The novelist Toni Morrison praised the book, in that Coates "filled an intellectual gap in succession to James Baldwin Publication[edit]
7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS's Magazine #3. Here's What Scares ISIS Obviously, Dabiq is propaganda. express.co.ukWhat exactly did you think all those refugees are refugeeing from? Earlier this year, 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi's body washed up on shore after his boat from Egypt sank. There was more clear evidence of this in the third issue of Dabiq, which concluded an article full of advice for people looking to join the Islamic State with these warnings: "Keep in mind that the Khilafah is a state whose inhabitants and soldiers are human beings ... not infallible angels. Come on, guys! Another major issue vexing ISIS is the difficulty of getting enough qualified specialists (doctors, mechanics, urban planners) to run their "state." ISIS"Filled with the finest equipment blood money can buy." But while the article functions as propaganda for how great ISIS is at being a modern state, the last paragraph of that article reveals some desperation: "This should be received as a wake-up call for the many Muslim students. ... #2. #1.
A climate change poem for today: A Language of Change by David Sergeant | Environment ‘as late capitalism writhed in its internal decision concerning whetherto destroy Earth’s biosphere or change its rules’– Kim Stanley Robinson We’re sat by the ocean and thiscould be a love poem; but that lullaby murdererrefuses each name I give itand the icebergs seep into our sandwiches,translated by carbon magic. And even this might beto say too much. 'Our melting, shifting, liquid world': celebrities read poems on climate change | Environment I am here, at the scene of a breaking; broken bits, the metaphor of crushed paradise; forested history of burning; a trace element version of heritage. Ex-colliery lands where the mines were part of the lung. Radstock. 1794. Coleridge is crossing a boundary to his lyric field; by counter-spirit. Old Pit is open: boys and men mine its difficult, faulted, folded vein in the dark; their candles opening limited allowance of light. Today’s halo, our luminescence: the sun. Bright flat walls; shadows in corners. Under new roads, coal is unviable; forces of earth press old roadways shut. How much carbon dioxide has breathed through? Carting boys have lived and gone. Whole lives burned their taper in winning coal. I make the metaphor: a word is a lump of coal, locked-in energy of an example. This piece is dense with experience: as it burns, it disappears. Its carbon harness, stripped off and bonded by fire to oxygen and air: two wings of dioxide’s light and buoyant paraphernalia. you see the coalfields of Somerset.
How ordinary people decide to become terrorists For all the hand-wringing in the US over the threat posed by Syrian refugees, it turned out that so far, every positively identified terrorist from the Paris attacks was not a refugee at all — but rather, a European Union citizen. Those in the US who advocate for accepting Syrian refugees have emphasized this as a way to counter fear of refugees. But this revelation highlights a very different and all-too-real threat: Westerners who join terror groups such as ISIS. And people are naturally wondering what the hell is going on in France and Belgium that a handful of its citizens would commit such terrible acts against innocent people. The threat is often shorthanded as "radicalization." The key thing to understand about "radicalization": It's not exclusive to any one group or religion Radicalization is the process by which individuals (or groups) come to adopt extremist views, particularly sociopolitical and/or religious views. Are there root causes of radicalization? Why France and Belgium?