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FightCode - Killing Robots for Fun

FightCode - Killing Robots for Fun

CS 97SI: Introduction to Competitive Programming Contests Course Information and Announcements Instructor: Jaehyun ParkStanford ACM-ICPC Coaches: Jaehyun Park, Andy Nguyen, Jerry Cain(Added on 8/21/2013) This class was taught in 2011-12 Winter. I'm getting a lot of emails asking if I'm teaching it again, but there is no plan to offer the course at the moment. Lecture slides Practice Problems Game Development Based on Experience/1.4.3 - Game Dev Tycoon Wiki In Game Dev Tycoon there are a lot of factors that go into creating a high quality game. This article aims to provide the information needed to create good quality games. Typically, the goal of game development is to get a high review score (preferably 9.5+). However, during the game development your actions do not influence your review score directly, but rather, your game score. The Game score is a hidden value you can only see by Modding (do not confuse it with the review score you see), is basically the sum of your Design + Tech, divided by a modifier based on game size (this compensates for the fact that bigger games take longer to develop and accumulate more points) and then multiplied by several quality modifiers. All those modifiers are usually capped at a value of around 1, and have lowest values of around 0.6.

Algorithm Visualizer # Algorithm Visualizer > Algorithm Visualizer is an interactive online platform that visualizes algorithms from code. [! SVDLIBC A C Library for Computing Singular Value Decompositions version 1.4 SVDLIBC is a C library written by Doug Rohde. It was based on the SVDPACKC library, which was written by Michael Berry, Theresa Do, Gavin O'Brien, Vijay Krishna and Sowmini Varadhan at the University of Tennessee. SVDLIBC is made available under a BSD License.

Robocode Home Top 10 Linux Easter Eggs Often, when you log into your Linux VPS, you are looking to get some work done. However, no one can claim that the thousands of developers who create the software available on a typical Linux machine are always completely serious. Linux has a history of including some fun "easter eggs" in its software. ACMSolver By DmitryKorolev (collected from Topcoder) ContainersBefore we beginVectorPairsIteratorsCompiling STL ProgramsData manipulation in VectorStringSetMapNotice on Map and SetMore on algorithmsString StreamsSummary Perhaps you are already using C++ as your main programming language to solve TopCoder problems. This means that you have already used STL in a simple way, because arrays and strings are passed to your function as STL objects. You may have noticed, though, that many coders manage to write their code much more quickly and concisely than you.

CodeCombat DevelopmentCodeNames Ubuntu is known for having the funkiest release code names around. From time to time users suggest potential names, so if you have a magical idea, please add it to the table at the bottom of this page. Release Naming Scheme The official name of an Ubuntu release is "Ubuntu X.YY" with X representing the year (minus 2000) and YY representing the month of eventual release within in that year. Ubuntu's first release, made in 2004 October (10th month) was Ubuntu 4.10. Art of Programming Contest, Tips and Tricks.
