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CMU Sphinx - Speech Recognition Toolkit

CMU Sphinx - Speech Recognition Toolkit
Published on April 8, 2014 Personal assistants are hot these days. Open source personal assistant is a dream for many developers. Recently released Jasper makes it really easy to install personal assistant on Raspberry Pi and use it for custom voice commands, information retrieval and so on. Jasper is written in Python and can be extended through the API. More importantly, Jasper uses CMUSphinx for offline speech recognition, so much waited capability for assistant developers.

EasyVR Shield - Voice Recognition Shield Description: Do you make time to talk to your Arduino? Maybe you should! The EasyVR Shield 2.0 is a voice recognition shield for Arduino boards integrating an EasyVR module. CMU Sphinx CMU Sphinx, also called Sphinx in short, is the general term to describe a group of speech recognition systems developed at Carnegie Mellon University. These include a series of speech recognizers (Sphinx 2 - 4) and an acoustic model trainer (SphinxTrain). In 2000, the Sphinx group at Carnegie Mellon committed to open source several speech recognizer components, including Sphinx 2 and later Sphinx 3 (in 2001). The speech decoders come with acoustic models and sample applications. The available resources include in addition software for acoustic model training, Language model compilation and a public-domain pronunciation dictionary, cmudict.

Plivo Framework Braina - Artificial Intelligence Software for Windows Braina (Brain Artificial) is an intelligent personal assistant software for Windows PC that allows you to interact with your computer using voice commands in English language. Braina makes it possible for you to control your computer using natural language commands and makes your life easier. Braina is not an average Siri or Cortana clone for PC. It isn't like a chat-bot, its priority is to be super functional and to help you in doing tasks. You can either type commands or speak to it and Braina will understand what you want to do.

Simon: Open-Source Speech Recognition CMU Sphinx CMU Sphinx (acortado como Sphinx), es el término general para describir un grupo de sistemas de reconocimiento de voz desarrollado en la Universidad de Carnegie Mellon. Incluye una serie de programas para reconocimiento de voz (Sphinx 2 - 4) y un entrenador modelo acústico (SphinxTrain). En el año 2000, el grupo de Sphinx se comprometió a desarrollar varios componentes para reconocimiento de voz, incluyendo Sphinx 2 y más tarde Sphinx 3 (en 2001). 2600hz I The Future of Cloud Telecom Verbots® - Open Source Natural Language Chatterbots
