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Bitelia Plataforma Urbana BrightProofs | Phil Seaton Phil’s interests and skills as a designer cross a variety of inter-disciplinary bounds. His programming experience across many platforms ranging from server-side web development to parametric design solutions augment other interests in materiality, construction, and engineering. He has taught design skills, design studios, and structures while pursuing his own degree in architecture. Phil’s work as a Master’s of Architecture at MIT from 2008-2012 focused on the treatment of energy as a social medium. While sustainability has traditionally been the responsibility of technicians pursuing cleaner energy production and more efficient energy use, Phil came to believe strongly in the importance of bringing energy use into personal, cultural, and social space. By treating electricity socially, a critical new avenue of sustainability opens. Download Current Resume email

KERNEL FESTIVAL / 013 OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS The international Kernel Call /013 to participate in the third edition of the Festival is now online! After the great success of the first two editions, the Festival that has animated the digital scene and Villa Tittoni Traversi in Desio [Milano], is building up for the up-coming edition. Kernel Festival /013 will take place at the beginning of July and will host for a week new talents and professionals selected from all over the world; artists, performers and thinkers whose experimental art, originates from research, use and application of new technologies and digital codes. The participation in the competition is free and open to emerging artists over 21 years old. Novelty of this year: the Call is without deadline and it is also open to proposals of urban actions, workshops, conferences, meetings, round tables, discussions that explore and reflect on the relationship between art and technology. Some examples of indoor and outdoor proposals: Information Kernel Festival Fax: +39 039 5960863

This Phone Charger Uses Crystal Orbs to Focus the Sun's Rays | Wired Design A $149 solar smartphone charger called Beta.ey features a ball lens and minuscule multi-junction solar cell that can charge a smartphone one and a half times per day. RawLemon The theory underlying the project is that gleaming crystal globes can concentrate diffuse sunlight, or even moonlight, onto a tiny, hyper-efficient photovoltaic cell. The crystal ball is paired with a dual-motion tracking system that keeps the sun's energy focused on the cell throughout the day. The hope is that these innovations will make solar power a practical solution in parts of the world where it's previously been a non-starter. Ball lenses are a novelty in solar power, but they are commonly used as a coupling tool in laser-based applications, endoscopes, and barcode scanners. In order to prove out the concept and generate investment he has put the principle to work in consumer product form. Pigments would add color to the globes, but slightly reduce their efficacy. Inspiration Strikes

Architecture News, Jobs, Forums, Competitions and City Guides - Projects Minotaur Head with Lamella Minotaur Head with Sutures NODE Forum for Digital Arts Today we are happy to announce that we will finally publish the lectures from NODE’s very first edition in 2008. Back then when NODE was born, there were a few people involved with talks and lectures who pushed the quality of the discussions from the beginning. We are talking about the vvvv group with her first vvvv keynote ever, Herbert W. Franke, Paul Prudence, Casey Reas, Mark Fornes & Skylar Tibbits, Regine Debatty, Verena Kuni and Berthold Scharrer. The audience that was there in Frankfurt keeps saying that this day was a legendary set of lectures they will never forget. So here you go. And the legendary first vvvv keynote in 2008. Autocad en Arquitectura World Architecture News, Official Home Page, architecture news, architecture jobs STUDIOSEED | innovation at the intersection of technology, human nature to smart & sensible cities VISUALIZEDIO BERLIN-OCTUBRE Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color. Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible. This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits.
