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Goodie Goodie

Goodie Goodie
Gumdrops! Pretty little homemade gumdrops. I found a recipe for them in the book Celebrating Candy and wanted to give these sugary treats a try. Plus, it’s just fun to try new things. You’ll need some unflavored gelatin… …four tablespoons or about six envelopes. Add the gelatin to cold water to soften. And then add sugar and boil. Pour the mixture into pans… …and add a little bit of flavored extract. Of course you’ll want to make them in a few colors. You’ll only need to add a drop or two of food coloring though. Here’s where I could have made things go a little easier. Let’s just say I got myself into a sticky situation. After you pour the mixture into the pans, you’ll need to let it chill overnight in the fridge so it will set up and allow you to cut it into cubes. But after a little struggling, I managed to get cute cubes that I could cover in sugar. Now the hard part. Ugh. See. So when in doubt, spray … or use non-stick pans. These were so fun to see actually come together. Cute. Enjoy!

Engelsaugen (Rezept mit Bild) von Elilein113 Fehler Sie kochen bereits! Fehler Sie müssen sich einloggen um zu kochen! Teile auf der und deinen Freunden bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter mit, welches leckere Rezept du heute zubereitest. Rezept auf teilen Logge dich ein und teile den Chefkoch-Nutzern mit, dass dieses Rezept heute von dir zubereitet wird. Noch nicht registriert? Hier können Sie sich kostenlos registrieren. Rezept in sozialen Netzwerken teilen Aunt Marcey’s Old Fashioned Hard Tack Candy | Wenderly I always know that Christmas is drawing near when my sister Marcey gets into old fashioned hard tack candy mode. She is an old fashioned hard tack candy making guru. For as long as I can remember in the weeks leading up to Christmas, she has been like a mad scientist in her kitchen whirling around clanking cookie sheets, gathering dozens of tiny glass viles filed with a plethora of scented oils and flavorings. There are pounds of sugar, bottles of corn syrup and did I mention hammers and screw drivers? Yes, I said hammers and screw drivers. This year we decided to make it a family affair. Here’s the skinny on how we like to make it. You’ll need food coloring and scented vials (or drams) of oils and flavorings. You can find them in your baking isle (some stores still keep them in the pharmacy like they did in the old fashioned days). I just love these little vials. My sister hoards them like they’re going out of style. There are two different types of candy & baking flavorings. Give it a whack!

Pie Pops Alber Elbaz speaks about “lightness” during interviews before his collections. I think his summation of what women need seems pretty accurate. Yes, we need lightness/ease/mobility. The different flavors. Cinnamon, Sugar, cornstarch, these three were the main ingredients used to hype the filling. I made blackberry filling with just sugar and cornstarch. I label all my homemade jams and fillings. With the same lolipop stick, I’ve sealed the pie, making indents all around the pop. Very crucial to slather egg whites on pie exterior. Blackberry Apple. Pumpkin Pies to go. In case you’re into saving desserts, this is fridge friendly too. <a onclick="javascript:pageTracker. Easiest Fudge Recipe - Easy Fudge Recipes - Candy Recipes Be sure to use sweetened condensed milk in this recipe, not evaporated milk - that's a common mistake. It is probably the easiest recipe in the world, thus the name! Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 2 minutes Total Time: 7 minutes Yield: Makes about 2 pounds candy Ingredients: 1 (12-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon cream1/2 cup milk chocolate chips, if desired Preparation: Place chips and milk in microwave safe bowl. Microwave on medium power for 2-3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Pour into greased 8" square pan and cool. You can add just about anything to this easy recipe.

Bananenbrot (Rezept mit Bild) von Simone Hefner Fehler Sie kochen bereits! Fehler Sie müssen sich einloggen um zu kochen! Teile auf der und deinen Freunden bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter mit, welches leckere Rezept du heute zubereitest. Rezept auf teilen Logge dich ein und teile den Chefkoch-Nutzern mit, dass dieses Rezept heute von dir zubereitet wird. Noch nicht registriert? Hier können Sie sich kostenlos registrieren. Rezept in sozialen Netzwerken teilen Sweet and Salty Roasted Chickpeas - Cheap, Easy, and Addictive Prior to making sweet and salty roasted chickpeas (garbanzo beans), chickpeas did not entice me at snack time. I didn’t search the pantry saying, “Chocolate, nah! Graham cracker, no thanks. Oooh, I know what I should have: chickpeas!” Silly me! Hop on board the chickpea choo choo (I’m picturing a train with chickpeas flying out of the engine instead of smoke) and give these a go! Products Related to the Roasted Chickpea Recipe Sweet and Salty Roasted Chickpea Recipe Sweet and Salty Roasted Chickpeas – Cheap, Easy, and Addictive Ingredients 1 can (14 oz) chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 teaspoon cinnamon or your spice(s) of choice 1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt Instructions Place chickpeas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a Silpat.

Bananenmarmelade (Rezept mit Bild) von cordi03 Fehler Sie kochen bereits! Fehler Sie müssen sich einloggen um zu kochen! Teile auf der und deinen Freunden bei Facebook, Google+ und Twitter mit, welches leckere Rezept du heute zubereitest. Rezept auf teilen Logge dich ein und teile den Chefkoch-Nutzern mit, dass dieses Rezept heute von dir zubereitet wird. Noch nicht registriert? Hier können Sie sich kostenlos registrieren. Rezept in sozialen Netzwerken teilen Peanut Butter Fudge (made with brown sugar) will drive you NUTS Oh this fudge is sexy good! Make a batch and share with someone you love bunches. It’s just liable to get you into trouble if you’re not careful. Oh my it will drive you nuts, it's so good! 3 tablespoons light corn syrup 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup dark brown sugar 3/4 cup milk 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 pinch baking soda 2 tablespoons butter, cubed and chilled 6 tablespoons creamy or crunchy peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Line a 13 x 9-inch pan with plastic wrap or wax paper, leaving the edges hanging over the sides of the pan so that you may lift out when fudge has cooled; set aside. In a medium saucepan, combine milk, sugars, corn syrup, salt, and baking soda.
