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Learning Hebrew Online and in Person | Ulpan-Or Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above ► For teachers Lesson plans, teachers' information worksheets, how to find a podcast and much more! ► Pie plus Our monthly magazine with news, videos, information worksheets and our monthly competition. ► Extras Extra worksheet activities to support the podcasts ► Freebies Free sample worksheets for each of the three levels ► Travelogues Follow the pie team on their travels and learn English along the way Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. Many thanks to partnersinrhyme for the jingle on our podcasts and Philip Halling for the banner photo. Our partner sites: hire essay writers online at EssayPro Check your IELTS writing online - Boost your IELTS Band Score with IELTS Writing Pro, the most advanced IELTS writing checker. - best app that writes essays for you Did you know..?

Irreversibel (Film) Irreversibel ist ein französischer Film von Gaspar Noé aus dem Jahr 2002. Er gilt als verstörend und wird kontrovers diskutiert, nicht zuletzt wegen der expliziten Darstellung einer Vergewaltigung mit brutaler Gewaltanwendung sowie eines Rachemordes. Die Hauptpersonen sind Alex, ihr derzeitiger Freund Marcus und Alex’ Ex-Freund Pierre. Die Filmhandlung läuft in umgekehrter Chronologie ab und beginnt mit dem zuletzt geschilderten Mord am vermeintlichen Vergewaltiger. Irreversibel beginnt mit dem Abspann, dessen Text rückwärts läuft. Die einzelnen Szenen sind scheinbar ohne Zwischenschnitt gedreht. „[Der Film] erschöpft sich in delirierenden und voyeuristischen Bildern. „Irreversibel wird als ein Film kolportiert, der von hinten nach vorn abläuft und in dessen Zentrum eine neunminütige Vergewaltigungsszene von selten gesehener Brutalität steht. „Action-Altmeister Samuel Fuller hat einmal gesagt, man müsse mit einem Maschinengewehr von der Leinwand schießen, um das Publikum zu treffen.

Israeli Study: More Doctors Should Recommend Cannabis To Cancer Patients ​More than two-thirds of cancer patients who were prescribed medical marijuana to combat pain are satisfied with the treatment, according to a comprehensive new study from Israel. The study involved 264 cancer patients who were treated with medical marijuana for a full year, reports Dan Even at Haaretz. The research was conducted at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, in conjunction with the Israeli Cancer Association. About 61 percent of the patients reported a significant improvement in their quality of life as a result of the medical marijuana, while 56 percent noting an improvement in their ability to manage pain. The findings were presented this month at an Israeli Oncologists Union conference in Eilat, Israel. ​The most common types of cancer for which medical marijuana is prescribed are lunger cancer (21 percent), breast cancer (12 percent) and pancreatic cancer (10 percent), according to the study. More links from around the web!

Study English - How to Study English Effectively There are many ways to study English, but many students ask which is the most effective. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a single answer that is right for every student. However ... I can certainly give advice. Here are some helpful guidelines as to how to study that should help. Warming-up to Study English Just as there are exercises to help you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can help you warm up to study English. Study English I: Activating Your Vocabulary Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. Here are some tips for success to help you as you study English. Study English Every Day It's important to study English every day. More Ideas how How To Study English How To Improve Your PronunciationHow To Improve Your English How to Improve your VocabularyHow To Write Resume in EnglishHow To Write an EssayHow to write a Business Letter in English

Top 20 Ultimate Ways to Use a Disposable Camera When it comes to photography, we like to root for the little guy. He’s the picture taker that works hard, is easy going and is always around when you need him. Yep, we’re talking about one of our old favorites: the disposable camera. While we love adding filters to our phone pics and making masterpieces with our DSLRs, there’s something magical about disposable cameras we can’t forget… They’re cheap, fun to play with and can do almost anything! Here’s our top 20 list of didn’t-know-you-could-do-that ways to use, abuse, modify, and make the most of your disposable camera! Top 20 Creative Ways to Use a Disposable Camera Smack some extra exposures out of it Our first tip started out as a simple way to get our disposable’s flash to fire, but we soon discovered something far greater. Much to our surprise, this trick will also often force the shutter open to make a double exposure! The process is simple: Charge your flash (most disposables have a button for this.)Hold camera in one hand, and SMACK!

Holy Anointing Oil Recipe from the Bible - BreedBay Hello fellow BreedBayers! I am going to post a recipe that I have recently used and it comes straight from the Bible. The bible calls cannabis kaneh bosom and scholars have translated that into cannabis. I was floored the first time I read this and I talked with my pops about it. He is a scholar of the bible and he even said that thats what he believes it is and that is why people would have an overwhelming sense of well being and feeling high after being anoited with the oil....Anyways here is the recipe for it...feel free to PM me with any questions!!! Swizzle Making Holy Anointing Oil 1/4 Oz. 30 drops of myrrh 15 drops of cinnamon and 30 drops of cassia (cinnamon leaf) (Preferred Method) Heat the olive oil in a double boiler until quite warm. add herb. heat for 2 hours or so being careful not to scorch the mixture. In Exodus Chapter 30 verses 22- 25, the Lord commanded Moses to make a holy anointing oil from myrrh, cinnamon , sweet smelling cane(kaneh bosem), cassia and olive oil.

List of Free Audio Books Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Genre: Fiction Description Don Quixote is an early novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Cervantes created a fictional origin for the story in the character of the Morisco historian, Cide Hamete Benengeli, whom he claims to have hired to translate the story from an Arabic manuscript he found in Toledo's bedraggled old Jewish quarter. The protagonist, Alonso Quixano, is a minor landowner who has read so many stories of chivalry that he descends into fantasy and becomes convinced he is a knight errant. Published in two volumes a decade apart, Don Quixote is the most influential work of literature to emerge from the Spanish Golden Age and perhaps the entire Spanish literary canon. Description from Wikipedia
