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The Political Compass

The Political Compass

Demo.cratica (Beta) Actualité des loisirs numériques - Numerama 10 Instant Emotional Fitness Tools When things get out of control and you momentarily lose your emotional balance, there are any number of little things you can do to regain it. Here are ten tools to help get you started. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. None of these tasks has to be uncomfortable or take you much time. Dr.

Left vs Right NEW: Limited edition signed prints of this image now available the Left vs Right political spectrum. A collaboration between David McCandless and information artist Stefanie Posavec, taken from my book The Visual Miscellaneum (out Nov 10th). Of course, the political spectrum is not quite so polarised. Actually, it’s more of a diamond shape, apparently. But this is how it’s mostly presented via the media – left wing vs. right wing, liberal vs. conservative, Labour vs Tory. And perhaps in our minds too… Well, certainly in my mind. This kind of visual approach to mapping concepts really excites me. I’ve got a few more of these coming from my book. Oh and if there’s enough demand, we’re going to do a signed, limited edition poster run of this image before Christmas. The original design concept was “something like a rosette”. (I’ll be doing a ‘Great Visualizers’ piece on her in the future. There are two versions with different colours: a US and a World version.

Portail du Parti Pirate Français Derniers articles [Politique] Le Parti Pirate va faire reconnaître l'inconstitutionnalité du vote électronique L'élection des députés des Français de l'étranger a relancé le débat du vote électronique. Le Parti Pirate s'est toujours exprimé contre ces systèmes qui sont vulnérables à la fraude, et les très nombreux incidents et irrégularités du vote par Internet ont propulsé ce thème de campagne sur le devant de la scène. En parallèle de l'excellent travail de son équipe de candidats des français de l'étranger, qui ont déposé un recours pour faire invalider l'élection, le Parti Pirate vient de lancer une procédure pour mettre un terme définitif au vote électronique. Le concept de vote électronique semble séduisant au premier abord : pouvoir s'affranchir des contraintes de dépouillement avec les machines à voter électronique, et ne plus avoir à se déplacer grâce au vote par Internet, présenterait un avantage certain. + Lire la suite + Lire la suite + Lire la suite + Lire la suite

Why Your Vision Must Be Grounded in Reality Whether you realize it or not, you're on a path. You can look back and see exactly how you got to where you stand today. The path ahead is far more nebulous, of course, but it's still a path. Your actions and decisions help to define it, as do all sorts of factors both in and out of your control. If you think of your path as a physical entity, you can easily see that it has certain properties. No, this isn't some metaphysical or philosophical mumbo jumbo. Your path is part of a larger landscape. Your path is an extension of you. Your path has varying degrees of clarity. Now, with that thought experiment in mind, here are a couple of important takeaways for entrepreneurs and business leaders: Vision that isn't grounded in reality is always flawed. We all know that the concept of "vision" plays a big role in the success of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and their companies. You have more control over the future than you realize.

Vocabulary: Political Words Every clique has its own language — an insider's jargon that people outside the group don't always understand. Filmmakers talk about "panning" and "fading." Retailers talk about "floor sales" and "back orders." Politicians have a language of their own too, and it often appears in media reports about politics. What exactly do politicians mean when they talk about a "lame duck" or a "rubber chicken"? Big Government: A negative term, used mainly by conservatives to describe government programs in areas where they believe government shouldn't be involved, especially those that spend money on social problems. Bipartisan: A cooperative effort by two political parties. Bleeding Heart: A term describing people whose hearts "bleed" with sympathy for the downtrodden; used to criticize liberals who favor government spending for social programs. Bully Pulpit: The Presidency, when used by the President to inspire or moralize. Campaign: (noun) An organized effort to win an election. Left-wing: Liberal.

Parti Pirate Canal Historique Don't Multitask: Your Brain Will Thank You The ability to juggle work is a standard job requirement. Researchers have another name for this supposedly desirable skill, however: chronic multitasking. If this sounds more like an affliction than a resumé booster, that's because research has shown again and again that the human mind isn't meant to multitask. Even worse, research shows that multitasking can have long-term harmful effects on brain function. In a 2009 study, Stanford researcher Clifford Nass challenged 262 college students to complete experiments that involved switching among tasks, filtering irrelevant information, and using working memory. They found the opposite: Chronic multitaskers were abysmal at all three tasks. Multitasking is a weakness, not a strength. This suggests a two-task limit on what the human brain can handle. His second tip: "Don't be a sucker for email."

Un petit jeu simple, mais bien fait qui vous donne une idée d'où vous vous trouvez sur l'échiquier politique. by frederic.larochelle Feb 12
