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40 Best Typeface Combinations in Web Design

40 Best Typeface Combinations in Web Design
When it comes to prints or Web Design, typography is one of the most important part. So selectng the right type of typography for your web design is one of the most crucial part. Keeping the small textured detail in mind while designing a website can sometimes be enough to get amazing results. A good combination of typeface can enhance the look of your website a lot! In websites, you can use typography in many forms: big bold headers, simple and clean menus and explanatory text etc. So today we have 40 Examples of Amazing Typeface Combinations in Web Design. Timberland Women Trade Gothic and Neutraface. Advertisement Hermetik Caslon and Helvetica. Polaroid Helvetica Neue and Museo. Protein Droid Serif and Helvetica. Switch to Virgin America FS Sinclair, Vitesse Sans and Vitesse. Australia Business Arts Foundation Clarendon and Arial. Jones Film Video Droid Sans and Kulturista. Dilly Deli Arvo, Helvetica and Georgia. space150 Helvetica Neue and League Gothic. Dave Carter Cuprum and Pacifico. Co-Work 350gram us

Playtype | Typographer's Glossary Serif: Serif's are semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols. A typeface that has serifs is called a serif typeface (or seriffed typeface). Some of the main classifications of Serif type are: Blackletter, Venetian, Garalde, Modern, Slab Serif, Transitional, and Informal. Fonts in each classfication share certain similiar characteristics including the shape or appearance of their serifs. Serif fonts are widely used in traditional printed material such as books and newspapers. Show all Serif Didone is a typeface classification characterized by slab-like serifs without brackets; vertical orientation of weight axes. Friends We Love
