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Transmedia Storytelling Around the World: Karine Halpern

Transmedia Storytelling Around the World: Karine Halpern

The Storytelling Mandala: Purpose-Inspired Transmedia Storytelling | Gauravonomics Marketers have always used stories to share information, change opinions and influence decisions. Now, as people create, consume and share brand stories in new ways, marketers need to go beyond the 30-sec product ad or the 300-word press release, and tell purpose-inspired transmedia stories that inspire, organize and energize people. Six Trends in Storytelling Let’s start by recapturing the six important trends that are reshaping how people create, consume and share brand stories: These six trends play an important role in the narrative arc we will draw next: from Hero’s Journey to Heroes to Everyday Heroes. From Hero’s Journey to Heroes to Everyday Heroes Heroʼs Journey: Storytelling The Heroʼs Journey is a good example of a monomyth, or a universal story, that cuts across all types of stories, including myths, movies, novels, and ads. According to Joseph Campbell, all stories follow the same three-part narrative structure of the Hero’s Journey. Heroes: Transmedia Storytelling

The Participatory Documentary CookBook: community documentary using social media “A participatory documentary tells a story about a community using the community’s own words. That story is disseminated back to that community via social media.” (Weight, 4:2011) Now available free, it is a textbook for creating participatory documentaries using social media. Introduction and context: “My students and I have been making participatory documentaries for some years in my course Transient Spaces (part of the Master of Communication Degree at RMIT University, and an elective in other programs). Lecture about structure, social media and tools for making a participatory documentary, mostly derived from the Participatory Documentary Cookbook Useful resources: Jenny Weight Personal Blog: Downloadable document: Slideshare: community, cookbook, documentary, geniwate, Jenny Weight, participatory, RMIT University, social media

Narrativas Transmedia ¿Por qué usar un sólo medio si puedes usarlos todos? La narrativas Transmedia es una nueva manera de contar historias a través de plataformas múltiples creando una experiencia inmersiva para el espectador. Los proyectos audiovisuales con aristas transmediáticas deben ser diseñados así desde su concepción, generando de esta manera una amplia variedad de vehículos por donde la historia será contada (Cine, TV, Móvil, Webisode, Flashmobinng,Video Juegos, Marketing 360,Interactividad Viral, contenido generado por usuarios, realidad aumentada) para crear de esta manera una experiencia multisensorial e interactiva con la audiencia. Transmedia no es Marketing Una experiencia Transmedia de alto nivel es una experiencia narrativa inmersiva, no simplemente una abrumadora campaña de Marketing Crossmedia. Si bien muchos autores señalan al universo trasnmediático como una idea novedosa, nosotros creemos que es simplemente la evolución de la más poderosa narrativa. Siempre se trata de la historia.

curación de contenidos1 Center for Future Storytelling | Research The overall mission of the Center is to explore the convergence between art and technology—particularly as related to creative expression through story forms—in ways that elevate the human experience. To achieve this overall goal, storytelling-related activities of the CFS will address a set of macro themes: TRANXMEDIA | Summit Qué es Timelapse Solemos llamar time-lapse a una secuencia de vídeo acelerada, donde los acontecimientos suceden a una velocidad mucho más rápida de la normal. Para obtener películas time-lapse existen diversos métodos. Podemos grabar una secuencia con una vídeo cámara y luego acelerar la película en cualquier programa de edición de vídeo. Otro método es la captación de imágenes a determinados intervalos de tiempo. Vamos disparando fotografías cada cierto tiempo, y al unir esas imágenes en un programa de edición de vídeo en nuestro ordenador, obtenemos una película con el efecto de “imagen acelerada” característico del time-lapse. El vídeo y el ojo humano Para que nuestro ojo perciba una sensación de movimiento natural en un monitor o pantalla de tv, hemos de mostrar imágenes a un ritmo de 25 por segundo. Definición de time-lapse Time-lapse es el nombre de una técnica fotográfica que consiste en la captación de imágenes fijas que después son reproducidas a una velocidad mayor a la que fueron tomadas.

Workshop | Animation and Interactive Narrative in Flash | Strange Attractors In my interactive animation Testimony: A Story Machine I decided to make a comic strip in which the characters climb out of their frames and reposition themselves (see Figure 1) This idea has been of interest to many people and I feel there is potential for this idea to be taken further. Ths tutorial provides a step by step approach to the process. Figure 1 Get the latest Flash plug-in STEP 1 - THE LOOK AND FEELThe first stage was to decide how many characters and how many frames would make up the comic strip. I chose to keep the standard newspaper format of four horizontal frames, and use three characters (the minimum number that would still allow multiple combinations). Figure 2 STEP 2 - ESTABLISHING THE RULES OF MOVEMENTI began by constructing a diagram establishing nine positions 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H and I' dictating the model of how my characters could position themselves. In my model the characters cannot overlap or obscure each other; but that might be an interesting experiment to try.

Storytelling and Business last updated 5/14/2004 We all have been told stories in our lifetimes since we were quite young. There is a common notion that the role of storytelling is primarily constrained to bedtime or play time for children. The true role of story and storytelling is much greater, older, and elemental than Hollywood. Story and storytelling are tools like any other - a pencil, a computer. The links below represent a sampling of professionals, writers, researchers, and organizations that are furthering the investigation and application of story in business and other organizational contexts. -Kevin Brooks, General Links Steve Denning Author of The Springboard Story Advance chapters of his new book, "Squirrel Inc.: A Fable Of Leadership & Storytelling", to be published by Jossey-Bass in June Doug Lipman Storyteller, professional story coach and workshop leader. Vandania Story Studio

Transmedia Storytelling “Transmedia storytelling” is telling a story across multiple media and preferably, although it doesn’t always happen, with a degree of audience participation, interaction or collaboration. In transmedia storytelling, engagement with each successive media heightens the audience’ understanding, enjoyment and affection for the story. To do this successfully, the embodiment of the story in each media needs to be satisfying in its own right while enjoyment from all the media should be greater than the sum of the parts. Before expanding on how to create transmedia experiences, let’s ask ourselves two questions: Why would you want to tell stories? Why Tell Stories? We tell stories to entertain, to persuade and to explain. Our minds do not like random facts or objects and so they create their own stories to make sense of otherwise discrete, isolated events and items. Great stories win hearts and minds. Why Multiple Media? Join the Community & Sign-up for the Beta Trial! Next >>

Narrativa interactiva - Dramaturgia Audiovisual De Dramaturgia Audiovisual Álvaro Cervantes Iván Correyero Daniel de Pedro Desde los principios de la narración –la tragedia griega-, ya se tenía en cuenta una cierta interactividad o cuanto menos una participación del público, la llamada Κάθαρσις (catarsis), cuando a ella se refiere Aristóteles. El filósofo decía que el espectáculo (tragedia) debe producir en los espectadores sensaciones de compasión y terror, que los purifique de estas emociones, a fin de que salgan del teatro sintiéndose limpios y elevados, con una alta comprensión de los caminos de los hombres y de los dioses. Cómo sostiene J.P. Vernant, la tragedia monta una experiencia humana a partir de personajes famosos, pero los instala y los hace conducirse de tal manera que la catástrofe que se presenta soportada por un hombre, aparecerá en su totalidad como probable o necesaria. Es la era de la retroalimentación. Hiperficción constructiva o Escritura colaborativa: el lector puede modificar la historia. Captura de Los Sims

Tips for Connected Documentarians » The Connected Documentary This is an emerging field. But for filmmakers hacking on web-based stories, it basically boils down to this: You have to commit to the fact the “thing” you are making is not a linear, unchanging video with a discrete runtime (even if your users will experience it as such). And you wouldn’t go about making a web app the same way that you make a traditional film. You can’t tack on “connectedness” after you’ve produced something completely disconnected. #1: Always stay in service of story. Your number one job is to tell a story. Technology can serve as inspiration, but never substitute for story. Technical possibilities can certainly serve as inspiration. Your creative process should start with a strong, compelling story, with characters who have real motivations (or motivating circumstances). Start from the story, think about how you’d want your user to experience that story. #2: To thrive on the web, adopt “systems thinking.” This will be a different process for each story. or like this:
