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Manage it. Call it a day. Meet Lucas: Lives the mobile dream. Bounces between his laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Lucas opens Max’s presentation and Ingrid’s doc for a final review. When done with each, he taps to view the FileSpace, which displays all the edits and actions on the file. Buffer is the best way to share on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and from one place. It work from news apps like Flipboard, Zite, Taptu, TweetDeck, Evernote, Pocket, Instapaper, Pulse, Feedly, UberSocial, Plume, Seesmic, Google Currents and other Google Reader app. You also get Twitter analytics, Facebook analytics & LinkedIn stats. When you find something to share, simply add it to your Buffer queue. 綺麗なプレゼン用スライドを作る、10のテクニック この記事の所要時間: 約 6分10秒 最近、keynoteでプレゼン資料を作ることが増えてきました。 PowerPointで作成するよりも、keynoteで作る方が、フォントが綺麗だし ガイドのラインも出て、配置も綺麗にそろえられるため keynoteを多く使うことが増えてきました。 プレゼンの資料は、中身が勝負でテクニックじゃないのですが あまりにも、見た目の悪いプレゼン資料だと、見てもらえないと せっかく作った良い内容も、台無しになるので、 いままで本などで読んだ、テクニックをまとめておこうと思います。 まずは、サンプル用に作成したプレゼン資料です。 ポイントについて、個別に説明していきます。

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在宅勤務を検討する全ての人たちへ [読了時間:2分] 東日本大震災を受け多くの企業が自宅待機状態となりました。大企業を中心に多くの企業が自宅勤務支援を実施するという報道もあります。果たして自宅で仕事はできるのでしょうか? Foros gratis en; foros gratis phpBB Social curation finds an audience: Pearltrees reaches 10M pageviews With its slick visual interface for bookmarking content, Pearltrees is unique enough that I’ve been both impressed and slightly skeptical that a mass audience will actually use it. But it looks like the site has found plenty of users. The French startup just announced that it crossed two big milestones in March: It has more than 100,000 users curating links, and it received more than 10 million pageviews. Not only does that show the concept is resonating, but it also suggests Pearltrees could reach the scale where it can build a real business around advertising or by offering premium accounts for publishers.

アイデアを大量生産できる最強のフレームワーク「オズボーンのチェックリスト」 若かりし頃、上司から「アイデアを出せ」「次の会議までにアイデアを考えておけ」と言われ、 そのたびに「またアイデアかよ・・・。」「全然思いつかない・・・。」と悩んだものです。 アイデア本を片っ端から読んで試してみましたが、そう簡単にはアイデアは出ないもので、上司へのアイデア報告は大変苦痛だったことを思い出します。 Mi Espacio Welcome to the Age of Curation Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps coined a phrase Friday for something many have been talking about since Apple launched the iPad about six weeks ago. “Curated computing” refers to the way Apple staff examines each piece of software written for iPhone OS devices before allowing it into (or blocking it from) the App Store. Epps is almost certainly not among the first 10,000 people on the planet to observe that the iPhone OS does not allow users to install whatever programs they wish, unless the devices are jailbroken. For that reason, it’s tempting to write off her coinage as an attention-grabbing rehash of a well-worn meme — especially because she plans to take this show on the road at conferences to talk about this observation. That knowledge itself is anything but revelatory to anyone who has been paying even slight attention to what has already been said about the iPhone OS over the past few years.

Curation in the Age of Abundance “A curator is an information chemist. He or she mix atoms together in a way to build an info-molecule. Then adds value to that molecule.” – Scoble The 50+ Best Ways to Curate and Share Your Favorite Social Media and News Content There’s so much information online just begging to be curated: news, social media, images, video, websites… the list goes on. Reading great content from my favorite blogs and websites is one of my favorite down-time activities. It’s also an important part of my job as an IT Director because I need to stay on top of the latest trends, announcements and tech news.

Dropbox as a Hand-in Folder Dropbox is a terrific utility for storing files online. It’s accessible with any computer that can connect to the internet. (Don’t ignore the fact that your portable device is also a computer…) If you’re interested in cloud storage, this is the real deal. Just upload to your Dropbox account and access it from anywhere. It should come as no surprise that you can share those files with others as well.
