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Conor Neill on LinkedIn: "What is the Job of the CEO? 30 minute interview with Waldemar Schmidt, ex-CEO of a 250,000 employee global business. This is a short summary. The full interview is here over on my YouTube channel. #busines ¿Estudio lo que me gusta o lo que pueda darme un trabajo? Nuccio Ordine. Bueno, yo pienso que es un papel fundamental, importantísimo. Yo creo que el futuro de una sociedad se mide con el nivel educativo de esta sociedad. Pero, por desgracia, ¿qué sucede? Que hoy el Estado, no solo en Europa, los estados europeos, sino en el mundo entero, han perdido de vista este tema. Stop asking 'how are you?' Harvard researchers say this is how successful people make small talk “How are you?” These are the three most useless words in the world of communication. The person asking doesn’t really want to know, and the person responding doesn’t tell the truth. What follows is a lost opportunity and meaningless exchange with zero connection. But the key to making the most out of small talk, according to Harvard researchers, is to simply ask the other person follow-up questions. In a series of experiments, researchers analyzed more than 300 online conversations and found that those who were asked more meaningful follow-up questions (a.k.a. questions that aren’t “how are you?” “When people are instructed to ask more questions, they are perceived as higher in responsiveness, an interpersonal construct that captures listening, understanding, validation and care,” the researchers wrote. So how do you move from tongue-tied to being a charismatic and interesting person? Here are seven tactics to having a meaningful conversation: 1. Some of those questions might be: 2. 3. 4.

Pascal BORNET on LinkedIn: "Temperature anomalies by countries during last century Amazing data visualization based on GISTEMP data. Credit Antti Lipponen #analytics #amazingdata #datavisualization #technology #datascience #innovation" Smoking too few cigarettes to be at risk? Smokers' perceptions of risk and risk denial, a French survey. - PubMed - NCBI “Es más peligroso tener a Alexa encima de la mesa que a un señor observándote cada día en el salón” | Tecnología Paloma Llaneza (Madrid, 1965) fue una de las primeras usuarias de Facebook. Pero esta abogada experta en protección de datos, al ver cómo funcionaba la red social y la información suya que recopilaba, borró su cuenta. El día que la compañía de Zuckerberg compró WhatsApp también desinstaló de su teléfono este servicio de mensajería instantánea. “Los datos son valiosos porque dicen muchísimo de nosotros y somos votantes potenciales, compradores potenciales y peticionarios de servicios de transporte, salud, educación y crédito potenciales. El día que WhatsApp hable de todo lo que le hablamos se acaba el mundo El coste de tener instaladas aplicaciones como Facebook, Whatsapp o Instagram “es muy alto”: “El día que WhatsApp hable de todo lo que le hablamos se acaba el mundo”. Cómo evitar la recopilación de nuestros datos Facebook lo ve todo y guarda hasta tus arrepentimientos, que dicen de ti mucho más que lo que mandas

Mark Metry on LinkedIn: "Do you believe you are 100% in control of what you see in front of you? No? Watch this video. I received an unbelievable amount of feedback from last week's Choose To Be a Human 2.0 Original Motivation we ended up creating a secon Dr. Max Mckeown — The Innovation Book The Innovation Book is your roadmap to creating powerful innovations that deliver success in a competitive world. It has been written to make deep smarts about innovation accessible without dumbing down. Inspirational and practical. It answers the following questions: How do you become a more innovative thinker? The Innovation Book will help you tackle the really important challenges and seize the most valuable opportunities. “Inspired, ambitious and complete – a must-read for anyone interested in innovation, creativity and invention.” Tom McMail, Ex-Microsoft Strategic Collaborations Director & Academic Innovations Manager “Strips big ideas down to their essence, making the complicated understandable and turning the theoretical into real-world practical. Broc Edwards, SVP, Director of Learning & Leadership

No puedes convencer a un terraplanista y eso debería preocuparte | Ciencia Hay gente que cree que la Tierra no es una esfera achatada por los polos, sino un disco. Que la Tierra es plana. No es analfabetismo: estudiaron el Sistema Solar y sus planetas en el colegio, pero en los últimos años han decidido que todo eso de "la bola" es una gigantesca manipulación. Solo el 66% de los jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años de EE UU está plenamente seguro de que vivimos en un planeta esférico (el 76% entre 25 y 34 años). Es un fenómeno global, también presente en España, al que cuesta asomarse sin bromear. "El pensamiento conspirativo plantea un problema para el mantenimiento de una esfera pública racional en la que los debates políticos se basan en evidencias", asegura Olshansky Rechazo de la ciencia y los expertos, narraciones maniqueas que explican lo complejo en tiempos de incertidumbre, entronización de la opinión propia por encima de todo, desprecio hacia los argumentos que la contradigan, difusión de falsedades gracias a los algoritmos de las redes...

Find Your WHY Wabi sabi is a Japanese design concept. It means beauty in that which is temporary or imperfect. Things that come off of an assembly line, for example, are perfect, but things made by hand, like the glaze on a Japanese ceramic bowl, are imperfect. It is their imperfections that give them their beauty. The same is true for people. It is the combination of all of our imperfections that make us vulnerable and beautiful. We love the idea of wabi sabi as a metaphor for the work we do. You’ll see little things that are imperfect—the size of images next to each other, for example, or the hand drawn elements.

Healthy Nation Rankings: These Are the Healthiest Countries Maybe it’s something in the gazpacho or paella, as Spain just surpassed Italy to become the world’s healthiest country. That’s according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. Spain placed sixth in the previous gauge, published in 2017. Four additional European nations were among the top 10 in 2019: Iceland (third place), Switzerland (fifth), Sweden (sixth) and Norway (ninth). Healthiest Countries in the World Bloomberg Global Health Index scores for 169 countries, with the top 10 plus U.S. highlighted Sources: Bloomberg analysis of World Health Organization data; United Nations Population Division and the World Bank For the Bloomberg 2019 Healthiest Country Index full data set, click HERE The index grades nations based on variables including life expectancy while imposing penalties on risks such as tobacco use and obesity. Eating Habits — With assistance by Dave Merrill

Scrum board magnets - full tool set | Fast delivery | In stock This PATboard set is the ultimate scrum tool. It can be used for agile project management methods like scrum. It’s magnetic, stackable, reusable and above all; it looks fantastic! Full PATboard scrum tool set, includes: – 96 magnetic TASKcards (grey, yellow, orange, magenta, blue, green) – 16 magnetic STORYcards – 7 magnetic COLUMNcards – 8 IMPEDIMENTcards – 4 PATlanes – 4 color pens (0,6 mm in red, blue, green, black) – 1 black 1 – 2,5mm pen – easy dry sheets – full support from PATboard. TASKcardsCan be used to write down your sprint tasks. STORYcardsAre a bit larger than the TASKcards, more space to write down your userstory. COLUMNcardsAre for each column on your board with a default text. IMPEDIMENTcardsEasily mark impediments on your scrumboard. This is enough to cover all your user stories and sprint tasks on your scrumboard. Notice: glass boards with magnetic foil behind it isn’t suitable for PATboard.Notice: whiteboard is not included.

Tim Denning on LinkedIn: "The client wanted an ROI from digital marketing in one month. 
 I politely told them "You're missing the point." 
 They wanted leads and they wanted them now. The problem is their potential customers don't care. 
 "What value hav
