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The Tech Teachers 50 Educational Podcasts You Should Check Out Podcasting Remember the good old days of TV and radio? Everyone would gather around to be entertained. Shows were broadcast at specific times and if you weren't there on time, you missed it <boo>. Broadcasts disappeared into the ether. Well, things have changed. Here's the big idea. Here are three reasons why podcasting is becoming so popular. The first is that anyone can do it. The second is subscriptions. The third reason is gadgetry. So, let's look at how Jason uses podcasts. He uses the web everyday, rides the bus to work and loves Japanese culture. Recently he found a podcast by a Western couple living in Tokyo. Podcasting made it happen.

Teachers Network - Podcasts on Education | Podcasts on Education The Power of Belief - Mindset and Success: Eduardo Briceno at TEDxManhattanBeach | TED-Ed Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports.

Podcasting TCM Podcasts - Teacher Created Materials For over 30 years Teacher Created Materials has been creating research and standards-based resources for K-12 classrooms. As educators we realize the challenges teachers face with staying up to date on educational topics. Our podcasts are a great way for busy teachers to stay current. Each episode will inspire you and provide useful information you can take into your classroom. You can listen now, or download for later! Current Episode: Previous Episodes:

Videos Creative Commons Kiwi This short and fun animation video by Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand explains the CC licenses. A Shared Culture A high-level overview of the goals of Creative Commons and how we are “saving the world from failed sharing.” Created by Jesse Dylan, director of the “Yes We Can” video. Wanna Work Together? Wanna Work Together? Building on the Past The winner of our Moving Images Contest, Justin Cone created a short, succinct “commercial” that demonstrates what Creative Commons is, and how it works, in a slick package. Reticulum Rex This film describes some of CC’s success stories and gives insight into where we’re headed. CC Brasil In the spring of 2004, a documentary film crew followed Creative Commons staff to Brazil. Mix Tape Sheryl Seibert’s video about found art and remix culture was the second place winner of the Moving Images Contest. Berkman Panel (Dec 2008) Sharing Creative Works This isn’t a video, but it fits the spirit of this section.

Elementary Librarian Podcast 2: Making the Most of a Fixed Schedule - Elementary Librarian Podcast: Play in new window | Download Today’s podcast, Making the Most of a Fixed Schedule, features Laura Stasi of North Bellmore Schools in New York. Laura shares her tips and tricks for surviving and thriving on a fixed schedule with over 800 students. Show Notes Recommend an outstanding school librarian for a future podcast here: 101 Library Centers book (COMING SOON!) How I Use Library Stations Library Lesson Plans Elementary Librarian’s FREE Adopt-A-Shelf Program Contact Laura: Visit Laura’s Teachers Pay Teachers store:
