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It’s All In Your Head: How to Take Advantage of Neuroplasticity

It’s All In Your Head: How to Take Advantage of Neuroplasticity
“Riches, mediocrity and poverty begin in the mind.” - Remez SassonTweet How do you talk to yourself? Do you find fault with most aspects of your life? “Your beliefs become your thoughts,Your thoughts become your words,Your words become your actions,Your actions become your habits,Your habits become your values,Your values become your destiny.”― Mahatma GandhiTweet The concept of this emerging field of science is called neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. These changes are seen in many areas of the brain including the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala. What’s most important is that the brain is constantly rewiring itself. “Don’t believe everything you think.”Tweet In the labs of at institutions including the University of Wisconsin and Harvard Medical School, ground-breaking Western medicine meets centuries-old Eastern practices revealing the power of the mind to sculpt our gray matter. 1) Awareness

abundance Descubren cómo afecta al cerebro tu canción favorita Pues a mi me encantaría que me hicieran el estudio...porque soy una verdadera macarra-analfaVeta en esto de la música..., el espectro de mis gustos musicales es tan amplio y dispar, que horrorizaría a los puristas...., lo mismo me gusta un flamenco serio, que muchas letras rapeadas de Hip-Hop.... Bueno como botón aquí dejo un popurrí que va a dejar a más de un@ escandalizado... Con el primero pido disculpas a los foreros #5 Francisco Jones y #14 maleficae ,por el "destrozo".... pero a mi me encanta la letra ¡¡ea!!...y lo pongo sin ningún complejo.....Si todos tuviésemos el mismo gusto¡¡¡Vaya aburrimiento de vida !!!¡¡¡en la variedad está el color!!! Y ésta se la dedico "a lo que yo más quiero...que ayer fue su cumple.

How to Master New Skills by Dan Kennedy Algunas neuronas tienen prejuicios El cerebro a veces interpreta erróneamente las emociones que ve. Imagen: Ralph Adolphs. Fuente: California Institute of Technology. Al evaluar las emociones de otra persona -feliz, triste, enojado, con miedo- los seres humanos buscan pistas en las expresiones faciales. Las neuronas de una parte del cerebro llamada la amígdala "se encienden" en respuesta a la estimulación visual, a medida que la información es procesada por la retina, la amígdala y una red de estructuras cerebrales interconectadas. Artículos relacionados La amígdala condicionada Cuando los investigadores tomaron datos de las neuronas del hipocampo -una estructura adyacente a la amígdala, que también está involucrada en el procesamiento de pensamientos, emociones y recuerdos- se encontraron con que las células respondían a los estímulos visuales, pero esas respuestas no reflejaban el juicio subjetivo de los pacientes. Imagen: Patrick Hoesly. Referencia bibliográfica: S.

Review: The Interpretation of Financial Statements Benjamin Graham has served as an inspiration to such legendary investors as Warren Buffett and Walter Schloss. His book on investment The Intelligent Investor is considered a classic. In 1934, Graham wrote, in conjunction with David Dodd, what is considered to be the standard book on stock investment principles, Security Analysis. Its size and complexity make it difficult reading for the lay investor but Graham has overcome this to some extent with his explanatory book, the subject of this review. In The Interpretation of Financial Statements, Graham explains, and illustrates, the meaning of those financial terms and principles that need to be understood by anyone considering a stock market investment. As Warren Buffett has said on many occasions, if you don’t understand the business, don’t invest in it. There is an excellent glossary that defines essential financial and investment terms. This is a book that nobody seriously considering a stock investment should be without.

Here are 50 books I recommend December 17th, 2006 - 28 Comments I get a lot of emails wondering what books I read, so I decided to make a list of them. Here are 50 of my favorite books in personal finance, social psychology, entrepreneurship, and design. Each one has been pretty influential to me. Note: This damn Amazon thing was the easiest way out there, but it still doesn’t work perfectly. The full link again to the list: And if you’re wondering what I want to read, here’s my Amazon wishlist. Related Articles Sex vs. salary: Which would you rather talk about? My friend, a perpetual Manhattan bachelor, just got into a relationship with a sweet girl. Read More What’s the best thing you learned from your parents? One of my students asked this amazing question, and I loved it so much that I want to share it ...
