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PLOS Genetics: A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal Data | 1000 Genomes Sample lists and sequencing progress A summary of sequencing done for each of the three pilot projects is available here. The list of samples and allocations is provided in a spreadsheet. Variant Calls Our variant calls are always released in vcf format. The released can be found in the release directory EBI|NCBI. Alignments The main project alignments are available in BAM format. Raw sequence files The main project raw sequence data is available in fastq format. Download data The sequence and alignment data generated by the 1000genomes project is made available as quickly as possible via our mirrored ftp sites. EBI FTP: NCBI FTP: Users in the Americas should use the NCBI ftp site and users in Europe and the rest of the world should use the EBI ftp site The data is also available via an Aspera server from both sites. An example command line for ascp looks like: FTP Hierachy The data dir The technical dir

All About The Human Genome Project (HGP) All About The Human Genome Project (HGP) The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great feats of exploration in history - an inward voyage of discovery rather than an outward exploration of the planet or the cosmos; an international research effort to sequence and map all of the genes - together known as the genome - of members of our species, Homo sapiens. Completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. In this section, you will find access to a wealth of information on the history of the HGP, its progress, cast of characters and future. Educational Resources An Interactive Timeline of the Human Genome [] An interactive, hyper-linked timeline of genetics that takes the reader from Mendel (1865) to the completion of the mapping of the human genome (2003). Top of page General Information Research Model Organisms To view the PDFs on this page you will need Adobe Reader.

User Page - SBGN study guide Visit the Documents section for: various examples (to get a better idea of what an actual map looks like) some tutorials (very accessible, but not always up-to-date) publications about SBGN (a good start for a brief historical overview) detailed technical specifications (the ultimate reference documents, most up-to-date, but a steep learning curve for beginners) some Frequently Asked Questions Please also check the SBGN PD User Manual when you are ready to draw your own maps. Quick overview The Systems Biology Graphical Notation comprises three complementary languages suited to represent different types of pathways. Process Descriptions (PD) is a language that permits the description of the processes (e.g. biochemical reactions) taking place in a biological system. Entity Relationships (ER) is a language that permits the description of all the relations involving the entities of a biological system. Language reference cards SBGN Bricks dictionary Getting started User Manual

PeerWise Welcome to PeerWise To log in, select your school / institution from the list below Sorry, I don't know about that place. Please type a few characters in the box below and then select your institution from the list. Just type the first few characters... PeerWise supports students in the creation, sharing, evaluation and discussion of assessment questions. PeerWise on Twitter (December 2015) Why use PeerWise? PeerWise is very simple to use. Join us! PeerWise is free to use - if you would like to use PeerWise in a class you are teaching and are ready to get started, please request an instructor account. More than 1500 Universities, schools and technical institutes from around the world are using PeerWise. "I could hardly wait to get home from work in the evenings and log onto Peerwise. Distance education student Central Queensland University, Australia Learn more Additional information about PeerWise, for both instructors and students, is available in the Information about PeerWise section.

UMLS Terminology Services -- Home “Why Do We Have to Learn This Stuff?”—A New Genetics for 21st Century Students Citation: Redfield RJ (2012) “Why Do We Have to Learn This Stuff?”—A New Genetics for 21st Century Students. PLoS Biol 10(7): e1001356. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001356 Series Editor: Cheryl A. Published: July 3, 2012 Copyright: © 2012 Rosemary J. Funding: The author received no specific funding for this work. Competing interests: The author has declared that no competing interests exist. Several years ago, our biology program decided to develop a new second-year “Fundamentals of Genetics” course to replace the third-year course that was our legacy from David Suzuki and Tony Griffiths. The Canon Our old course followed the canonical textbook structure, using genetic analysis (see Box 1 for Glossary) to teach the principles of transmission genetics, with the history of genetics providing the organizing framework (see, for example, [1],[2]). Box 1. Epigenetic: heritable differences due to reversible modification of DNA rather than to changes in DNA sequence. Box 2. A Clean Break with the Canon

CCSB Interactome Database Preliminary Human Binary Interactome Datasets Available 1. 13,944 unpublished binary protein-protein interactions (HI-II-11)2. Human ORF collection for binary interaction screening here3. Binary protein-protein interactions from test search space here H uman interactome mapping is the flagship project of CCSB. A first map of the human binary interactome (Rual et al Nature 2005) was obtained by yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) screening for direct, binary interactions within a "Space-I" matrix of ~8,000 x 8,000 ORFs contained in Human ORFeome v1.1 (Rual et al Genome Res 2004). Viruses intrinsically depend on their host cell during the course of infection and can elicit pathological phenotypes similar to those arising from mutations (Gulbahce et al PLoS Comput Biol 2012). Plants have unique features that evolved in response to environmental and ecological challenges. Yeast Interactome version 1 (CCSB-YI1) contains high-quality yeast two-hybrid protein-protein interactions for S. cerevisiae.
