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Design Thinking: Lessons for the Classroom

Design Thinking: Lessons for the Classroom
The Design Thinking Process While design thinking has its roots in the innovation/design sector, the process itself can be used anywhere. Indeed, it is a great tool for teaching 21st century skills, as participants must solve problems by finding and sorting through information, collaborating with others, and iterating their solutions based on real world, authentic experience and feedback. (It is also a great tool to develop and run a school, but that's a different post for a different day.) I had the good fortune to participate in a collaborative workshop at the Big Ideas Fest, where we practiced design thinking with about 12 other educators over a three-day period. Practitioners of design thinking have different steps depending on their needs. 1) Identify Opportunity 2) Design 3) Prototype 4) Get Feedback 5) Scale and Spread 6) Present In design thinking, you work through the steps together in small groups (or "Collabs" as they were called at BIF2011). Six Design Thinking Steps

What is Design Thinking, Really If you’re a businessperson or someone interested in understanding how to facilitate innovation, you’ve probably heard of “design thinking” by now. Coined by IDEO’s David Kelley, the term refers to a set of principles, from mindset to process, that can be applied to solve complex problems. I’ve seen articles lately ranging from those that highlight its potential, [Design Thinking for Social Innovation, How does design thinking give companies a competitive advantage?] to those that warn of it’s impending failure as a practice [Why Design Thinking Won't Save You , The Coming Boom and Bust of Design Thinking]. I just got through the book a few days ago, and feel like I “get it.” Design Thinking as a Path to Innovation Though the subtitle of the book is “How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation,” what Brown is actually proposing in this book goes far beyond offering advice for keeping your business on the leading edge of innovation. Tools for Design Thinking

Design Thinking for Educators Workshop Schedule Weekly assignments, posted on Monday mornings, can be done at any time during the week. Each Monday we will post a new assignment. Participants will use and a Ning site to complete the assignments at any time during the week. Registrants will receive a weekly email which covers that week's assignment with all the necessary links to resources. July 30 - August 3 (Week 1): Introduction to the Design Thinking Process What is Design Thinking? August 6 - 10 (Week 2): Discovery & Interpretation Phase I have a challenge. August 13 - 17 (Week 3): IdeationWe have a better understanding of our challenge. August 20 - 24 (Week 4): Experimentation & EvolutionI see an opportunity: What do I create? August 27-31 (Week 5): The Future In our final week, we'll work to apply Design Thinking in our school or community setting. COST: Free! Thanks for joining us!

Design Thinking » thoughts by Tim Brown New Tools for Businesses in the Pinterest Community Thousands of businesses have become part of our community, giving great ideas, content and inspiration to people on Pinterest. Whether it’s Anthropologie sharing awesome clothes, Whole Foods sharing tasty recipes, the Smithsonian sharing fascinating collections, or Amazon making products easy to pin, many of us have been inspired on Pinterest by businesses. We want to help more businesses provide great content on Pinterest and make it easy to pin from their websites. Today, we’re taking a first step toward that goal with some free tools and resources. New business terms We now have two sets of terms—one for people and one for businesses. Getting to know businesses better Whether you’re a publication, brand, designer, blogger, retailer, online merchant, non-profit organization, institution, or local business, we’d like to get to know you better so that we can provide the right tools and support to help you inspire people on Pinterest. Verify your website. Case Studies.

iDEYA Workshops iDEYA's Creativity + Innovation Workshops ("IDEYA C+I Workshop") are immersive & experiential learning sessions that free people from traditional thinking to equip them with the right attitude and skills to become more creative & innovative. iDEYA Creativity + Innovation Workshop @ The Avellana Art Gallery Workshop Overview & Objectives: To form the habits & behaviors of managers / leaders & their respective organizations towards a culture of applied creativity, which will empower them to innovate their: • Existing ways of thinking (Management Thinking) • Existing models & processes (Business Strategies) • Existing offerings & outputs (Products & Services) Workshop Outline: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. The Workshop participants brainstorm using the various Ideation (Idea Generation) Techniques to come up with new business innovations. The entire class / workshop integrates: • Lectures & discussions on creativity & innovation theories and real-life experiences of Corporate Workshops workshops).

How To Create An Effective Classroom Website No doubt you have already have a classroom website or will be required to create one in the very near future. Virtually every classroom teacher around the globe is being caught up in the development of this essential communication tool. Most of the early birds to this challenge went out and used providers such as Teacher Web. Now, more and more districts are implementing a provider that the entire district will use that provides continuity and uniformity. I started about 8 years ago with a variety of services, but about two years ago my district settled on one software host for us all to use. The first thing you will need is a website template. Hosts WordPress – very clean and attractive, an excellent choice Blogger – Google’s product SchoolRack – free classroom website or blog creator Shutterfly – this photo website met my needs for a couple of years Once you have your blank canvas it’s time to start building your site from the ground up. Audio Contact Methods Forms Images Logos Screencasts

Studio H A "design/build" public school curriculum that sparks community development through real-world, built projects Studio H is an in-school design/build class for 8th-11th grade students. First launched in Bertie County, NC and now based at Realm Charter School in Berkeley, CA, Studio H students apply their core subject learning to design and build audacious and socially transformative projects. Líder de información en español The Role of Tech vs The Purpose of Education Working in the field of digital media and learning, where the important role of new technologies in learning seems self-evident, the slow pace of change in mainstream education can feel frustrating. Responding to this challenge, we give a lot of attention to thinking about ways to support and encourage teachers to make greater use of the opportunities presented by digital media, but perhaps we should spend more time considering how and why technologies come to be used, or not used, in the first place. Ambitious Goals for the Transformative Potential of Digital Media Enthusiasm for the use of digital media in education stems from a number of very different places. Whatever the reasons behind enthusiasm for using digital media in education, it can quickly turn to frustration at what can seem to be a distinct lack of progress in mainstream classrooms. A Bolder Sociological Imagination is Needed Rewriting the Narratives of Technology and Education

La identidad digital en la Escuela 2.0 | Durante este último mes hemos tenido la suerte de contar con nuestro amigo Antonio Omatos (@aomatos), -al que agradecemos encarecidamente su participación, primero en el Berritzegune de Getxo y un poco más tarde en el Berritzegune de Basauri-Galdakao-, para dinamizar unos talleres sobre el tema de la Identidad y el uso de las Redes Sociales por parte de los menores, con la colaboración de Juan Carlos Guerra (@juancarikt). Este debería ser uno de los primeros contenidos a trabajar con un alumnado que no sólo utiliza el ordenador y accede a las RRSS en su casa, sino que también lo hace en el aula (ahora, en teoría, de manera sistemática en las aulas de la Escuela 2.0) y, a menudo, tanto en uno como en otro contexto, lo hace sólo, con muy poca información y con muy poco asesoramiento. El tema es muy amplio y tiene diferentes aspectos a tratar, todos ellos de gran importancia e imprescindibles dentro del marco de la Escuela 2.0. En esta ocasión Antonio propuso al profesorado dos talleres.

Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. Using the video, handouts, and facilitation tips below, we will take you step by step through the process of hosting or participating in a 90 minute design challenge. If you choose to participate, in 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project. This is a fast-paced project where participants pair up to interview each other, identify real needs, and develop a solution to “redesign the gift-giving experience” for their partner. Through this experience we hope you will take away some of the basic principles of Design Thinking and start to adapt them into your personal and professional routines. Below, you will find three sections: Gear Up!

