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Bedtime calculator

Bedtime calculator

Brewing Green teas in a Gaiwan - Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company Ok, you've given up on the "tea ball" and are ready to take it to the next level. Welcome to brewing in a Gaiwan! This is for when you want to sit down with a friend and enjoy some time and tea together -- also, don't be afraid to brew this way at your desk, it's relaxing as you work. A Gaiwan (Ch.) is a covered bowl of some sort that can be used to brew tea. Mmmm. Enter the Gaiwan set. Now first off, we need to warm our set. Warm the rest of the set up by just pouring the hot water from your Gaiwan into the other pieces. Fill your Gaiwan about half-way with your whole-leaf green tea. Here's a close up of our Sanxia sourced Taiwanese Biluochun. Now for the QUICK RINSE: Use water around the 175 deg. mark. The 1st Infusion: Fill up your Gaiwan with fresh hot water. Cover your Gaiwan with the lid and wait 30-45 sec. Strain it into your reservoir. Looks great. Now use the reservoir to pour into the cups. Here's what it looks like after the first infusion. Delicious. Now it's time for round 2.

Free Online OCR - convert scanned PDF and images to Word, JPEG to Word MonsieurManuel - Téléchargez un manuel, notice, mode d'emploi et guide utilisateur gratuitement Gungfu et Gaiwan Pour beaucoup le Gung-Fu Cha, ou l'art chinois d'infuser le thé avec équilibre et discernement, va de pair avec une théière de Yixing, ces petites théières auxquelles on attribue la capacité de magnifier le thé qu'elles infusent. La théière n'est cependant pas l'unique ustensile à pouvoir prendre place au centre du Gung-Fu Cha, et une autre manière d'infuser son thé de la sorte existe : Le Gaiwan (盖碗), aussi parfois appelé zhong. Dénigré par certains, qui ne jurent que par la théière Yixing le Gaiwan est pourtant un outil incontournable et qui n'a d'égal dans bien des situations. Littéralement en Chinois "bol avec un couvercle" le gaiwan peut s'utiliser de différentes façons. Si certains l'utilisent véritablement comme un bol pour y boire directement, notamment au Sichuan où c'est la tradition, le Gaiwan peut aussi replacer la théière dans la pratique du Gung-Fu Cha.

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how to easily delete your online accounts | Spring Financial is a finance company based in Canada. The company was founded in 2014. Spring Financial is a subsidiary of Canada Drives, which is a leading auto financing company in Canada. The Chief Executive Officer is Michael Galpin. The Director is Cody Green. Upon loan approval, the funds will go into a secure trust account. Canceling your loan is simple. Gaiwan, bols et tasses à thé Les ustensiles du thé – 3 Gaiwans Le gaiwan (ou zhong ou gaibei) est l'outil indispensable de tout amateur de thé. On peut tout faire avec, infuser toutes les sortes de thés, les humer, les apprécier et même les boire… On les trouve à 5€ dans les bazars chinois, les parois sont plutôt épaisses, mais ils sont d'un rapport qualité/prix imbattable, et on ne stresse pas trop quand on le casse. Un gaiwan est composé de 3 parties : la soucoupe ou sous-tasse la tasse (que l'on nomme aussi gaiwan) et le couvercle Réserver les jolis gaiwans décorés à la main pour les occasions spéciales comme ci-dessus un de Jin De Zhen. Le « easy gaiwan » (ci-dessus un modèle en céladon blanc céleste) avec des prises isolées sur le rebord, un bec verseur et un filtre, est une alternative tout à fait intéressante pour infuser des pu-erh à 100°C sans trop se brûler les doigts ou des thés à petites feuilles. Préparer le thé avec un gaiwan – (7 images) Bols & tasses Conclusion sur les ustensiles

Old versions of Windows, Mac and Linux Software, Apps & Abandonware Games - Download at How to Brew with a Gaiwan – Samovar Tea Lounge Here is how we like to use this gaiwan (start with these guidelines, and then experiment on your own): * Pre-warm the cup by adding some hot water to it, and then discarding that water * Brew the tea directly in the cup by adding 2-3 tbsp of dry leaves * Awaken the leaves. For oolongs and puerhs, cover the leaves with some hot water, and then immediately discard that first “rinsed” infusion. Leave the lid on the rinsed leaves * Lift the guywan to your nose and tilt the lid open about 1/2” to release the aroma of the awakened leaves. Take it in. Inhale again and again, savoring this intoxicating scent * Now add some hot water to these leaves, paddle them once or twice with the lid, and then replace the lid to let them steep about 30 seconds * Tilt the lid back slightly and either start sipping directly from the gaiwan, or, decant the brew into another cup. Experiment with both the quantity of tea and brewing time to find what works best for each tea.

Don’t Like Tea? – 14 Ways to Make Tea More Enjoyable! - 1001 Tea Facts So, you know that tea is really good for your health and you are trying to convince yourself to have that cup of tea every day, but you can’t seem to enjoy its bitter taste that much.. Tea is wonderful for your body and mind and you should definitely give it a second chance. Luckily there are multiple ways to make it more delicious. 1. White or brown, sugar is the most common add-in to tea. 2. Another way to sweeten your tea is good old honey! 3. Ginger is used all over the world as a spice to compliment favorite dishes and it’s known for it’s aromatic and pungent flavor. 4. This is an essential ingredient for most tea drinkers. 5. In Britain people add milk to their tea to soften its flavor and make it more delicious. Tip: It’s preferable to use warm or hot milk instead of cold when adding it to hot tea because cold milk will make the milk proteins to scald. 6. 7. That’s right! 8. This is a spice the majority of people use to to give some extra flavor to their tea. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Comment fabriquer un vidéoprojecteur avec une boîte à chaussure et un smartphone Fabriqué à l'aide d'une boîte à chaussure et d'une loupe, ce projecteur pour smartphone ne coûte presque rien. (Crédit : Photojojo) Pourquoi dépenser jusqu'à plusieurs milliers d'euros pour un vidéoprojecteur, quand on peut le fabriquer soi-même ? Grâce à Laurel Kate, auteure du blog Photojojo, il est désormais possible de bâtir un tel projecteur à l'aide de quelques objets de récupération. Celui-ci n'aura bien sûr pas la résolution d'un home cinéma, mais il sera plus pratique que le petit écran d'un smartphone pour visionner des photos et des vidéos entre amis ou en famille. Matériel nécessaire - Une boîte à chaussures - Une loupe - De la peinture noire - De l'adhésif d'électricien noir - Un grand trombone - Un cutter - Un crayon - Un smartphone (Crédit : Photojojo) 1. Commencez par peindre l'intérieur de votre boîte à chaussure et de son couvercle en noir. 2. Découpez proprement le cercle tracé précédemment à l'aide du cutter. 3. 4. 5. Le vidéoprojecteur est presque prêt. 6. 7.

How to Turn Your Phone Into a DIY Photo Projector for $1 Slide projectors are great but outdated. And digital projectors cost a bundle. What’s a photographer to do when they’re looking for a bigger picture? We’ll show you how to turn your phone into a photo projector for just $1. Yep, for a buck you can have Instagram on overdrive and Flickr living large. The project is so easy, you might even have time to sneak in a cat video or two. Make a DIY Projector for $1 Why it’s Cool: A phone based projector is a great way to show off your mobile photos and your phone hack savvy. Just picture laying in bed browsing your feed or watching a movie on a ginormous screen. A projector provides a new way of looking at your shots, and for $1, who can afford not to try this project? The Ingredients: ShoeboxPaperclipSmartphoneMagnifying glass (get it for $1 at Dollar Tree), or a large aperture lensX-acto knife or similarElectrical or black duct tape Optional: Matte black spray paint or black paper Step 1: Trace a Hole on the Box Step 2: Cut a Hole in That Box

The Ikea Blog » Hack: ALVE Corner Workstation The Ikea Blog Hack: ALVE Corner Workstation March 10, 2010 ~ Hacks Jordan from Oh Happy Day! turned the rustic ALVE Corner Workstation into a chic computer station. The result is just perfect! Via Jordan Ferney | Oh Happy Day! Comments Elizabeth March 26, 2010 The alve looks great! Post your comment (Required) (Required, will not be published) Search Follow us Categories Popular articles Blogroll send us an email Copyright ©

an organized basement nook: the after - the sweetest digs After working away in this little corner of our pad for the last month, we can finally call this spot done-zo. And let me tell you, this nook works harder than any other spot in our place. Here is what we started with. We cleared out the space, painted the turquoise wall, invested in our IKEA Algot system and Aneboda wardrobe, some storage bins, and got to installing and organizing…. And now? There are a few main zones of the nook. To the left of the paints are the drawer section of our Algot system. Then we move over to the actual shelving part. All of our paperwork had been in magazine files up in our office (which will be no longer, with baby sprout coming along!) The magazine files that stayed were for a few select items that we add to very frequently. The shelves didn’t quite reach all the way to the other wall due to a bulkhead, but luckily, this worked out perfectly. And finally, along that last wall, is our new wardrobe. Grand total: $528 Phew! Want to start a blog? Awesome!
