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4chan is an English-language imageboard website. Users generally post anonymously, with the most recent posts appearing above the rest. 4chan is split into various boards with their own specific content and guidelines. Registration is not required, nor is it possible (except for staff). Launched on October 1, 2003, its boards were originally used for the posting of pictures and discussion of manga and anime, as the site was modelled on Japanese imageboards. The site has been linked to Internet subcultures and activism, most notably Project Chanology. 4chan users have been responsible for the formation or popularization of Internet memes such as lolcats, Rickrolling, "Chocolate Rain", Pedobear and many others. Background 4chan has been the target of occasional denial of service attacks. In 2010 4chan implemented reCAPTCHA in an effort to thwart spam arising from JavaScript worms. On October 1, 2013, 4chan became 10 years old.[39] Christopher Poole Links to Anonymous and Project Chanology Related:  Divan 1ere année s2

Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read? I received a Kindle for my birthday, and enjoying “light reading,” in addition to the dense science I read for work, I immediately loaded it with mysteries by my favorite authors. But I soon found that I had difficulty recalling the names of characters from chapter to chapter. At first, I attributed the lapses to a scary reality of getting older — but then I discovered that I didn’t have this problem when I read paperbacks. When I discussed my quirky recall with friends and colleagues, I found out I wasn’t the only one who suffered from “e-book moments.” Online, I discovered that Google’s Larry Page himself had concerns about research showing that on-screen reading is measurably slower than reading on paper. This seems like a particularly troubling trend for academia, where digital books are slowly overtaking the heavy tomes I used to lug around. VIDEO: Trippy Video: Inside the World Series of Memorization Second, the book readers seemed to digest the material more fully.

4chan - Encyclopedia Dramatica An imageboard functioning as the originator of a significant amount of the internet's memes. Page created by: Summary Depending on who you are, 4chan may be a leftist hate machine , a site full of losers, a meme factory , or just a cool place to hang out . 4chan is an imageboard , a unique kind of forum which does not require registration and encourages posting anonymously , and has an overall focus on images, specifically. 4chan is a dominant center of internet culture. The boards are color coded into two colors, red (Futaba) and blue (Burichan). 4chan's members, especially /b/tards, have been known to organize. Origins 4chan originated out of a 15 year old moot 's New York City residence on September 29th, 2003 when he was interested in obtaining a email address as 2chan began to rise in popularity with Western audiences. Current status 4chan is one of the largest sources for memes and continues to grow in popularity. 4chan is often referred to as the anus of the internet. Facts

Nuits, dormeurs et rêves de la Renaissance au musée du Luxembourg Les artistes de la Renaissance ont abondamment abordé le thème, essentiellement en peinture. Car il est plus difficile de représenter un monde parallèle en sculpture. C’est pourtant sur une sculpture que s’ouvre l’exposition : un plâtre représentant une figure endormie, d’après "La Nuit" de Michel Ange, qui a inspiré des nombreuses sculptures et peintures. La conception du rêve est alors toute autre que celle qui nous est familière. Battista Dossi, Allégorie de la Nuit, vers 1543-1544, Dresde, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Gemäldegalerie © BPK, Berlin, Dist RMN-Grand Palais / Elke Estel / Hans-Peter Kluth Le sommeil, source d’inspiration Battista Dossi figure "La Nuit" sous les traits d’une femme majestueuse, endormie et entourée de monstres, menacée par un homme, avec un château en flammes au fond. Paolo Caliari, dit Veronese, La Vision de sainte Hélève, vers 1570-1575, Londres, The National Gallery Comment inscrire l’espace du rêve dans le tableau ? © 2013, Photo Scala, Florence

7chan Post Human « Redéfinir la vie », Post Human, vingt ans après Outil de recherche aussi nécessaire aux études curatoriales qu’à l’histoire de l’art, le principe de reproductibilité des expositions a récemment privilégié un certain nombre d’expositions canoniques, lors d’expositions-archives ou littéralement identiques aux originales. Il en existe de moins connues ou moins analysées, qui ont pourtant elles aussi marqué leur temps et les esprits. Il faut citer à ce sujet « Post Human », une série d’expositions organisée par Jeffrey Deitch en 1992[1] qui examinait la manière dont l’art « figuratif[2] » réagissait aux avancées biotechnologiques et informatiques, ainsi qu’aux changements dans les comportements humains post-68, remettant fondamentalement en question les principes humanistes. Couverture du catalogue Post Human, design graphique Dan Friedman, 1992 © DESTE Foundation. Timur Si-Qin, Premier Machinic Funerary: Part I, 2014 (detail). Juliette Bonneviot, XenoEstrogens, 2015. J. 4 I. 12 R. 14 J.

Why the Web Won't Be Nirvana After two decades online, I'm perplexed. It's not that I haven't had a gas of a good time on the Internet. I've met great people and even caught a hacker or two. But today, I'm uneasy about this most trendy and oversold community. Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. Baloney. Consider today's online world. What the Internet hucksters won't tell you is tht the Internet is one big ocean of unedited data, without any pretense of completeness. Won't the Internet be useful in governing? Point and click:Then there are those pushing computers into schools. Then there's cyberbusiness. What's missing from this electronic wonderland?

Fifteen Million Merits 2nd episode of the 1st series of Black Mirror "Fifteen Million Merits" is the second episode of the first series of the British science fiction anthology series Black Mirror. It was written by the series creator and showrunner Charlie Brooker and his wife Konnie Huq[note 1] and directed by Euros Lyn. It first aired on Channel 4 on 11 December 2011. Set in a world where most of society must cycle on exercise bikes in order to earn currency called "merits", the episode tells the story of Bing (Daniel Kaluuya), who meets Abi (Jessica Brown Findlay) and convinces her to participate in a talent show so she can become famous. The episode was inspired by Huq's idea that her technology-obsessed husband Brooker would be happy in a room covered by screens; it additionally drew motivation from the narrative of talent shows leading to fame. The episode received a positive critical reception. Plot[edit] Whilst in his room, Bing sees an advert for WraithBabes featuring Abi. Production[edit] Music[edit]

Gilles BARBIER L'inconséquence des gestes 2006 Technique mixte, dimensions variables Vues d'exposition au Carré d'Art, Musée d'art contemporain de Nîmes, 2006 Commissaire de l’exposition : Françoise Cohen Présentation de l'exposition Carré d'art de Nimes, 2006 L’œuvre de Gilles Barbier privilégie le fragment et la multiplicité à la somme. Elle propose un scénario critique face à une réalité de plus en plus affirmative et médiatiquement assénée, mais de plus en plus fantasmée aussi. Les sports de glisse, l’intelligence artificielle, le village global de Mac Luhan sont des modes d’approche d’un monde contemporain lisse, dont la complexité perturbante se décompose mieux en pixels qu’en sujets. Chacune des expositions de Gilles Barbier propose une plongée dans les fictions qui, pour lui, aident à donner sens au réel.

Robert Henke
