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Editions Cambourakis

Editions Cambourakis

Des ronds dans l'O - Edition de Bandes Dessinées, Romans, Récits jeunesse et adulte Red Pepper Au diable vauvert No Comprendo Press Futuropolis | Futuropolis The Dictionary of Imaginary Places The Dictionary of Imaginary Places (1980, 1987, 1999) is a book written by Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi. It takes the form of a catalogue of fantasy lands, islands, cities, and other locations from world literature—"a Baedecker or traveller's guide...a nineteenth-century gazetteer" for mental travelling. The book[edit] To remain of manageable size, the Dictionary excludes places that are off the planet Earth (eliminating many science fiction locales), as well as "heavens and hells and places of the future," and literary pseudonyms for existing places, like the Yoknapatawpha County of William Faulkner or the Barsetshire of Anthony Trollope and Angela Thirkell. The book is widely noted for the number and excellence of its illustrations, by Graham Greenfield, and its maps and charts, by James Cook. See also[edit] An Atlas of Fantasy Notes[edit] References[edit] Cuddon, John Anthony. External links[edit] An online extension of the D.I.P.

Editions de l'Eclat Jippi Comics index Nexofía A continuación pueden encontrar el catálogo completo de libros editados electrónicamente por Nexofía: - El libro de Kierkegaard, Estudios en el segundo centenario de su nacimiento (1813-2013), ed. de Jose María Carabante y Antonio Lastra - Lituania philosophica. De Kant a Lévinas, ed. de Jurate Rosales. - La influencia de Harold Bloom. Estudios y testimonios, ed. de Carlos X. - Giusseppe Raguní, Confines lógicos de la matemática, traducción de María Belén Hernández González, con la colaboración de Almudena Miralles. - Antonio Ansón, Literatura y artes visuales. - Shoah, ed. de Antonio Lastra y Francesc Morató. - José Félix Baselga, Autorreflexión y lógica de la diferencia. - Juan Diego González Sanz, Explorar el día a día.

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