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Social Learning Theory: Understanding Bandura's Theory of Learning

Social Learning Theory: Understanding Bandura's Theory of Learning
What is Social Learning Theory? The social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the most influential theory of learning and development. While rooted in many of the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. While the behavioral theories of learning suggested that all learning was the result of associations formed by conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment, Bandura's social learning theory proposed that learning can also occur simply by observing the actions of others. His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Bandura explained: "Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Basic Social Learning Concepts There are three core concepts at the heart of social learning theory. 1. 2. 3.

Étude : le e-learning ne convient pas à tous  Apprendre sans désir, c’est désapprendre à désirer. (Raoul Vaneigem) Une étude (PDF; p. 31) conclut que les cours en ligne ne profitent pas à tous les apprenants (University of Missouri : Despite Popularity, MU Researcher Finds not Everyone Can Successfully Learn Through Online Courses). Avec seulement 30 % environ des étudiants qui terminent les cours, il y a effectivement de quoi s’interroger. L’auteur fait cependant l’intéressante observation que les étudiants qui s’accommodent bien des cours en ligne présentent les mêmes caractéristiques que ceux qui réussissent dans un cadre traditionnel. L’éducation traditionnelle ne convient pas plus à tous, quoique le taux de décrochage n’atteint pas 70 %. Le e-learning n’est encore qu’au stade embryonnaire, contrairement à l’éducation traditionnelle. Peu importe la méthode, la pédagogie et le moyen doivent s’imbriquer à l’individu. (Image thématique : Learning Curves, par James Rosenquist) Par ricochet : Les types de e-learning Enseigner au futur

The differences between learning in an e-business and learning in a social business In my recent webinar, Social & Collaborative Learning in the Workplace, I shared a slide that showed the 5 stages of workplace learning. This has attracted a lot of interest, and I’ve been asked to talk more about the differences between “learning” in Stages 1-4 and Stage 5. Working and learning in Stages 1-4 is based upon a Taylorist, industrial age mindset. Although the advent of e-technology in the late 1990s changed businesses into e-businesses, this was essentially about automating existing business thinking and practices. Stage 5, however, is quite different. Now, let’s be clear about what a social business is. “A Social Business isn’t just a company that has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. In the chart below I’ve briefly summarised some of the fundamental differences in thinking and practice between “learning in an e-business” and “learning in a social business” – and how it can be supported.
