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Générateur de data

Générateur de data

Concept de This data type randomly generates human names (mostly Western) according to the format you specify. You can specify multiple formats by separating them with the pipe (|) character. The following strings will be converted to their random name equivalent: This data type randomly generates names. Whatever text you enter into the options text field will be used to generate telephone numbers. Select one of the values in the example dropdown for some ideas. As with many of the other data types, to generate phone numbers in multiple format separate them with a pipe | character. This Data Type tries to generate a phone number in an appropriate format for the row of data. This data type randomly generates a date between the dates specified, and allows for unique formatting of the result. Day Week Month Year This data type generates a random company name, comprised of a lorem ipsum word and an appropriate suffix, like Dolor Inc., or Convallis Limited. Generates a random zip or postal code.

Unit-Testing XML There are many occasions where software creates XML output. XML documents are used for data interchange between different applications, web application create (X)HTML output or respond to AJAX requests using little XML snippets. There are many use cases where XML is generated and the outputs have to be tested as much as any other part of the application. There are several approaches for testing the generated XML, and each of these approaches has its flaws when used in isolation. For example you can: validate the generated XML against a DTD, an XML Schema or any of the other grammar alternatives. In addition the existing APIs for either task are often inconvenient. XMLUnit XMLUnit is an open source project licensed under the BSD license. There is a Java and a .NET version of XMLUnit, but the Java version is more mature and provides more features. XMLUnit was founded by Tim Bacon and Jeff Martin in 2001 and developed as a testing framework for their own projects. Validating XML DetailedDiff

10 Essential SQL Tips for Developers | Nettuts+ SQL is yet another essential language for developers wishing to create data-driven websites. However, many developers are unfamiliar with various aspects of SQL; so in this article, we'll analyze ten essential tips. 1. Use The Right Language Web developers often have a plethora of languages at their disposal. Let's review the following code. When you are writing code, make sure that it works efficiently. Too many developers are satisfied with code that performs adequately on 100 rows of data, with little thought ahead to when the database will have 10,000 rows. 2. Databases store valuable information. In case you aren't convinced about the seriousness of database security, these two articles should help drive the point home: "The FBI and Virginia State Police are searching for hackers who demanded that the state pay them a $10 million ransom by Thursday for the return of millions of personal pharmaceutical records they say they stole from the state's prescription drug database." 3. 4. 5. 6.

Comment parler des données ouvertes à des non-développeurs? Comment parler des données ouvertes à un public de non-développeurs ? Comment fournir les bases nécessaires pour mieux en saisir les contours, les enjeux et les limites ? Dans le cadre du séminaire Cultures numériques de Sciences Po Rennes, j’ai animé un atelier pratique qui visait à répondre, par l’exemple des données de mobilité, à ces questions. Une thématique : la mobilité urbaine Le marquage au sol J’ai choisi d’orienter cet atelier sur la thématique de la mobilité urbaine. Le tableau des départs La séance réunit une vingtaine d’étudiants de Sciences Po Rennes, de l’Université Rennes 2 et de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Les étudiants ont recensé plus d’une vingtaine de modes de transports différents, du métro au vélo individuel en passant par l’auto-partage ou le taxi-vélo. L’information, l’autre carburant de la mobilité Une information voyageurs Les données : de quoi parle-t-on ? La chasse aux données : la mise en pratique Dans le kit : une photo du quartier Dans la gare Epilogue J'aime :

TDD Anti-Patterns Recently I began to write a paper on TDD Anti-Patterns, and decided to first quickly jot down some of the most common ones that others or myself have encountered “in the wild.” I then posted what I had on the testdrivendevelopment on yahoogroups mailing list, and got an excellent bit of feedback! As a side note, keep in mind this is merely a catalog at the moment, hopefully to be expanded in full down the road. TDD Anti-Pattern Catalogue The Liar An entire unit test that passes all of the test cases it has and appears valid, but upon closer inspection it is discovered that it doesn’t really test the intended target at all. Excessive Setup A test that requires a lot of work setting up in order to even begin testing. The Giant A unit test that, although it is validly testing the object under test, can span thousands of lines and contain many many test cases. The Mockery Sometimes mocking can be good, and handy. The Inspector Generous Leftovers [4] The Local Hero [1] The Nitpicker [1] The Dodger [1]

CodeProject: Improving the performance of queries using SQL Server Part 2. Free source code and programming help Introduction In the previous article: Improving the performance of queries using SQL Server: Part 1, we discussed using SQL Profiler to identify queries that need looking at, to see if performance can be improved. We learned how to set the criteria that allow us to focus on the queries that are most likely to give us performance gains if we fix them. In this article, we are going to look at how to take the information we gleaned from the SQL Profiler and use it to enhance our queries so that they are more performant. Starting out Before we dive into looking at indexes and execution plans, we need to consider whether or not a query is well written or not. This query is a prime example of a badly written query that needs a serious kick up the backside before we even consider the plan: As we can see, the big problem with this query is that it is just badly written. Right, the first thing that we need to do then is to rewrite the query so that it cuts out the unnecessary work that it is doing.

Federal IT Dashboard The data feed design tool allows you to select a series of fields to draw from the IT Dashboard database of Exhibits 53 and 300. This dataset is a combination of every agency's Exhibit 53. It includes one row for each investment in the Federal IT Portfolio. Each investment has a Unique Investment Identifier (UII), as well as a collection of spending figures. This dataset is a combination of every agency's Exhibits 300. Select from the available fields on the left and click "Add" to add them to your design. Download as a CSV produces a comma separated values file with a static snapshot of the data.

Integrating JMeter into Ant Last updated Mar 14, 2003. In 1995, Sun Microsystems made the first public version of Java available. It defined Java as having the following attribute: Java is simple. That simplicity derives from syntax similar to C/C++ and the omission of complex C/C++ features such as multiple implementation inheritance, pointers, and operator overloading.Java is object-oriented. Java’s object-oriented nature encourages a developer to think in terms of classes and objects rather than separate code and data. The above definition implies that Java is not your average computer language. Initially these goals were ambitious and required developers to spend a significant amount of time testing and debugging their applications running in different virtual machines on different operating systems, but as time moved forward, so did Java. The History of Java In 1991, a research group at Sun Microsystems, as part of their "Green" project, was working to develop software to control consumer electronic devices.

Database Design - Introduction Also available on color tutorial, demo application, and video; for Web accessibility resources and consulting, please see The Enabled Web. This third edition of dbDesign is a general update, both to meet legal requirements for U.S. “Section 508” accessibility and to bring the code into compliance with the latest World Wide Web Consortium standards. In the process, I've tried to make the SQL examples as generic as possible, although you will still have to consult the documentation for your own database system. Graphics no longer require the SVG plugin; large-image and text-only views of each graphic are provided for all readers; the menu is now arranged by topic areas; and the print version (minus left-side navigation) is done automatically by a style sheet. The second edition was largely motivated by the very helpful comments of Prof. The original site was the outgrowth of a previous book project, Practical Relational Database Design, by Wayne Dick and Tom Jewett.

Daten für alle | Trendreport Die Open Data Bewegung fordert, dass Daten – nicht nur Zahlen, sondern alle Informationen, die digitalisiert und analysiert werden können – der Allgemeinheit zur freien Verfügung und Weiterverwendung zugänglich gemacht werden. Damit diese Daten genutzt werden können, müssen sie drei Kriterien erfüllen: sie müssen zugänglich (suchbar), standardisiert (z.B. in Form von CSV, Text oder Excel) und wieder verwendbar sein (in dem sie mit offenen Lizensierungen wie Creative Commons geschützt sind). Die Treiber hinter dem Trend Daten für alle sind sowohl technischer, als auch sozio-kultureller Natur. Denn die Verarbeitungskapazitäten für die ständig wachsenden digitalen Inhalte sind exponentiell gestiegen und ermöglichen Zugang nicht nur zu den Endprodukten, sondern auch den Rohdaten. Offene Daten und Transparenz verbessern Politik Im Zuge von Open-Government-Initiativen gehen immer mehr Regierungen dazu über, staatliche Informationen leichter verfügbar zu machen und transparenter zu werden (s.

Questions about JUnit Can You Write a JUnit Test Case Class in 2 Minutes? JUnit Questions and Answers (Continued from previous question...) Can You Write a JUnit Test Case Class in 2 Minutes? With the simple class,, listed in the previous question, you should be able to write a simple JUnit test case class within 2 minutess. Here is a nice example provided in the article "Writing a JUnit Test in 5 minutes" by Kamal Mettananda with some minor changes. This test case class contains two tests: "testAdd()" - Testing the Calc.add() method. This test case class also contains the main() method that allows to run both tests by: "java CalcTest". (Continued on next question...) Other Interview Questions DbUnit - Database Testing Database Testing Richard Dallaway notes about database unit testing inspired me the realization of the DbUnit framework. I think this is a very good text about this subject. Hopefully he gave me the permission to present excerpts from his notes here. The original text is much longer and I strongly suggest you to read it as well. Unit testing database These are my notes on how I've gone about unit testing database functionality. The problem is this: you have a SQL database, some stored procedures, and a layer of code sitting between your application and the database. Why bother? I'm guessing some, if not a lot, of database development goes like this: set up database, write code to access database, run code, do a SELECT to see if the records showed up in the database. The problem with visual inspection is this: you don't do it often, and you don't check everything every time. Automated tests — painless tests that run often and test lots — reduce the chances of your data is going missing. permet de générer des jeux de test en ligne pour vos bases de données.
Pour ceux qui bossent avec moi, le mieux est encore de télécharger l'appli, vous comprendrez pourquoi quand vous essaierez de créer un jeux de clients... Harf. by wilfriedmartin Dec 29
