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XPath Tutorial

XPath Tutorial

XML / Darstellung von XML-Daten / XPath-Syntax Die Aufgaben von XPath XPath ist ebenso wie XML, XSL und XSLT ein Sprachprojekt des W3-Konsortiums. Für XPath gibt es eine eigene Arbeitsgruppe, die an der Spezifikation der XPath-Sprache arbeitet. W3C-Einstiegsseite zu XPath mitverfolgen. XPath ist jedoch lediglich eine Art Hilfssprache, die erforderlich ist, damit XSLT seine Aufgaben wahrnehmen kann. Adressierung von DatenDefinition logischer AusdrückeZusätzliche Funktionen Adressierung von Daten Beim Übersetzen einer XML-Dokumentstruktur in eine andere XML-Dokumentstruktur, also etwa beim Übersetzen eines Dokuments mit eigener XML-DTD in ein HTML-Dokument, ist es wichtig, jeden Bestandteil der Datenstruktur genau ansprechen zu können. xsl:value-of-Anweisung oder das match-Attribut der xsl:template-Anweisung. Das Adressieren von Daten mit XPath wird auf dieser Seite weiter unten beschrieben. Definition logischer Ausdrücke xsl:if-Anweisung. Die Definition von logischen Ausdrücken mit XPath wird auf dieser Seite im Abschnitt Knotentypen Achsen

Parse XML with PHP5 - One of the most common things web coders run into is the need to parse some type of XML file. Many web services return API calls in XML format, so it's just handy to know how to parse these results quickly. With PHP4 you usually have to rely on some large parsing library to get the job done or deal with overly complicated PHP functions, but PHP 5 has a great extension called SimpleXML. When I say parsing XML, I'm talking about navigating through XML markup to return data of interest. For example, let's take a look at the Yahoo! geocoding API. Here is an example call to the geocoding service to get the latitude and longitude of Atlanta, GA. This is the XML output for that call: Typical SimpleXML Usage If we only want to receive the latitude and longitude from the XML result, we can quickly do that with SimpleXML. The function simplexml_load_file() loads the external XML file. var_dump(xml); echo "<pre>"; var_dump(xml); echo "</pre>"; Wrapup

Integrate Oracle Business Rules with Siebel CRM/SOA Suite 11g (Oracle Fusion Middleware for Siebel) Oracle Business Rules (OBR) is a component of both SOA Suite and BPM Suite and offers seamless integration with BPEL processes in SOA applications via rules and decision tables. This integration is achieved via the use of JDeveloper as the single tool for modeling business terms, rules and processes. A business rule has an IF part and a THEN part. The IF part tests one or more business terms. Using OBR Designer, you can model this rule as shown: In this tutorial, we show how to integrate OBR into a Siebel SOA application that invokes QueryById to obtain the account information. The supporting files needed to run the tutorial are here.

The Sports Markup Language SportsML is the only open, global XML standard for the interchange of sports data. Designed to be as easy to understand and implement as possible, SportsML allows for the exchange of sports scores, schedules, standings, and statistics for a wide variety of sports competitions. SportsML Features Covers scores, schedules, standings, statistics, and more Global in scope and design Common framework for all sports Plug-in modules for specific sports Well documented and easy to use Open and non-proprietary: Your feedback is welcome! In Brief Its extensibility allows for the easy accommodation of many sports from around the globe. SportsML uses the eXtensible Markup Language to define the content and structure of sports data, which means that developers of interactive or printed sports data services will have a far easier time integrating sports feeds that adhere to SportsML than if they rely on other proprietary formats. SportsML 2.2 Released NEW G2-Guidelines
