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Cracker le mot de passe de Windows 7 (et XP et Vista)

Cracker le mot de passe de Windows 7 (et XP et Vista)
Cette semaine, j'ai sauvé mon frangin d'un backup et d'une resintall de son Windows... Celui-ci avait simplement oublié son mot de passe. Oui, ça arrive plus souvent qu'on ne croit. Cette technique est 100% légale si vous l'utilisez bien sûr uniquement sur votre ordinateur et pas à l'insu de quelqu'un. Cet outil, j'en ai parlé sur le blog en septembre 2004 mais sans aller dans les détails. Dans le même genre, il y a aussi KonBoot dont j'ai déjà parlé, qui fonctionne sur le même principe. Et hop, plus de password ! Rejoignez les 59345 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..

Illustrator Tip #30: Sticky Post Note This quick Illustrator tutorial will show you how to create a nice vector sticky post note using Illustrator. It is actually a very useful design element where you can use for magazines, brochures and even website. Add your custom message on the sticky post to get more eyeballs on your design. Let’s see how it is done in Illustrator. 1. First use the Pen tool to draw the shape of the sticky post note. 2. 3. 4. Finally, apply a Feather of 14px to the black shadow to make the edges soft. [The article is for Basic Members only. See the list of all Illustrator tutorials. About The Author: Tony Soh Hi. Martin Berthelot

Orlane Canada - EIC The Government of Canada is committed to respecting the privacy rights of individuals. This includes safeguarding the confidentiality of information provided by individuals. Participation in International Experience Canada (IEC) is voluntary. Submission of your application package to IEC constitutes your consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information. Your personal information will be shared between Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD), Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in order to determine your eligibility to enter Canada and receive a work permit. With your consent, we will also use your personal information to send you 2 survey questionnaires for statistical purposes. All information collected under International Experience Canada will be retained for 2 years after your maximum age of eligibility.
