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An Online Graphic Novel by Daniel Lieske

An Online Graphic Novel by Daniel Lieske
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The Power of a Moment - Influential Mom Blogger, Brand Ambassador, Blog Network 358.3K Amazing Shares Facebook 58 Pin It Share 599 599 Twitter 103 Google+ 36 StumbleUpon 357.5K Email -- Email to a friend 358.3K Amazing Shares × My spouse forwarded these to me in an email and they all invoke something totally different…I had to share. Lovely collection of life moments Wanna win a Mini iPad!? How To Make Rage Faces on Facebook Chat Simply type the above code that corresponds to the appropriate rage face into Facebook chat, and the image of the rage face you chose will appear, emoticon-like in its existence. Facebook didn’t suddenly become hip to the Internet and add rage face emoticons (something from which Google Chat would greatly benefit), but the ability to add rage faces to Facebook chat is more of a hack than anything else, and something to which you can add. Reddit user daychilde explains that these aren’t actually some form of ragemoticon, but that the double bracket and code corresponds to a user profile or page, and when put into Facebook chat, will show the thumbnail of the profile or page that the code links to. So, all one has to do to make any picture a Facebook chat emoticon, is to simply create a user profile or page that uses the desired picture as the profile picture, then enter the double brackets and corresponding code into Facebook chat. Happy raging. (via reddit) Relevant to your interests

Stefano Unterthiner Photography : Animals Face to Face | COLT + RANE - StumbleUpon Colt + Rane Stefano Unterthiner Photography : Animals Face to Face Four Men in Hats From Mycoted Shown above are four men buried up to their necks in the ground. They cannot move, so they can only look forward. They all know that between them they are wearing four hats--two black and two white--but they do not know what color they are wearing. In order to avoid being shot, one of them must call out to the executioner the color of their hat. After one minute, one of them calls out. Question: Which one of them calls out? This is not a trick question.

Sugar and Charm: italian sodas June 30, 2011 | Sweet Recipes | Comments Growing up, these Italian sodas were my favorite!! My mom and I would always stop by a little coffee shack on our road trips to Oregon. Photo Credit: Sugar and Charm The Best Way to Burn Butt Fat Even though butt fat is healthier than belly fat, every woman I know doesn’t want either one. It's not right to talk about one without mentioning the other. The primary way to burn dangerous belly fat is to eat whole, natural foods. Severely limiting sugars, food in a bag or box, unhealthy saturated fats, trans fats and processed foods will definitely burn belly fat (and make you healthier). Here's how to burn your butt fat: Maximize your time exercising. So, which strength exercises will shape and tone your butt faster? In an American Council on Exercise research report, “Glutes to the Max,” it talks about the most effective glutes exercises. Researchers compared muscle activation for each exercise and compared it with the traditional favorite — the two-legged squat. 1. 2. 3. 4. “Our study showed that there are several exercises that work equally as well as the traditional squat at targeting the gluteal muscles,” says Ristvedt. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Go and work your butt off!

Just Robert Downey Jr. Oh Santa. I'm not arguing... When my boss walks towards my cubicle... Break me off a piece of that. Steve Carell turns up to Ellen interview dressed as Gru from Despicable Me 2. Sure, dating is cool. Pirate game From Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates The pirate game is a simple mathematical game. It illustrates how, if assumptions conforming to a homo economicus model of human behaviour hold, outcomes may be surprising. It is a multi-player version of the ultimatum game. The game[edit] There are 5 rational pirates, A, B, C, D and E. The pirates have a strict order of seniority: A is superior to B, who is superior to C, who is superior to D, who is superior to E. The pirate world's rules of distribution are thus: that the most senior pirate should propose a distribution of coins. Pirates base their decisions on three factors. The result[edit] It might be expected intuitively that Pirate A will have to allocate little if any to himself for fear of being voted off so that there are fewer pirates to share between. This is apparent if we work backwards: if all except D and E have been thrown overboard, D proposes 100 for himself and 0 for E. A: 98 coinsB: 0 coinsC: 1 coinD: 0 coinsE: 1 coin[2] See also[edit]

Tree Illusions & Illusion & The Most Amazing Creations in Art,... - StumbleUpon Photographer Zander Olsen adds a white wrap around trees to create a visual relationship from the actual vegetation to surrounding landscape. Photos © Zander Olsen Link via Urhajos Hourglass-Inspired Tea Timer both Times & Steeps Hot Tea No unnecessary bells or whistles (let alone a power cord) are needed for this elegantly simple tea timer-and-steeper to do its job. Just pour, screw, tip and wait. A pair of identical glass vessels twist together mechanically via a plastic joiner piece to form the sealed middle between two hourglass-shaping bulbs, each sized for a single two-person serving of tea. Three settings in the middle allow the user to select a duration for the steeping process, depending on tea types and personal preferences. Once flipped, the top glass drains into the bottom and the loose leaves linger above – beautifully elemental and visually useful.

YouTube Playlists for Learning Programming YouTube has been very good platform for learning any thing. Earlier you have seen 400+ courses on YouTube and 130+ NPTEL courses. There are few more courses especially about computer programming. These are contributed by various individuals. These videos are of short time around 10 to 12 min each, created keeping basic learners in the mind. These videos covers from basics like installing IDE to writing complex programs covering every topic. thenewboston: thenewboston is a great youtube channel, has more than 2o playlists covering topics Python, C, Java, iPhone development and web programming like HTML, CSS, PHP. Xoax has more than 200 videos but mainly focuses on C++. PHPacademy As the name suggests, it focuses mainly on PHP and some on MySql. There are more videos on small projects like writing your own search engine for your database, pagination, creating a rating system etc… Related posts: Get more stuff like this

Epic Homemade Porsche Win & EPIC FAIL .COM : #1 Source for Epic Fail... - StumbleUpon Epic Homemade Porsche Win372 By jason in Win on April 17, 2011 Browsing: Epic Homemade Porsche Win Share: FACEBOOK twitter Comment: FACEBOOK trollzone Cosplay Fail FAIL 4094 39 Comments Cake Fail FAIL 1875 54 Comments Share on Facebook epic epic win homemade porsche homemade porsche win Epic Girlfriend WIN FAILS: 25 WINS: 652 Guy Wants A Job Done But Doesn’t Pay For It. Stealing WiFi On The Highway WIN WINS: 427 Parenting Done Right : A Compilation FAILS: 18 WINS: 746 Mother Son Wedding Dance WIN FAILS: 96 Mario Shots WIN WINS: 574 Add Our New Site To Your Daily Routine WINS: 327 prev related next related 372 COMMENTStroll 372 Comments : trollzone Yeoldwolf posted on June 22, 2012 at 6:57 pm With talent like this one could get a job at any auto manufacture in the design department. Recent Activity Connect with Enter your e-mail address to get the from Epic Fail delivered to your mail Tag cloud on Epicfail on Facebook Epicfail on Twitter Epicfail RSS FEED Win Sites

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