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The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators

Teacher's Guide to Using Shared Google Docs with Students Sharing is caring and one of the powerful features of Google Docs is sharing.As we have seen in 8 Things Every Teacher should be Able to Do with Google Docs , users can easily share documents, presentations, tables, graphs, and spreadsheets by simply changing the visibility options in the sharing settings of Google Docs. But what if you want to aggregate all your docs in one document and share it with others ( probably your student) ? Shared Google Docs has the answer answer for you. What is Shared Google Docs ? Shared Google Docs ( or Drive, I am not used to call it Google Drive and I Like its old name Google Docs ) is a feature embedded within Google Docs' services that allows users to create folders to share with other users. How can I use Shared Google Docs with my students ? Here are some of the ways to use this feature with your students : Create a shared folder for your class. How can I create a shared Google Docs ? Here is how you can do it :

Google Drive Tutorial (Part 8): Google Form | Tek Handy 1 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 Pin It Share 0 Email -- Email to a friend 1 Flares × Google Drive Tutorial Welcome back to the Tek Handy Google Drive Tutorial. I hope that you had a spook-tacular Halloween. This week we are going to cover a unique feature to Google Drive, that of Google Form. Google Form has two parts to it. Google Form Google wants this all to be as simple as possible for you. There is potential for creating surveys, quizzes, and event planning, using Google Form. If you’ve ever had to deal with taxes, you may be familiar with how forms are filled out. Choosing a Theme Each Google Form can have a theme attached. Form Question Types Google Form has plenty of question types to choose from, giving you a plethora of options with which to create any form. When generating the form, you may find that you need certain pieces of information more than others. Confirmation Like most form submissions, it is likely that there may be a limited time for response.
