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Update: A representative for the Avenger Controller (a new one, obviously) has released an official statement regarding Ocean Marketing’s involvement with their product and the actions of Paul Christoforo. Original story: Strap yourself in, you’re about to witness the most outlandlish PR blunder in video gaming history. And trust me, there have been many… From VentureBeat Customers don’t just get irritated when you screw up cross-channel personalization. Starting earlier this morning with a post on Penny Arcade, co-founder Mike “Gabe” Krahulik brought to light a series of emails between Dave, a customer politely inquiring about the status of his Avenger PlayStation 3 controller order, and Paul Christoforo of Ocean Marketing, the PR lead for the product. I’m going to repost the emails in their entirety, then we’ll continue much, much further down the rabbit hole afterward. From: Ocean Marketing To: Dave Dec 16, 2011 2:45 PMDec 17– Paul Christoforo Related:  Maestria

Le Smart Grid va t-il remplacer Facebook ? - Techniques de l'ingénieur Alors que Facebook est sans doute la plateforme de média social qui s’impose, il existe un réseau social encore plus puissant qui promet d’être un jour dans tous les foyers américains... Un nombre croissant de start-up appliquent les principes du réseau social à la gestion de l’énergie domestique, et le média social au Smart Grid. Ils sont ainsi en train de révolutionner la compréhension qu’ont les gens de l’utilisation de l’énergie, et bâtissent des sociétés performantes, participant également à réduire l’impact qu’a chaque être humain sur l’environnement. Le « Smart Grid » réfère au revêtement de la technologie des communications digitales dans notre infrastructure électrique existante. À quoi ressemble un Smart Grid social ? Opower, basé à Arlington en Virginie, qui a plus de 2 millions de clients de par le monde, est le leader industriel dans la combinaison des méthodes de communication par le média social et la technologie du Smart Grid. Les avantages L’avenir

ClickBrain - Marketing is Dead. Long live the relationship! Marketing Lessons From The Grateful Dead's Reincarnation I’m sitting in my office devouring a veggie burrito bowl and my mind wanders back to last summer when I was eating a similar meal. Only then, I was not at a desk in the New York City branding and advertising agency that I run, but in a field in Masontown, West Virginia. My “company” at that time included hundreds of ravenous, tattooed, tired-but-happy concertgoers. We stood in a long line waiting to fill our plates with burritos served from a two-burner stove and plastic containers on a folding table. I was at the All Good Music Festival to see the headlining performance of Furthur. My 16-year-old daughter convinced me the show would be a good bonding experience. My daughter and I saw every Furthur show we could attend for the rest of the year. On this tour I’ve heard great music while being reminded of some good marketing lessons from a band that has been around in various forms and popular since 1965: Embrace Your DNA: Furthur is still the Dead.

A wireless hacking computer that can't be hacked Las Vegas (NV) - If you think seeing a dozen wireless networks makes your computer the ultimate scanning box, think again. A small security firm has made a portable computer that is capable of scanning 300 networks simultaneously. Dubbed the "Janus Project", the computer also has a unique "Instant Off" switch that renders the captured data inaccessible. The computer is the brain-child of Kyle Williams from the Janus Wireless Security Research Group in Portland, Oregon. At first glance, the Janus computer looks like a laptop, but Williams said it is much more powerful than that. Kyle Williams, aka "Goldy", poses with his Janus computer While the eight Wi-Fi cards are impressive, the Janus box also has two Teletronics 1 watt amplifiers along with external antenna ports in the back of the Pelican case. So what does all of this wireless firepower provide? In addition to the capturing process, the hard drive and memory contents are continuously encrypted with AES 256-bit keys.

L’imaginaire de la technique : Victor Scardigli “L’imaginaire des techniques existe.Il doit être traité comme une production symbolique de notre culture, au même titre que les mythes des peuples sans écriture”. Scardigli. ((Scardigli, V. (1992). Dans la technique se donnent une succession de mythes qui s’organisent comme autant de « miracles » ou de « frayeurs ». Internet serait ainsi à la fois un contre-pouvoir et le lieu ou peut s’exercer la pointilleuse malveillance de tous les Big Brothers. Ces mythes se heurtent et s’opposent dans l’espace social. « Les imaginaires d’une innovations technique ne sont pas stables. C’est ainsi que nous acceptons relativement ce qui avait été vigoureusement refusé au début de l’Internet. L’imaginaire de la technique : Victor Scardigli WordPress: J'aime chargement…

A VC: Marketing You asked for it Arnold and 84 others (so far). So I'm gonna talk about marketing. I believe that marketing is what you do when your product or service sucks or when you make so much profit on every marginal customer that it would be crazy to not spend a bit of that profit acquiring more of them (coke, zynga, bud, viagra). A very experienced and successful entrepreneur came into our office a week ago to pitch his latest company. So a few days later, I called him. Zynga has spent millions on customer acquisition and continues to do so. In my talk at Harvard Business School, I said "Early in a startup, product decisions should be hunch driven. Early in a startup you need to acquire your customers for free. So if you need to acquire customers for free early in a startup, how do you do that? For the consumer/free part of the web, there are some obvious things you will want to do: 1) Twitter – so many entrepreneurs have asked me "how did you start a company before Twitter?"

100 Things to Watch in 2012 Uniqlo, H&M and Retail As the Third SpaceApril 15, 2014 | 4:30 pm “Retail As the Third Space,” one of our 10 Trends for 2011, is rapidly accelerating: As digital commerce becomes habit for consumers, brick-and-mortar is increasingly focused around experiences, unique environments and customer service, giving shoppers new reasons to visit retail spaces. Uniqlo’s flagship in New York is a good example. A newly renovated floor incorporates a Starbucks (a favorite brand among teens) and, as MarketWatch reports, “lounge sofas, tables and chairs and an iPad station, allowing shoppers to stay and mingle.” Bring on the brie!

Raspberry Pi: A $25 Bare-Bones PC That Fits On Your Keychain There are a number of barebones/mass-market low-cost devices out there, many of them aimed at the huge developing world market, hoping to outfit people with basic PC functionality for as little cost as possible. The OLPC is among the most famous, but perhaps the most luxurious: with a cutting-edge screen, built-in keyboard and networking, and so on, it has perhaps aimed too high, resulting in (as we’ve seen) increasing price and limited uptake. India’s “$35″ tablet comes to mind as well. David Braben, perhaps best known for developing the revolutionary Elite, is now leading a foundation called Raspberry Pi to mass produce this ultra-minimal PC and distribute it where even an OLPC is too much. Their device is as bare-bones as it gets, and they’re hoping to sell it for $25. It’s about the size of a USB drive, and comprises a 700MHz ARM11 processor, 128MB of RAM, and ports for video, removable media, and USB 2.0.

noFlux - Boris Beaude The Random Darknet Shopper is an automated online shopping bot which we provide with a budget of $100 in Bitcoins per week. Once a week the bot goes shopping in the deep web where it randomly choses and purchases one item and has it mailed directly to the exhibition space. Once the items arrive they are unpacked and displayed, each new object adding to a landscape of traded goods from the Darknet. Source : !Mediengruppe Bitnik | Random Darknet Shopper Parmi les dix premiers sites visités au monde, Wikipédia est désormais d’un usage courant dans le milieu éducatif et scientifique. Source : Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié – Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest Source : YouTube veut s’ériger en rempart contre les abus d’ayants droit – Next INpact “The publication of the Claimant’s birth year in the online lexicon Wikipedia does not infringe upon her general right of personality or data protection law,” said the Amtsgericht München, a local court in Munich.

The 14 Most Powerful and Effective Words in Marketing | 60 Second Marketer | Tips, Tools and Techniques for Marketers Around the Globe In Go Mobile, the book I’ve written with Jeanne Hopkins from HubSpot, we review a list of the 14 most powerful words in marketing so that readers can use them in their mobile marketing campaigns. This post gives you a sneak peak at the list that’s included in the book. Enjoy. Have you ever bought a product that you didn’t really need? You know the kind — they’re often found in the aisle displays at Lowe’s, WalMart or Barnes & Noble. You grab it off the shelf, pay for it, then get home and say, “Why did I just buy something I didn’t really need?” Or, you may have been told about a deadline to buy concert tickets, join a health club or even buy a car for 0% interest. What’s up with that? This week, I’ll be posting blogs on this very topic. Below, you’ll find the 14 most powerful and effective words in marketing. I’ll cover this entire topic in depth when I speak at the SXSW conference. FreeNowYouSaveMoneyEasyGuaranteeHealthResultsNewLoveDiscoveryProvenSafety

45 Creative Alcohol Advertisements Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media. Along with tobacco advertising, it is one of the most highly-regulated forms of marketing. Some or all forms of alcohol advertising is banned in some countries. Scientific research , health agencies and universities have, over decades, been able to demonstrate a correlation between alcohol beverage advertising and alcohol consumption. The uniqueness of the products and brands are so flavorful, Whether you’re a vodka, whiskey, bourbon, beer or wine drinker, creative alcohol advertisements can always be appreciated. Advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Author : Dustin Betonio Dustin Betonio is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. Tagged as: advertisement showcase, creative print ads

Seeing in the Dark & SEEDMAGAZINE.COM - StumbleUpon Credit: cliff1066tm. Patient TN was, by his own account, completely blind. Two consecutive strokes had destroyed the visual cortex of his brain, and consequently, his ability to see. It is not uncommon for stroke patients to suffer brain damage, but the case of TN — referenced by his initials, the general practice in such studies — was peculiar. Known as selective bilateral occipital damage, TN’s unusual injury made him the subject of much interest while recovering at a hospital in Geneva. To further test the extent of TN’s abilities, researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands devised a simple yet decisive experiment: an obstacle course. TN’s rare condition is known as blindsight. The researchers explained that TN’s success indicates that “humans can sustain sophisticated visuo-spacial skills in the absence of perceptual awareness.”
