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Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01

Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01
Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01 From Open Source Ecology Jump to: navigation, search Download PDF. First mention of the Civilization Starter Kit DVD has been made in Marcin's TED Talk on the Global Village Construction Set. Foreword 1.0 Forward from the Founder – Video 1.1 What is Open Source Ecology? Introduction 2.1 GVCS in 2 Minutes Video 2.2 TED Talk Video 2.3 Kickstarter Video 2.4 Practical Post-Scarcity Video 2.5 OSE Enterprise Plan Video 2.6 How to Build the 4 Machines in a Basic Workshop CEB Press Note: this is Prototype III. 3.1 CEB Press Design Rationale, Product Ecology 3.2 CEB Press Master CAD File 3.3 CEB Press Bill of Materials 3.4 CEB Press Fabrication Master PDF - 89 pages 3.5 CEB Press Fabrication videos - Mechanical fabrication 3.6 CEB Press Electrical Fabrication videos 3.7 CEB Press Control Code 3.8 CEB Press Ergonomics of machine assembly - full assembly video (11 min) 3.9 Compressed Earth Brick Press: Fabrication Drawings 3.10 CEB Press User Manual Tractor Soil Pulverizer Related:  DiseñoCompléments

DIY cardboard furniture with free IKEA-style instructions - vídeos - *faircompanies After a move to a new city and a trip to IKEA, industrial designer Adrian Candela was overwhelmed by the packing waste stacked in his living room. In need of a nightstand and not wanting to spend any more money (nor contribute to the waste), Candela turned the old boxes into new furniture. His Nit (Catalan for “night”) nightstand is now 8 months old (it was a Christmas gift for his girlfriend) and it is still standing (it’s even had water spilt on it). All that is necessary are three 2.5 mm sheets of cardboard, a utility knife, a pencil, a triangle (optional) and a cutting board. Candela’s creation was inspired by Austrian designer Victor Papanek and his book Nomadic Furniture. Candela also thinks that cardboard shouldn’t only be viewed as cheap, but can be celebrated, within limits.

MEGA Communicate securely with your family, friends and colleagues using MEGAchat. Chats and calls are end-to-end encrypted, [B]not even MEGA can read or listen to your communication[/B]. Start uploading files to your account by using the [B]file or folder upload button[/B], or simply [B]drag and drop[/B] from your local computer to MEGA in the browser. Start uploading files to your account by using the [B]file upload button[/B], or simply [B]drag and drop[/B] from your local computer to MEGA in the browser. Items moved to the Rubbish Bin will remain there temporarily. You can see the progress of your transfers by placing the mouse over the Transfers tab. Notifications will keep you posted regarding everything going on with your account. You can create a link to share your content by right clicking on the file or folder you want to share and selecting Get Link from the context menu.

David Graas...cardboard furniture:) David Graas is a Dutch designer whose work is "best characterised by its combination of humour and material experimentation"....Im so into cardboard right now and will be using this amazing material to create my product design range for the second semester:) David's designs make use of simple profiles that merely slide and slot together like a puzzle...the furniture parts come flat packed and costs are kept low by encouraging the end users to actually assemble the pieces themselves. Graas has also developed a children's version enabling kids to assemble their own items whilst learning and having fun in the process:)

Liste de liens utiles dans le cadre de la survie à long terme et de l'autarcie - décroissance ***Vivre en autonomie, produire son électricité..son chauffage et gérer l'eau: une réalité.*** L'autonomie a toujours été relative à nos besoins et ce n'est pas H.D Thoreau pionnier de la décroissance dans son livre Walden qui dirait le contraire. Cependant, ces dernières années, le développement de certaines technologies, l'accès à l'information ultra rapide, et les volontés de mettre en place des modes de fonctionnements écologiques, tous ces facteurs ont permis la démocratisation des moyens pour vivre en autonomie . En dehors des cités, nous avons la possibilité de nous "désabonner" des certains services par un équipement en matériels alliant les nouvelles technologies: panneaux solaires, batteries, téléphonies mobile... et des moyens plus traditionnels comme le chauffage au bois et les toilettes sèches. Chauffage 1) Poêle à bois: Nous sommes en présence du sujet le plus facile à traiter. Néanmoins des différences existent et il s'agit d'une affaire de compromis. 2) Eau chaude: Confort .

DIY Cardboard Chaise Lounge Recently my roommate and I moved into an apartment. We both lacked any furniture so we had somewhat of a shopping spree at the local IKEA. So with all that new furniture came lots of boxes. In this Instructable we'll show you how to make a very solid piece of cardboard furniture. 200 livres téléchargeables gratuitement de la caravane des alternatives autour de l’autonomie | *-._.-*°o.O Gille7 O.o°*-._.-* *-._.-*°o.O Gille7 O.o°*-. en Voyage… Accéder au contenu principal ← Panne sur les Renault trafics réalisation en Palettes → 200 livres téléchargeables gratuitement de la caravane des alternatives autour de l’autonomie Publié le 18 mars 2016 par Gille7 Je tiens à Préciser que certains liens ne fonctionnent plus et donc le téléchargement est impossible……………….( Malheureusement je n’ai pas de stocks) Il vous reste donc le titre de l’ouvrage afin de faire votre recherche par vous-même sur le net , ou en librairie. Voici la liste des liens (maraîchage, arboriculture, plantes médicinales, artisanat, auto construction, transformation/conservation des aliments) etc… Ces 200 livres étaient sur le site de la caravane des alternatives.. wwoof france a fait censurer ce site de la caravane des alternatives… honte à eux.. Cette bricoleuse Tiny House Plans Quartz Model by Ana White – med res Guide Habitats Alternatif : -habitats-alternatifs

This zip-tie chair is at the vanguard of a revolution in manufacturing We keep asking the question: "in a world where everything can be digitized, why move material when we are interested in ideas, creativity and talent?" Here is yet another example of how things are changing. William Holman designed this clever Zip Tie Lounge Chair. He describes it: The chair takes advantage of the flexibility inherent in zip tie joinery to create an articulated hammock of seating panels that conforms to the body. But the process and the thinking behind it is the real revolution. OpenDesk/Screen capture The Zip Tie Lounge Chair is a new flat-pack offering from London-based startup OpenDesk and Baltimore-based studio Object Guerilla. 3D printing may get all of the pixels these days, but CNC routers can do big useful things like furniture and houses, out of much greener materials like sustainably sourced woods and plywoods. © Studio Minale-Maeda Toss a 3D printer into the mix and you get hybrids like this furniture from Studio Minale-Maeda.

Index of /file/Agriculture Index of /file/Agriculture Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - Wings 3D | A Polygon Modeler - Solar/wind, composting, non-conventional energy/propulsion 3D | Planeta PSD GraphicRiver – 10 Epic Metal Photoshop Styles Datos Archivo: ASL y PSD Peso: 181mb Servidores: Para Miembros: Mediafire, mega, zippyshare – Visitantes: Letitbit Entrar al Post GraphicRiver – Five Christmas text styles Peso: 17mb Entrar al Post GraphicRiver – 3D Warped Text Styles Archivo: PSD Peso: 9mb Entrar al Post GraphicRiver – 3 Smart 3D Product Boxes Peso: 20mb Entrar al Post GraphicRiver – 3D iT – 15 3D Rendering Actions Archivo: ATN y PSD Peso: 800kb Entrar al Post

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