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Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Red Queen

Xochipilli – Red de Arte Planetaria - Geoff Lawton Absolutely FREE videos by Geoff Lawton, World Renowned Permaculture Teacher, Designer and Consultant. In these free videos you will discover how: Geoff Lawton designed his farm to be totally self-sufficient and how you too can create a paradise on Earth with all the food and water that you need.Property Purchase Checklist. What you need to know when choosing the right kind of land to survive. How to ramp up an abundant Urban Food System in your small backyard.How Geoff Lawton designed a 5 acre parcel of land into an abundant paradise. These free videos will only be available for a limited time, to get access to watch these videos right now, fill out your name and email in the form on the right. We will keep you updated via your email as we release the free video series. >“Geoff: Let’s see if we can head off the crisis rather than go through it. Over 7,500 comments and thousands of views “We’ve had a ton of people leave positive comments and questions.

GroundCrew2013 Frank Gapinski How to Grow Chickens Without Buying them Grain By Only Feeding them Compost 76,969 views 7 months ago Watch the full video here at Whilst on a tour of the US, Permaculture teacher Geoff Lawton was giving a talk at Montpelier, Vermont when a young man suggested we film his boss, compost maestro Karl Hammer and his amazing system of feeding compost to his flock of 100 plus chickens without feeding them any grain. Go watch the full version at and see which chickens you should buy and what Geoff Lawton is planning to do with his own flock of birds. Resonant Truth 10 Food-Medicines That Could Save Your Life This is an exclusive sneak peak into the Natural Cures Summit which is free, globally accessible online, and can still be accessed for free by registering here. If you would like to own the entire summit, featuring 30 experts in natural healing revealing everything they know about how you can take back control of your health naturally, you can get lifelong access, including PDF transcripts, audio and video files here for a discounted price until the summit ends on Oct. 13th. Guest Interview: Sayer Ji, founder of Dr. And one of the things that I’ve loved about Sayer over the years, he’s really been a pioneer in our industry and really going through and laying out, “Hey, here’s the true evidence of what we’re looking at.” By the way, if you’ve never been to Green Med Info, you’re missing out. Sayer, welcome here to our Natural Cures Summit! Sayer Ji: It’s a great honor, Josh. Dr. Sayer Ji: Thank you so much. Dr. Let’s talk about this. Sayer Ji: Great question, Josh. Dr.

13:28 Productions Presents ~ Countdown to 2012 | 13:28 Productions presents Countdown to 2012 – a Galactic Activation Multimedia Concert Experience. Erdogan: Israel a terrorist state following in the footsteps of Hitler ' [Israelis] have no conscience, no honour, no pride. Those who condemn Hitler day and night have surpassed Hitler in barbarism' Turkish Prime Minister and presidential hopeful Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of being a terrorist state following in the footstep of Adolf Hitler. In his speech before a campaign rally in the Hatay province on Sunday, Erdogan said Israel is committing massacres in Gaza. Reuters news agency quoted him as saying that Israelis "have no conscience, no honour, no pride. He hailed the people of Gaza, saying: "From here, I salute the brave heroes of Gaza." Erdogan prayed that justice would come to "the oppressed Palestinians, who are breaking their Ramadan fast with death and martyrdom." Erdogan also prayed for "all those enduring repression in Egypt, Syria and Iraq." He addressed Shia leaders, urging them to "refrain from sectarianism", adding: "Aren't we all Muslims?
