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Best Free Content Curation Tools 2012

Best Free Content Curation Tools 2012
Content Curation has been on the upside lately, and while there are some who don’t think that it is an ethical form of “content creation”, there are those that think completely the opposite. Whichever side you choose to be, you should know that if you do decide to “curate content”, to always give credit to its original source and never copy an entire article even if you are linking back to its original author. That does not have anything to do with curation and may even be considered as stealing content. While I am at it, creating a list of useless links is also not regarded as curating content. Which side are you on? Curating content done properly, IMO has its positives. Be the best curator of meaningful contentFind the best information that others have written and posted online—the best articles, charts, tables, infographics, videos, or pictures. Did you notice the words, meaningful, great information and credit your sources? Free Online Content Curation Tools That’s it!

8 способов стать лучшим куратором контента | 30 Август 2012 Когда мы говорим о курировании контента, то ведем речь не только о накоплении ссылок. Это понятие намного шире! Зачастую, пользователи путают термин «накопление контента» с «курированием контента». При применении «курирования контента» в качестве маркетингово онлайн-инструмента можно получить целый ряд преимуществ. Ниже приведены 8 советов, которые можно использовать для того, чтобы добиться успеха и стать звездой курирования контента. 1.Сфокусируйтесь на одной нишеКурирование контента, на самом деле, сосредотачивается на очень узкой тематической нише. Существуют различные способы отбора контента.

What is Content Curation? What is Content Curation? Content Curation is the act of discovering, gathering, and presenting digital content that surrounds specific subject matter. Though it is still considered a "buzz word" by many in the content world, content curation is now becoming a marketing staple for many companies with a successful online presence. Unlike content marketing, content curation does not include generating content, but instead, amassing content from a variety of sources, and delivering it in an organized fashion. For instance, a content curator is not necessarily responsible for creating new content, but instead, for finding relevant content pertaining to a specific category and funneling this information to readers in a mash-up style. Who Are the Content Curators? Content curation is all around us. Many of us have been participating in content curation for years without even knowing it. What are the Secrets of Successful Content Curation? What are Some Helpful Content Curation Tips?

Complete Guide to Blogging Welcome to the Complete Guide to Blogging, a 100% free course on everything you could possibly need to know about blogging and setting up your first WordPress driven web site. This guide is currently broken up in nine different chapters and a new sub-chapter goes live every day on the blog. If you click on a sub chapter below that is not working, it probably wasn’t published yet. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Write for Your Readers, Not for Search EnginesBuilding a Social Networking PresenceCreating a Facebook Fan Page & Twitter AccountCreate a Mailing List for Your BlogLink Building and Search Engine TrafficHow to Quickly Get Your Blog Indexed in Google Chapter 7: Google Adsense for BlogsEnter the World of Affiliate MarketingCreating Your Own Product Chapter 8: Outsource Your Blog WritingHiring a Virtual AssistantBuilding a Team Around Your BlogAutomate Your Blogging Tasks and Posts Chapter 9:

Creating a Content Machine: Tools, Models and Tips Curating content is an important activity and central to those brands who are looking to give their audience something useful. By spending time to find, filter and enhance content – which is shared across social media – you’re building interest and value in your brand. But what is the value for your business? Content curation gives your visitors reasons to re-visit, refer and interact. What is content curation? The definition of content curation: the publisher researches and gathers the best content on a niche topic that is aimed at a certain audience. Curation isn’t about repeating information; it’s about re-interpreting, re-telling or re-shaping earlier stories. Of course, content curation cannot exist alone; you need a presence across the relevant social networks and industry events whilst still generating original content. Why do we need it? Curation can play a central role when creating awareness and credibility for your brand. Clever content curation can help you: Model Seek. Tools

SOPA Emergency IP list: | CodeBangers So if these bastards in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News # Social media # Torrent sites # Social networking

7 Steps to Becoming a Freelance Writer by Mark Nichol You love to write, and perhaps you’ve even had some of your work published, but you just can’t seem to get your career as a freelance writer of nonfiction off the ground. Here are some flight lessons: 1. Focus Nonfiction is an enormous universe. 2. What are your favorite Web sites or magazines or books? 3. Create a short directory of publications or publishers to target. 4. Collect some of your best writing — published or otherwise — that represents you well and matches the type of content those publications are looking for. 5. Go to your publisher directory, look up the URL for publication Web sites, and search for submission guidelines. 6. Come up with proposals for a few articles or essays you’d like to write, match them to various publications, and send them in. 7. Repeat step 6. You may get an acceptance or an assignment on your first try.

FeedWax - Curate local information sources, news, photos, video and social media cierra sus puertas tras una denuncia de CEDRO Nuestros compañeros de RedesZone publicaron ayer por la noche que el Foro de estaba fuera de servicio. Hasta ese momento todo parecía que se trataba de un problema técnico, sin embargo, después de más de 16 horas se han confirmado los peores augurios. El portal ha sido denunciado por la la entidad de gestión de derechos de autor CEDRO y ha cerrado sus puertas de forma temporal. Según un comunicado publicado en la propia página web, WAMBA PROJECT, empresa que gestiona el portal, ha recibido una comunicación en la cual el Ministerio de Industria informa que ha iniciado un proceso para salvaguardar los derechos de autor de varias obras literarias. CineTube fue el primero en adoptar medidas El conocido portal de vídeos y series fue el primero en bloquear el acceso a los foros después de que su nombre apareciera en las denuncias que la Comisión de Cultura estaba tramitando. La Ley Sinde está consiguiendo su objetivo Defensa de Vagos

Freelance Writer's World Content Curation Guidelines for Where to Share | Curata Blog By definition, content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online. When evaluating which content curation tool to use, there are three primary areas of consideration: 1. The Inputs – Where does the content curation tool get information from? What type of content will this allow me to curate? Will it help identify and recommend relevant content? 2. 3. In this blog post, I am primarily going to focus on the decided on a content curation tool based on the venue – the channels to which your content is curated. Embedded Widget What is it? Sample of embedded curation widget from the Kauffman Foundation Pro’s: Relatively easy to implement with Javascript code or create an iframe. Con’s: Content in widgets is almost never indexed by search engines because they are rendered in Javascript which search engines do not consider. Who should use it? Microsite What is it? Who should use it? Personalized Page

30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, “information overload” is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the “stuff” out there and pluck out the best, most share-worthy tidbits of information, especially if your topic is niche. Let’s face it, Google definitely has its shortcomings when it comes to content curation and the more it tries to cater to all audiences, the less useful it becomes. The demand for timely, relevant content that is specific to our unique interests and perspectives has given rise to a new generation of tools that aim to help individuals and companies curate content from the web and deliver it in a meaningful way. These new tools range from simple, application-specific types such as social media aggregators and discovery engines, to more complex, full-blown publishing solutions for organizations. Comments(65)

FREELANCE WRITING . COM : Helping Freelance Writers to Succeed since 1997 Ne pas confondre veille et curation Il apparait aujourd’hui deux termes bien distincts dans le lexique des community managers : la veille et la curation. Ces termes mettent en évidence deux pratiques ayant pour but la diffusion de contenu à un public visé, mais par des biais différents. La veille médiatique consiste en une surveillance d’un sujet donné sur les médias et leurs productions liées à l’actualité. Elle peut être le cas échéant rétrospective pour augmenter la profondeur de vue et décrypter un évènement médiatisé.Elle peut être orientée voire mixée avec d’autres veilles (comme la veille concurrentielle qui pourra déborder sur une veille « média » de la concurrence et être incorporée dans la veille concurrentielle par exemple dans une logique de benchmarking).Dans les pays anglo-saxons, on traduit ce terme par « media monitoring« . Un public différent La première particularité que l’on peut noter est sans doute le fait que l’information n’est pas destinée au même public. Une méthodologie différente
