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28 ideas para usar Twitter en la enseñanza

28 ideas para usar Twitter en la enseñanza
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Normas APA 2014 para la presentación de trabajos escritos. CS Principles for High School - Course Registration for the 2015 CSP4HS course is open. Please see Registration link above or "Register Please" button below. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to access the course lessons. You must be registered and logged in to access course content. CSP4HS provides six-weeks of free online instruction to educators who are interested in learning more about CS Principles (CS Principles), which is a new Advanced Placement course being developed by the College Board. The CSP4HS target audience is high school teachers interested in learning more about CS Principles. The course parallels the CS Principles professional development instruction of the CS4Alabama project (CNS-1240944), which is an NSF-sponsored project in collaboration between the University of Alabama and A+ College Ready, with external project assessment conducted by Haynie Research and Evaluation. This is the second version of the course, which was first offered in Summer 2014 (over 1,200 registered educators).

Computer Science Principles | What is CS Principles? In fall 2016, the College Board launched its newest AP® course, AP Computer Science Principles. The course introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. The AP Program designed AP Computer Science Principles with the goal of creating leaders in computer science fields and attracting and engaging those who are traditionally underrepresented with essential computing tools and multidisciplinary opportunities. For more information, visit's AP CS Principles Curriculum is recognized by the College Board as an endorsed provider of curriculum and professional development for AP® Computer Science Principles (AP CSP). Daily lesson plans come with detailed instructions, activity guides, and assessments Students get hands on with concepts like binary and pixels through widgets Features Overview Lessons Frequently Asked Questions

Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness after the Digital Explosion The full text of the book (third printing, corrected) is available for download under a Creative Commons license (see the bottom of this page). To get the book as a single PDF file (22MB), exactly as it appears in print, click here. For each chapter, we include below links to a brief excerpt and to a PDF of the chapter. Preface Chapter 1: Digital Explosion: Why Is It Happening, and What Is at Stake? The Explosion of Bits, and Everything Else… The Koans of Bits … Good and Ill, Promise and Peril You can find a PDF of the Chapter 1 here. Chapter 2: Naked in the Sunlight: Privacy Lost, Privacy Abandoned 1984 Is Here, and We Like It … Footprints and Fingerprints … Why We Lost Our Privacy, or Gave It Away … Little Brother Is Watching … Big Brother, Abroad and in the U.S. … Technology Change and Lifestyle Change … Beyond Privacy You can find a PDF of the Chapter here. Chapter 3: Ghosts in the Machine: Secrets and Surprises of Electronic Documents You can find a PDF of the Chapter here. Edits and Errata

ABP Politècnic Claves y herramientas para utilizar las rúbricas en clase - aulaPlaneta Las rúbricas son herramientas de evaluación que, a modo de tabla, permiten valorar de forma detallada las tareas realizadas por los alumnos y los conocimientos y competencias adquiridos. Frente a las calificaciones tradicionales, que evalúan los trabajos de forma numérica y como un todo, las rúbricas constituyen una completa alternativa donde el profesor desgrana y define los objetivos de aprendizaje y los criterios que utilizará para valorarlos. Te ofrecemos varias claves y herramientas para elaborar y utilizar rúbricas de manera sencilla. Las rúbricas son tablas o matrices de valoración que incluyen, en su eje vertical, los aspectos de la tarea u objetivos de aprendizaje que se van a valorar, y en su eje horizontal, los criterios específicos que se utilizarán para hacerlo. Su utilización presenta numerosos beneficios, tanto para los alumnos como para los docentes. 1. 1. Gracias a las TIC, crear y usar rúbricas en el aula resulta mucho más cómodo, rápido y sencillo. 1.

EL HOMBRE Y SUS INTERRELACIONES CON LOS PRODUCTOS TECNOLOGICOS Versión Estudiante Área Informática - Otra Edad Descripción La intención de este proyecto es la de brindar un acercamiento al alumno con respecto a la interrelación que existe entre el hombre y los productos tecnológicos. Objetivos de aprendizaje. Diferenciar el significado de necesidad y demanda. Objetivos OBJETIVOS: Diferenciar el significado de necesidad y demanda. Duración Sesión 1: El desarrollo de la sesión será de 1 clase de 80’. - Actividad 1 Indagación de conocimientos previos del alumno a acerca de la temática propuesta, mediante la siguiente secuencia de actividades: ¿Con qué asocian (relacionan) la palabra tecnología? Sesión 2: El desarrollo de la sesión será de 1 clase de 80’. - Actividad 2 Lectura de textos, para ir conceptualizando los diferentes términos propuestos por el docente. Recursos Enlace de Interés Diferencia entre Necesidad y Deseo Requisitos Sesión 1

AP Computer Science Principles - A New AP Course - Advances in AP® - The College Board | Advances in AP AP Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career. Read the Introducing AP Computer Science Principles video transcript Computer Science: The New Literacy Whether it’s 3-D animation, engineering, music, app development, medicine, visual design, robotics, or political analysis, computer science is the engine that powers the technology, productivity, and innovation that drive the world. The AP Program designed AP Computer Science Principles with the goal of creating leaders in computer science fields and attracting and engaging those who are traditionally underrepresented with essential computing tools and multidisciplinary opportunities. Rigorously Developed

Free Tools For Teachers : Small Basic Help your students start writing their first programs quickly and easily. With only 15 keywords and an inviting development environment, Small Basic is structured to help them succeed. Students who wish to advance their software development skills can also take advantage of Small Basic's online guides and e-books to help them move ahead. Small Basic makes learning programming easy, fun, and interesting Small Basic uses three easy concepts to teach beginning programming: Language, Environment and Libraries. With Small Basic, your students will be able to: System requirements: Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 Software: Microsoft: .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
