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30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth

30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth

Clean Eating Snacks for All-Day Energy 146 I don’t think about food much and am not one to cook much either. I’m on healthy-eating autopilot and that suits me just fine. But why should I keep my eating lifestyle to myself? I snack because it keeps my blood sugar at an even keel – I’m wicked cranky without a regular infusion of food. I consider healthy eating to be a lifestyle, not a diet. Snacks should be a balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. You can use the following list as pre- or post-workout snacks, mini-meals, between-meal snacks, or evening snacks. I’ve put these snacks together in a certain way here, but feel free to mix ‘em up any way you please. For each snack below, choose one protein and one complex carbohydrate. You may also be interested in: You may also enjoy:

12 Universal Skills You Need to Succeed at Anything Email There are a lot of skills you don’t need. You can be happy and successful without knowing how to rebuild a car’s engine, program a web application, or replace drywall. There are other skills, however, that can’t be avoided – skills that tie into various aspects of everyday life, that are not only useful, but totally indispensable. In this article we’re going to skip the super basic skills like reading, driving, and using a computer, and discuss twelve slightly more advanced skills that are woefully under-taught, and universally applicable. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What did we miss? Photo by: Zack Schnepf If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

How to Network: 12 Tips for Shy People From: – Meridith Levinson, CIO December 11, 2007 Networking is the key to success in business, says Keith Ferrazzi, business coach and author of Never Eat Alone, a book about the power of relationship building and networking. It helps you find jobs, recruit talent, win new customers and discover investors who'll support your ideas. But networking is a trial for shy people—geeks especially. If they could just relate to others more easily, if they just possessed more self-confidence and weren't such self-conscious wallflowers, the world would be their oyster, and schmoozing would be so much easier. It is possible for shrinking violets and shy guys to master the skill of networking. If you're struggling to meet new people, here's some common-sense advice for increasing your networking mojo. Start Small If the idea of approaching people you don't know intimidates you, begin your networking efforts by seeking out familiar faces, such as relatives and friends. Stop Apologizing —M.

Ten Great Books to Expand Your Horizons I've always been a voracious reader and even though I get most of my reading fix from scientific journals these days, I try to squeeze in an interesting book whenever I get a chance. "Interesting" to me usually means whatever topic I find interesting at the moment. And when something piques my interest, I binge read. I'll plow through scores of books on a topic, and I'll only slow down when my obsession wanes. In my youth, I was obsessed with the horror genre, fantasy books, and science fiction. I took my reading very seriously, and kept a notebook in which I reviewed each one of them once I finished. In my late teens, after I discovered strength training and became interested in nutrition, I read everything I came over on those topics. In my early twenties, I kept reading all sorts of books on nutrition and physiology, but I had periods where I drifted into entirely different subjects - like film theory, evolutionary theory, behavioral science and psychology, for example. P.S. 3. 4. 5.

How to Become Wildly Successful at Anything The interesting thing about success is that anyone can do it. If you simply do what successful people do, you are inevitably going to be successful. Right? Those that settle for good enough will regret their decision sooner or later and yearn for more. Good enough is simply never, well, be good enough. We are made for adventure, growth, and facing our fears. Despite what the gurus tell you, there is no master secret or plan. Within this process, there are a ton of variables to consider. ClarityFirst, you have to know what you want. Action StepsI want to leave you with a few action steps you can take right now to improve your life and the probability that you will succeed. Remember, you can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you want in the first place. Get clear about what you want. Anyone can become successful.

Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills 3. Split Firewood Seasoned splitters use a maul, not an ax, to prep firewood. 60 Must-Read Health & Fitness Blogs for 2012 | Health and Fitness Articles There's a dizzying number of blogs out there, all tempting us to procrastinate at work. But it's hard to know which sites are truly trustworthy, entertaining, informative, and Pinnable. So we went ahead and scoured the blogosphere to narrow it down to these standouts. We went after blogs that address interesting and timely issues and feature useful, upbeat (but never in an annoying way) posts that reflect Greatist's mission of making healthy living a little bit easier and a lot more fun. Note: Blogs are arranged in no particular order.

Goals vs Distractions - Life Gets in the Way Sometimes, even after we've carefully considered our goals, written them down, and planned our actions we just can't seem to keep ourselves focused on following the plan. Life just seems to have a way of getting in the way! Situation One: Life Throws You a Curve Ball This really isn't unusual, but it can certainly stop our progress. Have you ever had life really can get in the way of your goal achievement? Sometimes we set work plans that turn out to be a bit too ambitious. My wife and I had one of those inopportune events. When something like that happens, you really need to accept the fact that your priorities have temporarily changed. But remember, you are not throwing your goal out! Situation Two: No Curve Ball, Just Life It's pretty easy to understand how you need to adjust to dramatic events in your life. We need to learn to use specific techniques to hold our focus and overcome "daily life" distractions. There are at least two different types of distractions.

Health & Fitness You’ll find useful information about staying healthy and keeping fit right here. Over the years, thousands of fitness regimens and lifestyle solutions have been introduced in the market, enough to keep people experimenting. Some of these recommendations work, while some fail miserably. Let our experts fill you in on their own health and fitness secrets to keep you on the right path for a healthier mind and body. If you want to flex those muscles and get in shape, our category on Exercise & Nutrition is just the thing you need. To learn more about massage therapy, aromatherapy, meditation, herbal teas, yoga and much more, consult our Alternative Medicine articles. To stay healthy means to be free of ailments and disabilities. Be proactive and read up on our articles to reach a healthier and happier life!
