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Camping Knots for Wilderness Survival

Camping Knots for Wilderness Survival
By Filip Tkaczyk Knowing how to tie good camping knots is an invaluable skill in wilderness survival situations. Its also a great asset when having fun in the outdoors. There are a wealth of different knots out there that you can learn to tie. With so many different knots, you might find it hard to choose which to learn first. Here are 3 of the most useful knots for camping and wilderness survival. Square Knot Also called a reef knot, this knot is useful for tying bandages, packages and joining shorter pieces of rope together. To begin, lay the ends of the ropes parallel and then pick up a rope in each hand. Now tie an overhand knot as you would for tying your shoe laces by putting the right end under and over the left rope end. Then tie another overhand knot, this time putting the left end under and over the right rope. Completed Square Knot Clove Hitch Like all hitches, this camping knot ties a rope to an object. To begin, bring the rope end over and under the post. Bowline Related Courses:

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