40 mini-leçons efficaces pour enseigner l'écriture Présentation Savoir écrire, tout comme savoir lire, est essentiel à une pleine et entière participation à la société moderne. L’acquisition de cette compétence commence dès le préscolaire et se poursuit tout au long de la vie. 40 mini-leçons efficaces pour enseigner l’écriture s’appuie sur les résultats des plus récents travaux de recherche en matière d’enseignement de l’écrit, ainsi que sur une vaste expérimentation en classe. L’enseignant y trouvera des exemples concrets et signifiants qui lui permettront de soutenir ses élèves dans leurs apprentissages en les outillant de stratégies rédactionnelles efficaces. À qui s’adresse cet ouvrage ? 40 mini-leçons efficaces pour enseigner l’écriture s’adresse aux enseignants du préscolaire et du 1er cycle du primaire, aux conseillers pédagogiques, aux orthophonistes, aux directions d’école et aux étudiants en formation des maîtres. Auteur Lori Jamison Rog Lori Jamison Rog est enseignante, consultante en création de programmes et formatrice. 1. 2.
Writers' Workshop K-6 - Minilessons Mini Lesson Basics5-10 minutes longmulti-levelprecedes independent writing timeexplicit instructionassessment basedfocus on procedures and organisation (routines), strategies and processes, skills, craft and techniquescomposed of four major parts: Connection (teacher puts today's work in the context of children's ongoing work as writers and explicitly names what they'll be learning about today); Teach (explicit teaching of one important concept that will make their writing better, often drawing upon own writing, children's literature or student's writing); Active Engagement (students talk to a partner or examine their own writing for evidence of the concept); Link (encouraging students to try out the strategy in their writing that day or to add it to their toolkit of strategies)Mini Lesson Challengeshandling student participationkeeping minilessons briefteaching with clarity and purposemaintaining student engagement Examples of Mini Lesson Topics Mini Lesson Planning Sheet
Writer's Workshop in Grades K-5 There are four parts to the Mini-Lesson if you follow Lucy Calkin's way from the Units of Study. They are Connection, Teaching, Active Involvment and Link. Following is a brief synopsis of each part: ConnectionStudents access prior knowledge and hear the teaching point. Teacher talk sounds like: Yesterday we...Today I'm going to ... Teaching We teach one skill, strategy, method, etc. during this time. Procedures and Organizations (routines)Strategies and ProcessesSkillsCraft and Techniques I want to show you...Watch and notice how I... Active Involvement The teacher gives all students a quick opportunity to try out the new skill or strategy. I invite you to try it in your writing.Turn and talk to your partner how you can... Link To bring closure to the mini-lesson, you link to what the class has previously learned. So today and everyday...Now, you know that writers...As you continue your writing you may want to...
How to Start Writers Workshop So Now You Know What To Do, What Next? Knowing where and how to start Writer's Workshop can be very difficult It is hard to know how to organize the students if the teacher isn't sure how they want to organized!! Before I ever start teaching the Writing Process (Brainstorm, Draft, Revise, Edit, Final Draft and Publish) I spend the first few weeks setting up Writers Workshop routines in my class. These are all my beginning of the year writing workshop routine lessons in the order I teach them. I have recently revised these lessons. Books Used for Mini Lessons Starting Writers Workshop Mini Lessons Printable Copy of Mini Lessons Books Used for Mini Lessons Starting Writers Workshop Mini Lessons Here is a copy of my beginning of the year mini lessons. Printable Copy of Mini Lessons All Graphics are From
Inside Writing Communities, Grades 3-5 Program 1. Building a Community of Writers How can teachers in grades 3-5 create classrooms that nurture and support all students' confidence in their ability to write and help them forge their own writing identities? This program explores strategies and practices to help establish successful writing communities within classrooms. Go to this unit. Program 2. Teacher as Writer This program shows third-grade teacher Latosha Rowley sharing her writing with her students and reflecting on the experience as a writer and as a teacher. Program 3. Program 4. Program 5. Program 6. Program 7. Program 8. Program 9. Program 10. Program 11. Program 12. Program 13. Program 14. Program 15. Program 16.
Writing Mini-Lessons This year’s writing instruction will focus on the pursuit of good writing, with explicit instruction to help students begin to master some of the complex and nuanced qualities of exceptional writing. The goal is for students to improve their writing and simultaneously develop myriad approaches to writing that empower students to effectively evaluate and improve their own writing and thinking. To this end, students will participate in writing workshops of at least forty-five minutes three to five times a week. The writing workshop begins with a mini-lesson of five to thirty minutes and continues with independent writing, during which time I circulate among writers and meet with individuals or small groups. The writing workshop mini-lessons provide a writing course of study. During the daily mini-lesson, students will take notes in their writing binders so that throughout the course of the year, they may refer back to what they’ve learned to inform their writing in an ongoing manner.
Writer's Workshop - Upper Elementary Writer's Workshop is a teaching technique that invites students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum. Ideally students are introduced to the process of writing in the early elementary grades and write daily through varied activities. In Writer's Workshop, Upper Elementary students organize thoughts to create a story or write about a given topic and develop it into an understandable narrative with a voice and focus that present information to the reader. Upper Elementary students are able to use writing mechanics comfortably and the shift in their cognitive abilities to higher order thinking allows them to develop a more sophisticated sense of what makes good writing. While it is still important to allow students to choose a topic, students are now ready to learn about other types of writing such as persuasive arguments and compare and contrast assignments. Mini-Lesson Status of the Class Write and Confer Sharing: Author's Chair
Launching Writers’ Workshop The newly updated (August 2015) 19 mini-lesson free launching unit is available here: Launching Your Writing Workshop An amazing launch unit is the key to a successful writing workshop in your classroom! Use the lessons we’ve laid out below to help guide you through setting up a great workshop. Because this unit is designed to build the foundation of your writing workshop, not all lessons cover common core standards. Many of our lesson are based on the work done by Katie Wood Ray in About the Authors. Another component of this writing workshop is using real books by real, published authors to teach children what authors do. Like all writing workshops, ours begins with a mini-lesson, gives children time to write while the teachers conferences with individuals or small groups and ends with sharing. Writers Have a Process for Writing a Book This beginning lesson encourages students to look at the first steps to writing a book. Simple Story Plan Story Plan Box Story Board Nonfiction Plan
The Reading & Writing Project - Reading and Writing Performance Assessments If you are experiencing difficulties viewing the PDF documents below we recommend that you download Foxit PDF Reader. Common-Core-Aligned Performance Assessments These performance assessments were created by the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project for NYC Department of Education and some are owned by NYC Department of Education. The NYC Department of Education has agreed to allow Teachers College Reading and Writing Project to post the performance assessments online to support your students' academic progress. Performance Assessments engage students in authentic, high-level work that is aligned to curricular standards so that teachers can more carefully plan for instruction that meets students where they are and moves them forward. The overarching goal of assessing students is to provide a clear sense of what students have internalized and what still needs support in regards to the standards-based skills at hand.