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Les Fondamentaux du SEO expliqués aux Responsables Marketing…

Les Fondamentaux du SEO expliqués aux Responsables Marketing…
Yann Gourvennec, Webmaster de Visionary Marketing et co-fondateur de, a réalisé une série de 3 articles où il rappelle les fondamentaux du référencement naturel aux Responsables Marketing. Le but de ces 3 articles n’étant pas d’expliquer dans le détail la méthode d’optimisation d’une site Web, ni d’entrer dans la technique, mais simplement de rappeler quels sont les enjeux et les contraintes du SEO afin que les responsables marketing soient en mesure de comprendre les principes de base et prendre les bonnes décisions. Yann résume au travers d’un schéma très simple les 10 principales étapes indispensables pour améliorer son référencement naturel : Ensuite ils nous rappelle les fondamentaux: – Le référencement est plus qu’une affaire d’optimisation de pages Web : il s’agit de stratégie pour vendre ses produits et services, les faire connaitre, utiliser tous les leviers et outils (ou du moins les plus efficaces) pour attirer du trafic ciblé. Vous avez aimé ?

7 Tips for Local Search Optimization Posted bydimitriszotoson to Marketing, SEO Search Engines have 2 mainly goals: to deliver satisfying results responding to users’ expressed needs (search queries) and to meet these needs filtered to people’s physical location. This week we are sharing some tips on how to optimize your local search listing and on how to submit your business to the major Search Engine`s Local services, Google Places, Yahoo! General tips for local search listings Google Places In order to login to Google Places, you need a Google account, furthermore the service is free of charge. A paid plan can work additionally using an Adwords campaign showing up your ads on Local Search results. Yahoo! In order to login Yahoo Local Listings a Yahoo! Yahoo Local Listing service offers two plans, the Basic Listing which is free of charge and the Enhanced Listing which is the paid one ($9.95 per Month). Bing Local Listing Center Bing’s local listing is supported by and the submission is free. Overview Table

How to Conduct an On-Page SEO Site Audit The first thing an SEO should do when given a new project is to conduct an SEO site audit. A SEO site audit is a critical first step that SEOs must undertake to understand the state of SEO. There are two basic options: A quick hit site audit where you go through the top level diagnosis with the site in a few hours.An exhaustive site audit that can take days. If you choose perform the exhaustive site audit, there are three critical areas to keep in mind. On-page SEO auditTechnical site auditLink audit An on-page SEO audit will begin with obvious points, such as the title and meta description tags. Let's start by looking at few important elements of on-page SEO, why they're important, and tips on what you should look out for during your audit. Title Tags The purpose of a title tag is to make each page unique in terms of the page’s content. Title tags also carry huge weight in terms of how you rank, so try to spend as much time as possible on writing great title tags. Meta Tags Missing Title Tags

Link Building From Scratch With Google's Penguin knocking out some sites to the extent that webmasters are deciding it's better to start from scratch, many people are wondering how to formulate a link plan that will quickly bring them back to where they were ranking before. Site owners are scrambling to clean up link messes after receiving warnings or just erring on the side of caution. This bears a great question: is there a template for starting from scratch, link-wise? I think that there is, of course, just as there are things you need to do to make your site perform at its best. To get started, let's talk quickly about two free systems that I view as critical for any site: Google's Webmaster Tools and Analytics. Google's tools give you the two critical pieces of information that you need to build links: information about whose coming to your site and where they're coming from. Directory Links When I first started doing SEO, directories were a must. My opinion? Blogroll Links Sitewide Links Comment Links Text Links

SEO : Google va permettre de désactiver l'effet de certains liens - Journal du Net Solutions Lors du SMX, Matt Cutts, porte-parole du moteur de recherche, est revenu sur Google Penguin, le Negative SEO, les pénalités et les récents changements d'algorithme. De nombreux responsables SEO le demandaient : Google va le faire. Lors du salon dédié au référencement SMX qui se tient actuellement à Seattle, le journaliste spécialisé Danny Sullivan de a pu interroger Matt Cutts. Il lui a notamment demandé ce que Google comptait faire pour répondre à la crainte de voir le "Negative SEO" prendre de l'ampleur suite à la dernière mise à jour du moteur (Google Penguin). Le porte-parole SEO de Google a également profité de cet entretien pour expliquer que Penguin n'engendrait pas des pénalités au sens où l'entend Google, qui n'utilise ce terme que lors d'actions manuelles. Autres grandes questions qui agitent actuellement la sphère du référencement naturel : les liens vont-ils perdre leur actuel puissant effet de levier en référencement ?

Multiple Domains vs Subdomains vs Folders in SEO Usually the most important decisions in SEO are the ones that affect the structure of the website. A popular SEO debate is if one should use multiple domains, sub-domains or folders when he/she has multilanguage websites or various main categories/activities. This decision can heavily affect the performance of the Website in the major search engines and if someone makes the wrong call, it is extremely difficult to make changes. Below you will find one example URL for each method: (multiple domains) (subdomains) (folders) In order to get a holistic view of the issue we will examine the effects on many different factors. GEO Targeting As we all know, the major Search engines usually serve different results for the same keywords in different countries. Usually the best solution from the geographical targeting point of view is to have multiple domains. Authority, Trust & Domain Strength Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) Sitelinks support Examples:

10 SEO tips for Baidu Search Engine While European and American economies are still struggling to control their financial crisis, China managed last year to achieve almost a 2-digit growth rate. Taking into account the fact that the Per Capita income continues to increase, China, a country with over 1 million millionaires and a total population of over 1.3 billion people, is one of the most important immerging markets in the word. What steps did your business take to invest on this market or to attract more Chinese customers? Have you at least made sure that your website is visible to Chinese Internet users? Have you optimized your site for the Chinese search engines? In this article we will discuss about Baidu which is one of the most important Chinese web services and we will share 10 useful SEO Tips that will enable you to improve your rankings. Baidu: More than a local search engine So based on the above Baidu can become an important source of traffic for your website. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This is a global fact. 6. 7. 9. 10.

Is SEO the Answer for Start-up Marketing? The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Lately I’ve seen that a tight relationship between SEO and startups has been something of a foregone conclusion within the SEO industry: “Of course startups should be engaged in SEO!” Perhaps, and perhaps not. In fact, some start-up communities have taken up a stance in direct opposition to this, stigmatizing SEO as manipulative. Personally I’m just a humble consultant who has never started a company of his own, so I think it would be presumptuous of me to arbitrarily declare SEO a high priority for any start-up in any field. If doing SEO isn’t a foregone conclusion, then, it bears further discussion as a marketing strategy. What SEO Offers (Measurable) Audience Embiggening The end goal of SEO is to increase the number of people arriving at your site through organic search results. Reinforcement Of Extant Marketing Strategies Makes sense, right? Agility

7 deadly mistakes to avoid in Google Webmaster Tools Console The Google Webmaster Tools is a free service that allows webmasters to submit their websites & sitemaps to Google, affect their indexing process, configure how the search engine bots crawl their sites, get a list of all the errors that were detected on their pages and get valuable information, reports and statistics about their websites. Certainly it is a very powerful console that can help Webmasters not only optimize their websites but also control how Google accesses their sites. Unfortunately though, even if using the basic functionalities and changing the default configuration is relatively straight forward, one should be very careful while using the advanced features. This is because some of the options can heavily affect the SEO campaign of the website and change the way that Google evaluates it. 1. The Geographic Targeting is a great feature that allows you to link your website to a particular location/country. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

SEO for Dentists, Doctors and the Healthcare Industry For most dentists, local GPs and other healthcare specialists, the rise of the internet has given them an easy means with which to grow their client bases. If you have a well optimised website focused on the keywords people are looking for relating to your business, then chances are people will be able to find you. It is no longer necessary to take out an expensive and untrackable ad in the local phone book to get found; have a great looking website that’s optimised and focused and you can grow your client base fairly cost effectively. With this in mind, I though I would put together a short guide on SEO for dentists, doctors and other practitioners in the healthcare industry. Website Offering Essential Pages On top of having a home page, most sites in this industry are going need ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’ pages. The advantage of structuring your site in this way is that it enables you to broaden the types of keywords you can target. Mobile Site Keyword Research On-Page Optimisation Profiles

Le nom du domaine, un levier de référencement en perte de vitesse - JDN web & tech Une récente mise à jour de Google baisse une nouvelle fois l'importance du nom du domaine dans le référencement d'un site. Après Panda, puis Penguin, c'est en revanche une nouvelle fois un taux de rebond bien précis qui prend de l'importance. Fin septembre, le responsable de la lutte antispam de Google, Matt Cutts, annonce sur Twitter une "petite" modification de l'algorithme visant à "réduire la présence des noms de domaines à mot clé dans les résultats". 0.6% des requêtes en anglais sont affectées. Peu après cette annonce, Matt Cutts précisera bien que l'algorithme n'a pas été déployé en France, mais qu'il fallait bien s'attendre "si tout va bien" à un déploiement international. Il n'en fallait pas plus pour inquiéter, des deux côtés de l'Atlantique, ceux qui avaient justement misé une partie de leur stratégie SEO sur ces noms de domaine à mot clé, appelé "EMD", pour Exact Match Domain en anglais, soit les noms de domaines qui répondent exactement à une requête. Google contre les "MFA"

En 2012, les SEO sont largués ! Depuis l’application du filtre anti-spam « Pingouin », je sens les SEO désorientés. Dans le SEO depuis 1999, je n’ai jamais vu autant d’inquiétudes, autant de désaroi sur les techniques à employer… et autant de contre-sens proférés. L’age d’or du spam de liens Pendant des années, Google a laissé le spam de lien quasi-impuni. Un des paradigmes originels de la lutte anti-spam chez Google était qu’on ne pouvait sanctionner un site sur la base des liens qui pointent vers lui, car il n’en est pas maître. Les SEO se sont engouffrés dans la brèche Artisanalement d’abord, via de l’échange de lien, des plate-formes de location de liens, etc… Depuis 2-3 ans, le linking-spam était passé au stade industriel. Penguin n’y va pas de main morte ! On l’a vu, avec l’application du filtre anti-spam « Penguin », il y a du sang sur les mûrs. Penguin, un changement de paradigme dans la lutte anti-spam Google a réalisé le péril que représentait pour lui le linking-spam à échelle industrielle.

How social signals influence SEO: five things you need to know 2012 has been a time of great transition in SEO. With Google’s Penguin update in May, we saw a concerted move away from it being duped by black hat techniques, and a move towards beginning to incorporate social signals into its algorithm. The water’s still a bit murky when it comes to how important social signals are and will be in the landscape of SEO, but here are a few FAQs that you’ll no doubt be very interested in hearing the answers to… Which social signals matter to search engines? Having been widely covered, Danny Sullivan's article, What Social Signals Do Google & Bing Really Count? Both Google and Bing corroborated the theory that those Twitter users who are deemed to be authoritative lend their authority to the pages they tweet. However, only Bing said it also looked at how often a link had been tweeted and retweeted, while Google said that this factor was measured in “limited situations”. How much does the Google algorithm rely on social signals? Does more shares mean more links?
