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MemeTracker: tracking news phrases over the web

MemeTracker: tracking news phrases over the web

Quand Google Books permet de comprendre notre génome culturel Pour une fois, on va dire du bien de Google dans cette lecture de la semaine. A travers un article paru sur le site de Discover Magazine en décembre 2010, sous la plume de Ed Young. Le titre de cet article : “Le génome culturel ; Google Books révèle les traces de la notoriété, de la censure et des changements de la langue”. “De la même manière qu’un fossile nous dit des choses sur l’évolution de la vie sur terre, explique Ed Young, les mots inscrits dans les livres racontent l’histoire de l’humanité. Heureusement, poursuit Young, c’est exactement ce que fait Google depuis 2004 avec Google Books. 15 millions de livres ont été numérisés aujourd’hui, soit 12 % de l’ensemble des livres qui ont été publiés à ce jour. L’équipe a travaillé sur un tiers du corpus total. 5 millions de livres publiés en Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Allemand, Chinois, Russe et Hébreu, et remontant au 16e siècle. Maintenant, quelques résultats de ce travail : 1. 2. 3. 4. Image : l’évolution de ce que nous mangeons… - Your source for inventing and reinventing proje 22 Free Social Network Analysis Tools [Estimated read time: 9 minutes] Social network analysis tools facilitate qualitative or quantitative analysis of social network by describing network’s feature either via visual or numerical representation. It generally uses network or graph theory to examine social structures. The main components are nodes (people) and the edges that connect them. Some of them performs predictive analysis too. Below, we have listed some of the most effective social network analysis software that are available for free. 22. AllegroGraph is a graph database developed to store RDF triples. 21. Commetrix is a dynamic network visualization and analysis software that provides easy exploratory yet comprehensive access to network data. 20. Socilab is an online tool that lets you visualize and analyze LinkedIn network using methods derived from social-scientific research. 19. 18. This is cross-platform user friendly tool that allows you to draw social network with a few clicks on a virtual canvas. 16. 15. 14.

Culturomics research uses quarter-century of media coverage to forecast human behavior "Culturomics" is an emerging field of study into human culture that relies on the collection and analysis of large amounts of data. A previous culturomic research effort used Google's culturomic tool to examine a dataset made up of the text of about 5.2 million books to quantify cultural trends across seven languages and three centuries. Now a new research project has used a supercomputer to examine a dataset made up of a quarter-century of worldwide news coverage to forecast and visualize human behavior. Using the tone and location of news coverage, the research was able to retroactively predict the recent Arab Spring and successfully estimate the final location of Osama Bin Laden to within 200 km (124 miles). Tone Leetaru says that examining the tone of a news story is one of the most important aspects of his version of culturomics and the most reliable metric for conflict. Location, location, location World "civilizations" according to SWB, 1979-2009 (Image: Leetaru)

Ötletláda Análisis de sentimiento con Hootsuite Insights para expertos en marketing de redes sociales Análisis de sentimiento, no es un tema exclusivo a apps de citas. Si alguien hablara de ti, ¿no te gustaría saber lo que dicen? En el caso de las empresas, no hay elección, debes saber lo que la gente está diciendo sobre tu marca. Es importante para las marcas escuchar con atención lo que se dice sobre sus empresas, y es más importante aún saber si lo que dicen es positivo o negativo. Las herramientas de análisis del sentimiento pueden ser de ayuda en este aspecto. Hablamos con Nick Martin, coordinador de participación social en Hootsuite, sobre por qué el sentimiento en las redes sociales es importante y qué herramientas utiliza diariamente. ¿Qué es el sentimiento en las redes sociales? Si bien las 10 000 menciones que recibió tu marca en Twitter la semana pasada te hacen sentir maravilloso, estarías en problemas si estas fueran quejas. Dar seguimiento al análisis de sentimiento te permite conocer cómo se siente la persona que está detrás de una publicación en redes sociales. Brandwatch

In 500 Billion Words, a New Window on Culture The digital storehouse, which comprises words and short phrases as well as a year-by-year count of how often they appear, represents the first time a data set of this magnitude and searching tools are at the disposal of Ph.D.’s, middle school students and anyone else who likes to spend time in front of a small screen. It consists of the 500 billion words contained in books published between 1500 and 2008 in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Russian. The intended audience is scholarly, but a simple online tool allows anyone with a computer to plug in a string of up to five words and see a graph that charts the phrase’s use over time — a diversion that can quickly become as addictive as the habit-forming game Angry Birds. With a click you can see that “women,” in comparison with “men,” is rarely mentioned until the early 1970s, when feminism gained a foothold. The lines eventually cross paths about 1986. The data set can be downloaded, and users can build their own search tools.

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