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Ethical Dilemmas Archive - Lesson Plan & Curriculum Loyalty — Jeff’s best friend is getting into some pretty risky behaviors, including dangerous drugs. What can Jeff do to help his friend? Honesty — Jennifer knows her parents won’t let her go to “the big party” if they find out the host’s parents are out of town. Should she lie about it? Cheating — What’s the difference between cheating on a math test and lying about your age in order to save money on a movie ticket? Cliques & Bullying — Julia’s best friend has turned against her and is now organizing the other girls to bully and isolate her.

A Simple Exercise For Encouraging Independent Reading When the school year started, I focused on the important issues — racial justice, the pandemic, the election — yet I couldn’t stop thinking about how I could share with students the Weird Al profile that made me laugh and cry, the article about sheep shearing off the coast of Maine, the photo tour of the chalk factory that built a cult following among mathematicians, the bizarre story of the prank-commissioned Soviet-style mural of Cookie Monster, and the multimedia article that brought me 12,000 feet up the Grand Traverse in the Teton Mountain Range. Finally, I realized that these articles weren’t extraneous. They were a model of the lifelong reading habits that I wanted my students to develop. I shared all those articles as a text set and used one to demonstrate the summary and reflection I would have them compose for the articles they would find.

Bring TED-Ed Student Talks to Your School The TED-Ed Student Talks Program supports students as they discover, explore and present their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks. Only educators at schools or educational organizations can submit an application. When an educator is approved, they receive access to a guidebook with activity instructions and idea journals for students. TED-Ed Student Talks program operates on a trimester model. Applications get reviewed and approved three times a year and are given access to resources for 12 months from the approval date.

10 Ways to Teach Argument-Writing With The New York Times How would your students describe the differences between the news sections of a newspaper and the opinion section? What do they have in common? How do they differ? Where else in newspapers are opinions — for instance, in the form of reviews or personal essays — often published? Digital Citizenship for Secondary Learners Can Media Be Addictive? Are we addicted to our devices and, if so, are companies to blame? How Young Is Too Young for Social Media? At what age should people be allowed to use social media? Who's Looking at Your Digital Footprint?

Vad betyder värdeorden? – Annika Sjödahl Rubriken inleder med hur man kan tolka värdeorden. Värdeorden är de fetstilade orden i läroplanen som uttrycker på vilken nivå ett kunskapskrav nåtts, t ex enkelt, utvecklat, välutvecklat och det är där bedömningen utgår ifrån. För att hjälpa till att bedöma värdeorden används det som kallas bedömningsaspekter (här finns mer information från Pedagog Värmland om ämnet) men De kallas även för språkliga uttrycksformer i Skolverkets skrift Få syn på språket. Anna Kaya skriver om språkliga uttrycksformer här och här. 5 Quick Video Discussion Activities for Middle School Give students the space to share their perspectives on digital citizenship topics. If you're a middle school teacher, you know that positive social skills are just as important as academic skills for young adolescents. Add to that students' passion for interacting with others through their devices and online, and it's clear that digital citizenship skills like knowing how to deal with digital drama and keeping online friendships safe are essential for kids this age. But working digital citizenship lessons into an already-packed daily schedule can be a challenge for most teachers.

Shakespeare our way – elevernas tolkningar Upplägget har jag beskrivit i inläggen Introducing Shakespeare och Continuing Sheakespeare. Många av dem har gjort detta med bravur och jag vill visa upp några exempel på hur de valt att tolka uppgiften. De exempel jag visar upp är inte nödvändigtvis de bästa eller mest unika, men de representerar olika varianter av tolkningar och påvisar en bredd. Web tool directory - ReadWriteThink Evaluation criteria: Added value: What is the potential of the tool for achieving learning objectives? Usability: How easy is the tool to use and to adapt to your teaching context? Interactivity: What possibilities does this tool offer for communication and collaboration amongst learners?
