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SoundCloud - sons & musiques

SoundCloud - sons & musiques
What’s next in music is first on SoundCloud. Be the first to find new music. Discover trending artists, play songs and share your favorite playlists. Access the world’s largest music discovery platform- That’s 300M+ tracks from 30M+ artists in 193 countries Discover new and trending music, picked just for you- Play curated mixes and playlists based on the songs you love Find exclusive music on SoundCloud- Play songs, DJ sets and remixes you can’t find on any other streaming platform Grow your music collection- Find and save trending hits, underground remixes, deep cuts and more.- Build playlists with your favorite songs. Find and connect with your music community - Follow your favorite artists and connect with music fans directly and discover their playlists.- Like, Repost and comment on any track, directly in the music player.- Share songs and trending playlists on the app and social media. Need help?

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YouTube Obtén la aplicación oficial de YouTube para teléfonos y tablets Android. Ve lo que el mundo está mirando: desde los videos musicales más populares hasta las últimas tendencias en videojuegos, entretenimiento, noticias y más. Suscríbete a los canales que más te gustan, comparte con tus amigos y mira todo desde cualquier dispositivo. Con el nuevo diseño, podrás divertirte explorando los videos que más te gustan de forma más fácil y más rápida que nunca. • Explora recomendaciones personales en la pestaña Página principal • Ve lo más reciente de tus canales favoritos en la pestaña Suscripciones • Busca los videos que miraste y que te gustaron en la pestaña Cuenta • Haz que las personas sepan tu opinión con "Me gusta", comentarios y elementos compartidos • Sube y edita tus propios videos con filtros y música: todo a través de la aplicación.

Surviving High School Now available to devices with High Resolution Screen!★★The Plot of 'Love Academy'★★All the talented students around the world have gathered here at the 'Moulin Academy'. You thought you were just trying your luck in the beginning...but not anymore...Unexpected romantic encounters during the masquerade party and fireworks festival?! ★★Here are your TARGETS in 'Love Academy'! Yota Ameda Student council president Goal: Swimming ace He is a sadistic leader, and also the president of the student council. Haku Shirato Goal: Singer He lives on the roof of the school with the nickname "Stray Cat". Takumi Jyogasaki Goal: Doctor He is the childhood friend of heroine (you). ★★You are the heroine! ★★ There are many Romantic illustrations in this application! ★★ Let's get the party started! ★★It's all for free! ★★More Stories await you!

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Tchat vidéo ooVoo Rejoignez les millions de personnes sur Moco qui bavardent, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, des jeux et plus encore! Peu importe qui ou ce que vous cherchez, Moco est le n ° 1 app pour faire de nouveaux amis pour bavarder, flirt, dater, l'amitié ou pour le plaisir. Il ya des millions de personnes réelles en ligne et discuter dès maintenant, à proximité et dans le monde. Moco est entièrement GRATUIT - le chat et le message avec les gens sans limites, créer votre propre profil personnalisé avec votre musique préférée, des vidéos, des milieux, papiers peints, des animations et plus encore! Moco est l'endroit idéal pour: - Chat dans l'une des centaines de salons de clavardage et les forums de discussion, ou démarrer votre propre chat en 1-1 ou un groupe- Rencontrer des gens à proximité ou partout dans le monde, le chat, messagerie instantanée, et faire de nouveaux amis- Personnalisez votre profil avec vidéos, musique, milieux, papiers peints, des animations et plus encore!

Call Faker Free technical support is available, for this app, on the discussion forum: 30+ FREE Voice Effects ! Note: Dalek voices are actually labeled as: Cyborg I, Cyborg II, and Cyborg III in the actual app. Robot 1-5 (Cylon and other scifi robots),Alien 1-4(Goauld,Asgard),Backwards,Bee,Chipmunk,Cyborg 1-4(Daleks,Cybermen),Deep,Deep Metallic(Darth Vader),Echo,Fast Backwards(foreign language),Fast Normal,Freaky 1-2,Helium(Despicable Minion),Hyper,Metallic,Possessed,Saw-Man(Jigsaw),Slow Backwards,Slow Normal * You can also use this app to create custom ringtones using these voice effects..* Create WICKED telephone greetings for yourself and/or your friends. NOTE: When recording, try using different recording volume levels (look for the recording volume control within the app) in order to find the levels that work best for your device. If you hear excessive static during playback, try lowering your recording volume and make a new recording using this lower recording volume setting.

VIDEO. Mort de Johnny Hallyday: «C'était un Viking, une force de la nature», raconte son ancien coach sportif Hervé Lewis a suivi Johnny Hallyday sur ses lieux de villégiature – Los Angeles, Saint-Tropez – passant parfois trois mois dans le quotidien du rockeur. Le chanteur appréciait la musculation et il lui arrivait de « bien se donner » selon son ancien coach. Bandana sur la tête, bouc et pattes finement taillés, Hervé Lewis ne passait pas inaperçu aux côtés de Johnny Hallyday. Pendant près d’une vingtaine d’années, le coach sportif s’est occupé du physique du chanteur. Ce matin, il ne cachait pas son émotion après la mort du rockeur. « Je suis ému, il n’y a pas que moi, tous les Français ont été émus. » >> Suivez notre direct sur les hommages et réactions à la mort de Johnny Hallyday. Aujourd’hui photographe, notamment pour une célèbre marque de lingerie, Hervé Lewis revient pour 20 Minutes sur ces années où il a suivi Johnny Hallyday entre Paris, Saint-Tropez et Los Angeles, oscillant entre haltères et guidon d’Harley-Davidson. Comment êtes-vous arrivé à travailler avec Johnny Hallyday ?

Spotify With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. We have even added audiobooks, so you can enjoy thousands of stories wherever you are! Stream music and podcasts, listen to audiobooks, discover albums, playlists or even single songs for free on your mobile or tablet. Subscribe to Spotify Premium to download and listen offline wherever you are. Spotify gives you access to a world of free music, curated playlists, artists, and podcasts you love. Discover podcasts, new music, top songs or listen to your favorite artists and albums. WHY SPOTIFY FOR MUSIC AND PODCASTS? Listen and discover the latest music from artists like;• Bad Bunny• Billie Eilish• Renzo Pianciola• The Temper Trap• Harry Styles Listen to your favorite music artists all day every day via the Popular Radio playlist feature. Introducing audiobooks on Spotify. WHY GO PREMIUM? Audiobooks in Premium currently available in Australia, the UK & the US.

My Mixtapez Hear original music & audio from the world's largest community of musicians, bands, producers and audio creators of all types. SoundCloud is the world’s leading audio platform, with over twelve hours of music & audio posted every minute. Find and play new songs, remixes, comedy, news and more. With the SoundCloud app for Android, you can hear anything, wherever you are. How to use SoundCloud:SoundCloud brings you the best original new music & audio direct from the creators themselves. Sharing your favourite music and audio to social networks is simple and fast: post tracks to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr so your friends can hear them too. Get started with SoundCloud: it's easier and simpler than ever to discover and share music & audio you love. Praise for SoundCloud: "SoundCloud is focused on building out a massive trove of content, weaving it all into the Web and making it easier to share. "SoundCloud is a sharing machine. Discovering great new music has never been simpler.

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