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Alaska Cannabusiness Gets Ready to Take Off “I want to see Juneau become a forerunner,” says restaurant owner Tracy LaBarge. “I want to see it done in a very responsible and classy way.” She’s referring to the implementation of Measure 2, a voter-approved ballot initiative legalizing recreational marijuana in Alaska. Along with other pro-weed residents, LaBarge testified in January before the Juneau City and Borough Assembly, which had proposed a 12-month moratorium on issuing land-use and other permits for pot businesses. The good news: They talked the assembly down to a six-month delay. As it stands, the earliest that weed shops, smoke lounges and bars can be operational is May 2016. The business people don’t really need the delay, but lawmakers probably do. LaBarge, who owns four restaurants and bars in the area, believes that the existing laws regulating alcohol sales can serve as a template for weed regs. Other parts of the state have also seen evidence that change is a-coming. (Photo by Chris Beck)

Introducing to you an ultimate game-changer for the way we listen to music: the Bragi Dash earbuds. These neat little gadgets are the world’s first wireless smart in-ear headphones. But they’re also much more than that. Being able to listen to music on the go is a wonderful thing; you can take your favorite melodies with you anywhere you please and use them to shut off from the rest of the world. And all that untangling and pulling doesn’t do the wires any good, which often break, warranting a new pair pretty regularly. Thankfully, there are people out there that have realized our frustrations and woes, and have gone and done something about it. These earphones were born out of German startup company Bragi, which received almost $3.5 million from 16,000 backers on Kickstarter. Given the importance of good fit, the team used ear molds acquired from hearing aid companies to guide their design. So what’s the catch? [Via Bragi and The Verge]

In a TV show about healthy living on the first channel of the Russian national television, Mark Sandomirsky, a doctor of medical science and psychiatrist, advices his patients to relieve stress using a simple technique. The causes and effects of stress often vary, and people experience it in many different ways. After being stressed, we are left with an uncomfortable feeling, followed by a feeling of heaviness or pain in certain parts of the body. The first thing you should do is get rid of all destructive emotions. Ancient Chinese called this point Shen Men or “The Gate of Heaven,” because its treatment brings celestial energy to your body. This acupressure point also suppresses inflammation and addiction, and its treatment relieves pain in every part of your body. Dr Sandomirsky advices: Using a cotton bud press this point and gently massage it. Extra tips: Thanks to Truth Seeker Daily for this article The Open Mind Staff Writer and Social Media Manager for The Open Mind. More Posts

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers Share 19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers For TrendyJoe [GT] by julia.letts Life DIY When you have a lot of clothes and accessories, or just a lot of clutter, it can be difficult to reclaim your closet and drawers and get organized. 1. via Kat Black Designs 2. via Fravel 3. via Better Homes and Gardens 4. via Don't Disturb This Groove What Did You Think? julia.letts For TrendyJoe [GT] Iced coffee is the way to my heart. More posts by julia.letts Verified Join Diply Today Connect with a social network Sign In to Diply Sign into your Diply account with your social network Report Post Select the option(s) that best described why this should be removed from Diply.

Machine Elf - Non-alien Creatures Wiki Machine elves (also known as fractal elves, self-transforming elf machines or"Jenny") is a term coined by the late ethnobotanist, writer and philosopher Terence McKenna to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT References to such encounters can be found in many cultures ranging from shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australians and African tribes, as well as among Western users of these substances. At about minute one or two of a DMT trip, according to McKenna, one may burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find: There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying "How wonderful that you're here! James Kent has put forth a different explanation for machine elves.

Grow Hack: Curing and Storage Changes Potency Cannabis grown in the Rif Valley in Morocco for hash-making gets dried on rooftops under the hot African sun, and their hash always has a more narcotic feeling with less head-high. Some could say this effect is because of the strain—and the strain’s natural cannabinoid and terpene profile probably plays a major part—but no one denies the heat of the sun plays a significant part, as well. Much has been said about proper curing. A good, slow drying of cannabis flowers ripens the flavor and, according to some, also ripens the potency. Connoisseurs maintain that more heat and storage gives their pot a stonier feel, but it’s only through years of experience that we know this. Tests done on lab animals showed that cannabinol, or CBN, makes a THC high more stony. This adds another dimension to making flower extracts.

Thousands of years old, the Gāyatrī Mantra is a highly revered mantra of the Vedic tradition. Just like all the Vedic Mantras, the Gayatri Mantra is believed to to transform the listener into a recipient of divine energy, forgiveness, enlightenment and empowerment. Sound is the primordial matrix from which everything springs. Hum and chant along and reconnect with your deepest self. The mantra: Learn more about Tina Malia: Learn more about the power of yoga to transform YOUR life: Modern Science Confirms Yoga‘s Many Health Benefits How Yoga Heals The Diseased Heart Yoga Allows You To Hack Gene Expression Yoga | GreenMedInfo | Therapeutic Action

I love lemons. They are bright, refreshing, and smell divine. I’ve gotten in the habit of squeezing fresh lemon juice in a glass of water to help wake me up (and my digestive system) first thing in the morning. When I first started, I’m ashamed to admit that I would usually just throw the lemon peel away (or toss it in the garbage disposal). But when my lemon habit really took off I started storing the peels. 31 uses for lemon peels And thanks to the internet, experimenting, and other tidbits along the way I’ve also collected a lot of things you can do with those lemon peels. Eat the lemon peel. Did you know that lemon peels are nutritional power houses? Lemon Peels contain a spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fiber (things like calcium, potassium, and vitamin C) that can give your menu a nutritional boost. Remember, organic will be your best bet when consuming the peel to avoid eating pesticides. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clean with the lemon peel. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

by Matthew Tharrett 1/8/2015 Thanks to that cute new dancer boyfriend he took on vacation to Australia last week, we can now confirm Sam Smith sings Beyoncé in the shower. Celebrities! They’re just like us! From Jonathan Zeizel’s Instagram: Smith and Zeizel started dating after they met on set of the “Like I Can” video, which featured a group of dapper gentlemen following Smith around New York City. “Drunk In Love,” to be precise. “I started my year so lonely and still fully in love with someone who didn’t love me back,” he said previously. We’ll drink get drunk to that! Matthew Tharrett is a writer, filmmaker, diehard Britney stan, and former record-breaking diva in a previous life. @mattharrett
