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: Girls In Tech :

: Girls In Tech :

Womoz - Women & Mozilla Tech Cocktail Systers Wiki Systers is an international community of 3,000 women involved in technical-computing founded by Anita Borg in 1987 as a small electronic mailing list for women in “systems”. Today, Systers broadly promotes the interests of women in the computing and technology fields. Anita created Systers to “increase the number of women in computer science and make the environments in which women work more conducive to their continued participation in the field.” The Systers community serves this purpose by providing women a private space to seek advice from their peers, and discuss the challenges they share as women technologist. Please create an account to make wiki contributions. Getting Started with Open Source Development Robin Jeffries Gloria W Jen Redman Terri Oda and I'm sure there are many others. Because of their drive to introduce Systers to open source projects, communities and technologies, we are honored that we continue their work. Join the conversation here: Systers-foss Systers Resources

RivieraCube | La communauté des acteurs du numérique sur la Côte d'Azur GNOME Women GNOME Women is a group dedicated to providing encouragement for women to contribute to GNOME, a free and open-source GNU/Linux and Unix desktop suite. IRC Channel Our IRC channel is #gnome-women on . Mailing List The mailing list is our main communication channel. Facebook Group We have a Women in GNOME Facebook group. Outreach Program The Outreach Program for Women encourages women to get involved in GNOME any time throughout the year and organizes internships for women in GNOME and other organizations. Mentoring The list of GNOME mentors started out as a resource for the Outreach Program for Women, but is now a general resource available to all newcomers. Photos and Images A selection of photos of women working on GNOME and the program logo are here. Contribute to GNOME? There are many contributors to GNOME with a wide range of skillsets: How are you going to encourage more women to contribute? Why do women need their own group to contribute to GNOME? How do I get started? Credits

Y Combinator Girls Go Geek… Again! Computer science has always been a male-dominated field, right? Wrong. In 1987, 42% of the software developers in America were women. And 34% of the systems analysts in America were women. In fact, for a hot second back in the mid-sixties, computer programming was actually portrayed as women’s work by the mass media. Don't worry, ladies. There were many reasons for the unusual influx of women into computer science. And then the women left. From 1984 to 2006, the number of women majoring in computer science dropped from 37% to 20% — just as the percentages of women were increasing steadily in all other fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, with the possible exception of physics. Why do we care about a long-gone moment in early computing history when the presence of women was unexceptional? Because it looks like women are now returning to computer science. Why might women once again be interested in computer science? Table 1. Q: How and when did you get into computer science?

Business Model Innovation Hub - ... where visionaries, game changers, and challengers discuss business models The Computer Boys Take Over The Resource for Entrepreneurs. April, Groupe de travail « Diversité » Contexte Ce groupe interne, créé en janvier 2008, travaille à la diversité des membres de l'April. Le groupe de travail diversité de l'April vise à promouvoir l'accueil de toutes les différences dans le monde du Libre. Si le constat révèle une certaine homogénéité des profils (hommes, blancs, éduqués, informaticiens...), tout le monde est concerné par la liberté et chacun peut trouver sa place. Les valeurs du libre, l'ouverture des logiciels et la disponibilité de l'information portent un universalisme qui a vocation à être approprié par tous. Ainsi, plutôt que de se focaliser sur le constat d'un manque de diversité, et alors que tout le monde s'accorde pour dire que favoriser la diversité c'est faire la place à des expériences et des points de vue différents, source d'enrichissement pour tous, le groupe de travail diversité se donne pour mission de promouvoir la diversité dans le monde du Libre afin de faciliter l'accueil d'un public aux profils variés. Voir la charte du groupe. Contacts
