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Related:  ana972vocabulary

SMART Exchange Food | mousepotato87 These activities are part of the sequence we are studying at the moment. They are based on oral comprehension. 1) listen to the following conversations and match the pictures and the dialogues. dialogue 2) Listen again and write the numbers of the photos in the correct order on your worksheet. Here is a colour copy of the photos : 3) Then you must answer the questions of the following webquest. American breakfast WQ 4) How do you understand this conversation? Click on that link, and then on « Listen to the dialogue ». You must do all the exercises related to this dialogue! 5) The next activity will tell you how to pronounce all these new words. Here is the list : Cereal / Oatmeal / toast / donuts / muffins / bagels / scrambled eggs / fried eggs / omelet / bacon / sausages / syrup / French toast / fried bread pancakes / waffles / orange juice “Good morning ! Waiters

Groupe public English Proverbs and Idioms Literatur - Kultur - Tracking: To improve and finance our website, we work together with third-party providers (this link will take you to an overview of providers in the Privacy Center). Together with these third-party providers, we collect and process personal data on our platforms. Using cookies stored on your device, personal identifiers such as device IDs or IP addresses, and based on your individual usage patterns, together with these third-party providers, we can ... Store and/or retrieve information on a device: Cookies, device IDs or other information may be stored or retrieved on your device for the processing purposes that you have been informed of. Personalized ads and content, the measurement of ads and content, insights into target groups and product developments: Ads and content can be personalized based on a profile.

10 Ready-to-use Lesson Plans on the Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations introduced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in 2015 as a global plan to reduce poverty, protect nature and enable everyone to live in peace and prosperity. But what would a sustainable world look like? This short video introduces these 17 SDGs: These 17 goals of sustainable development should be achieved by the year 2030. That’s just 10 years from now. To achieve the goals, countries, companies, and citizens should all work together, and share the responsibility to spread the word about them. If you never heard of them before, it’s time to take action! 10 Lesson activities on the SDG’s 1. Start with the video you just saw, and show it to your students. 2. Let your students solve the jigsaw puzzle. 3. This flashcards exercise gives your students a clearer view of what particular goals mean. 4. If you’re not a fan of flashcards, you can always use this hotspot image and let your students discover the true meaning of all the SDGs. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wrap up

Matériel scolaire en anglais – : apprendre l'anglais par l'image et le jeu Cours sur les fournitures scolaires en anglais : school supplies Vocabulaire illustré sur les fournitures scolaires en anglais : diaporama avec mots anglais associés aux images – pour débutants – 22 mots à connaître (par Agnès Pihuit- sur youtube) Vocabulaire illustré en anglais sur 30 objets utiles en classe + exercices :« school things » – matching+crossword – 30 mots ( Vocabulaire illustré sur les fournitures scolaires en anglais : diaporama avec mots anglais associés aux images- pour confirmés – 40 mots à apprendre (Agnès Pihuit sur youtube) Exercices sur les fournitures scolaires en anglais – exercises on school supplies Exercice interactif : associer chaque image au mot anglais qui convient – 12 images ( Jeu interactif : jeu de mémoire avec 12 objets utilisés en classe – associer chaque mot anglais à l’image qui correspond ( Jeu du pendu sur les objets de l’école en anglais (

21 Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary in the Classroom Skip to content Menu Search Parents Teachers Admins Gifted Youth 21 Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary I’m sharing 21 ideas for teaching vocabulary. I’ve shared books about vocabulary instruction, as well as the theory and techniques. I’m sharing the bare bones of the ideas here. I’m adding lengthier explanations for some of them with more tips and fleshed-out instructions on my website devoted just to vocabulary instruction, VocabularyLuau. You’ll see that option at the end of the idea if it’s available. IDEA #1: Semantic Maps In this activity, the teacher chooses a word and displays it for the class on a whiteboard, etc. Students read the word and then think of words that come to mind when they see that word (this is awesome because it activates prior learning). A list is created of all of the words that come to mind, and then those words are categorized. This can be done as a whole class or in small groups. Students then create a “map” using a graphic organizer and discuss it. IDEA #2: Eye Spy Share it:

Verbes irréguliers et vocabulaire anglais TEST INTERMEDI SS2 Informativa sull'utilizzo dei cookie del browser Cliccando su "Continua senza accettare" proseguirai la navigazione senza accettare i cookies di profilazione. La Palette des Couleurs en Langue Britannique | Superprof Les couleurs les plus fréquentes en anglais Venons-en au fait : quelles sont les couleurs les plus répandues dans la langue anglaise ? Voici pour commencer une première liste de couleurs de base en anglais : Black : noir,White : blanc,Red : rouge,Green : vert,Blue : bleu,Navy blue : bleu marine,Silver : argent,Turquoise : turquoise,Golden : doré,Yellow : jaune,Violet : violet,Orange : orange,Grey, gray : gris,Brown : marron,Pink : rose,Purple : violet (foncé), pourpre (rougeâtre),Beige : beige. Cette première liste sera aisément employable dans des phrases simples de la vie courante. Les chats sont souvent blancs, gris ou noirs,Le soleil couchant colorait le ciel de couleurs orange, rouge et jaune,Ma voiture est rouge,Je porte un tee-shirt blanc, un pantalon rouge et des chaussures noires,Les fenêtres bleues de ma maison blanche,J'aime les fleurs rouges,J'ai choisi des rideaux rouges pour ma chambre aux murs peints en blanc. Comment traduit-on les phrases suivantes ? Par exemple :
