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Advertising on Facebook

Advertising on Facebook
Related:  Données personnelles - Présence numérique

Facebook Growing Up, Focusing on Infrastructure Efficiency and Security Facebook is showing new signs of maturity and a willingness to tackle tough, unsexy problems. In the last few days it’s made four announcements around hardware efficiency and cybersecurity: the opening of a self-cooling server farm in the Arctic, the launch of its Open Compute foundation for infrastructure open sourcing, details on its Facebook Immune System for thwarting hackers and spammers, and the release of new login security features for users. Even though Facebook is a fail fast-style startup run by a young CEO, it’s concentrating on stability. This means reducing both server costs and the vulnerability of the user experience to malicious parties trying to exploit it. Facebook stepped up efforts to create cheap, environmentally friendly data centers today with the announcement of plans to build a new server farm in Luleå, Sweden. Less than 0.5% of Facebook users experience spam each day in part thanks the the Facebook Immune System. [Image credit: Fast Company]

How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Purchase History, Lifestyles and More Would you like to get more out of your Facebook advertising? Did you know you can now target Facebook ads based on people’s purchase history, job roles and other external insights from major data providers? Facebook continues to roll out advertising tools that allow marketers to target their ideal customer in ways not seen before. What Are Partner Categories? Within the past year, Facebook has launched Custom Audiences, Conversion Tracking, Sponsored Results, Lookalike Audiences and a whole lot more. Partner Categories is the latest tool added to your Facebook toolbox. Facebook partnered with Acxiom, Datalogix and Epsilon to make Partner Categories a reality. Up until recently, you could target ads to Facebook users based only on the information they provide in their profiles (age, gender, school, location, employer) and both precise and broad interests. And now Partner Categories enters the fray to provide access to even more data for Facebook marketers. Partner Categories and Privacy

Le Business Model de la revente de données On entend souvent parler des problèmes de confidentialité sur Internet et que les géants du web utilisent nos informations personnelles à des fins commerciales. Comment ce business fonctionne-t-il ? Quels acteurs sont prêts à racheter nos informations et dans quel but ? C’est tout l’art du Business Model de la revente de données (ou des BIG DATA) que nous allons vous expliquer. En quoi consiste ce modèle ? Le but de ce modèle est de créer une très grande base de données d’informations personnelles (âge, sexe, centres d’intérêt, profession etc…) dans le but de les revendre à des acteurs intéressés. C’est ce que fait Facebook qui en premier lieu collecte toutes vos informations dans d’immenses data centers. SFR a récemment informé ses utilisateurs son intention de vendre des données utilisateurs dans le but de rentabiliser certains coûts. Les comparateurs d'assurances comme utilisent un système de revente d'information personnelle. Mais est-ce une pratique légale ?

Why Facebook's Seamless Sharing is Wrong Facebook recently instituted a new program that makes it easy for 3rd party websites and services to automatically post links about your activity elsewhere back into Facebook and the newsfeeds of your friends. It's called Seamless Sharing (a.k.a. frictionless sharing) and there's a big backlash growing about it, reminiscent of the best-known time Facebook tried to do something like this with a program called Beacon. The company has done things like this time and time again. Critics say that Seamless Sharing is causing over-sharing, violations of privacy, self-censorship with regard to what people read, dilution of value in the Facebook experience and more. CNet's Molly Wood says it is ruining sharing. I think there's something more fundamental going on than this - I think this is a violation of the relationship between the web and its users. The Way it Works Now is Wrong Facebook's seamless sharing doesn't just happen without notice. Got that? A Loss of Opportunity

Création d’une publicité ou d’une actualité sponsorisée | Pages d’aide de Facebook Identité agissante – Identité numérique Commencer par un peu de théorie, cela vous tente chers internautes? Alors, commençons par définir clairement ce qu’est l’identité numérique. « L’identité numérique est une notion complexe mais qui peut être contrôlée. » L’identité numérique à travers l’identité déclarative L’identité déclarative est la première définition de l’identité numérique. L’identité numérique déterminée par l’identité agissante Cette deuxième forme d’identité fait appel au rassemblement des données mises en ligne par l’utilisateur. L’identité numérique influencée par l’identité calculée Contrairement aux deux précédentes identités, celle-ci n’est pas renseignée par l’internaute lui-même. L’identité numérique a donc besoin de ces trois aspects pour se définir.

Give Up, Facebook: Social Commerce Will Never Catch On Even though Facebook suffered social commerce fails with the Delta ticket window and the now-shuttered Facebook Deals, Facebook social shopping applications for Facebook still keep popping up. A new study from Sociable Labs shows that 50% of shoppers are logged into Facebook while shopping on an e-commerce site. While that's interesting data in and of itself, the study does not prove any correlation between sharing on Facebook and shopping on e-commerce sites. In other words, businesses may see that their customers are on Facebook - because, really, who isn't on Facebook, save for the very paranoid - yet the idea of sharing what you buy through the world's largest social network has not, and will not, become a part of the Facebook user's experience. Unless it centers around an e-commerce site like EBay that people already know and trust. Social commerce dashboards like Payvment allow Facebook users to launch free stores on their Facebook pages.

How to Use Facebook Ads: An Introduction Are you considering Facebook Ads but are confused by all the options? You’ve undoubtedly heard that “social ads” are the future of advertising, but what does that mean in practical terms for you today? This article will help you make smart decisions about how to promote your brand and engage with fans through advertising on Facebook. As a Facebook Preferred Developer, I’ve had the opportunity to gather a lot of information from the proverbial “horse’s mouth.” This article will provide a useful lay of the land around the new ad solutions that were introduced at the Facebook Marketing Conference (fMC) in February. Understanding Facebook’s Sales Process and Where You Fit Before delving into the various advertising options available on Facebook and how you can utilize them, it’s helpful to understand how Facebook interfaces with advertisers. Facebook has three sales channels: Direct, Inside and Online. What’s the Difference Between an Ad and a Sponsored Story? Marketplace Ads Sponsored Stories

Tice Education : Le portail de l'Éducation numérique L’association Internet Society France, ONG internationale créée en 1992, qui représente les utilisateurs d’Internet dans les instances de la Gouvernance de l’Internet en France et dans le Monde a publié un livre blanc « comment reprendre la main sur sa vie et ses droits numériques ? » Ce rapport édité fin 2018 est toujours d’actualité. Sensibiliser le plus grand nombre Aujourd’hui, il est urgent de sensibiliser les usagers de services numériques, aux enjeux de la protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée, en créant un socle commun de connaissances éthiques, juridiques et techniques. Contrairement à ce que nous ressentons et percevons-nous ne sommes pas seul, avec notre ordinateur, notre portable ou notre objet connecté lorsque nous naviguons sur Internet. Les principaux chapitres : Introduction : Les données personnelles sont une émanation de chaque personne. Internet Les Données Les Risques À quels risques s’exposent les utilisateurs d’internet ? Numéros et informations utiles
