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Chain or Coptic Stitch Bookbinding Tutorial

Chain or Coptic Stitch Bookbinding Tutorial
Here’s another method of binding your book with an open spine…a chain stitch or also called coptic stitch binding. This is a great method for when you have book covers that are individual boards instead of completely wrapped around the entire journal. You are basically binding all the signatures and covers together with a connected stitch that holds everything together tightly, but with super flexibility. The pages will open up completely flat and that’s a big reason why this method is so popular. I’m sure you might have seen lots of books on Etsy bound in this way. From a materials standpoint, you’ll need your cover boards and paper signatures to go inside. The first thing I do is to cover my cover boards with the decorative paper. Then I stuck them on the boards, cutting the corners at a diagonal so that it’ll fold over nicely without too much bulk on the corners. You just smooth down one corner and make sure everything is flat without bubbles and continuing securing the other sides.

Bookmaking Bookbinding Ethopian Coptic Create a Stunning Combination Coptic Long-stitch Archival Book This tutorial will show you how to make a good quality, archival book from beginning to end. Book binding requires a lot of patience and practice, but the result is a beautiful work of art that you can give as a gift, or fill with your own drawings, notes and photos. Let's begin! Supplies 2 pieces of book board cut to 12 x 15cm, short grain (What is short grain?).Book cloth large enough to cover your book boards (Learn how to make your own here).30 pieces of acid-free drawing paper cut to 11.5 x 29cm, short grain.Piece of 6.5 x 11.5cm scrap paper.2 sheets of acid-free paper for the inside of the cover 11 x 14cm, short grain.At least 4 sheets of newsprint.pH-neutral glue.Clean brush for glue.Bone fold.Scissors.Awl.X-acto knife.Ruler.Set square or triangle tool.Cutting mat.Waxed linen thread.Book binding needle.Paper weight. Make sure your paper, book cloth and book board are acid-free if you want your book to be archival. What Is Short Grain? Step 1: Cut Your Book Cloth

Paper Mache Clay Several years ago I developed a new recipe for a sculptural material I call “paper mache clay.” This material is so easy to use and so easy to make that I now use it exclusively for all my paper mache sculptures. The recipe has now gone “viral” and is being used by artists all over the world. It might be a bit more accurate to call this material “home-made air-dried cellulose-reinforced polymer clay,” but that’s way too hard to say (or type!), so for now, let’s just call it paper mache clay. The first video below shows how to make the paper mache clay, and the second video answers some common questions that I’ve received from readers since I first developed this recipe. I usually make mine fairly thin so it can be spread over an armature like frosting, by using less flour than the recipe calls for – but you can also make it thicker, with more flour, when you want more control over the modeling process. Paper Mache Clay on Snow Leopard Sculpture Making Your Paper Mache Clay Tools: Step 1.

Bookbinding 101 - Getting Started I seem to get a lot of inquiries from people who are interested in learning how to do some bookbinding. It would be nice if I could just send these people to a single magic website for some good introductory bookbinding lessons; however, that website doesn't exist yet. There are some amazing resources online for bookbinders and lots of tutorials, but I have found nothing that is as organized and dedicated to teaching basic bookbinding as a face-to-face class or a good solid analog book! For people who have never made books before, I would suggest buying either Cover to Cover by Shereen LaPlantz or Creating Handmade Books by Alisa Golden - these two books cover many of the same techniques so you would not need to have both (ok, so you can't afford to buy a book, well, you can probably get one of these or some other similar book from your local library). The Japanese Bookbinding book by Ikegami is another great book to start with. The CBBAG Home-study

Free Genealogy Online Books There are many free books on the Internet that are invaluable in the pursuit of family history. You may think it is not worthwhile to search historical books for your ancestor because you have ancestors who are just ordinary folks and not newsworthy enough to be in a book. But you may be surprised at what you will find in these books. Many historical books are county books that include biographies of regular citizens, others are military regimental histories, family history books, historical society publications, county commission reports, court cases and city directories. The following online book archives are searchable by title, author or any word that may appear within the book.

Free Irish Genealogy eBooks Top 10 Free Genealogy Websites For A Free Ancestry Search A few years ago, during a family reunion, I learned for the first time that my granduncle on my father’s side had fought and died in World War II. The story of his demise sparked a personal interest toward my own family history. So, I did what I always do when I have something to research – I first turned to the Internet. I quickly discovered that while there are certainly free genealogy websites out there, the truly valuable or unique ones where you can do a free ancestry search are few and far between. During this research, I learned two things about people interested in genealogy. 10 Free Genealogy Websites for a Free Ancestry Search Without exaggerating, there are thousands of genealogy websites out there. Occasionally you’ll find a truly useful website with a free ancestry search feature that accesses real data. 10. There are two things that mark KindredTrails as a “typical” genealogy website. Secondly, like most other ancestry sites, KindredTrails is very much a link-oriented site.

wood I wanted more storage in our craft room/ office. I saw these shelves on she added to her daughter's closet and was excited to make my own. You adjust the dimensions according to your own doors. The best part is having the doors swing open with the hinges on each side. This is the "before" shot. The closet was a sliding door, which slid into the corner. But now I have added storage on the back of the doors, and they open so I can access the rest of the closet a lot easier. I was really glad to have a place for wrapping paper, the huge roll of freezer paper, and a few thin bolts of interfacing that always seem to be in the way. I customized the shelves for my needs obviously, adding the 3 ribbon dowels. The rest of the shelves hold all the craft supplies in a way I can see the better, as before they were all mixed in drawers. All these plastic drawers held all my supplies and junk. if you're interested I am loving the new the closet storage and doors that open rather than slide!
