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Victorian Style

Victorian Style

THE SEWING DIVAS sewing, design, fashion Front porch spindles, railing, balusters, wood rail, exterior balustrade - Western Spindle Victorian Period - A Time of Change "All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their own peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their own peril."--by Oscar Wilde, Preface, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" The Victorian Period revolves around the political career of Queen Victoria. She was crowned in 1837 and died in 1901 (which put a definite end to her political career). Of course, in the literature from this period, we see a duality, or double standard, between the concerns for the individual (the exploitation and corruption both at home and abroad) and national success--in what is often referred to as the Victorian Compromise. Against the backdrop of technological, political, and socioeconomic change, the Victorian Period was bound to be a volatile time, even without the added complications of the religious and institutional challenges brought by Charles Darwin and other thinkers, writers, and doers. Victorian Period: Early & Late More Info.

Primary History - Victorian Britain Mashallah Design, Linda Kostowski: Альтер-эго из джерси | Кажется, мир окончательно вступил в XXI век. Нет, отсчет нового тысячелетия начался десять лет назад, но мыслить цифровыми категориями в духе виртуальной логики мы начинаем только сейчас, во всяком случае, в сферах, которые касаются моды. Вчера вряд ли кому пришло в голову отсканировать собственное тело и его трехмерную модель скрестить с образами, рожденными в подсознании, с воспоминаниями или фантазиями, чтобы затем превратить все это в футболки. А сегодня, пожалуйста. Дизайн-дуэт Mashllah Design и любительница часов-обманок Линда Костовски (Linda Kostowki), можно сказать, проходят соучастниками по делу о футболках «T-Shirts Issue // Digital Portraits». Трудно определить, кому из них пришла идея совершить этот маленький переворот в швейном деле, но местячковая революция удалась на славу. Как известно, 3-D фигуры состоят из множества многоугольников, причем их число определяет разрешение модели, в той же степени в какой количество пикселей влияет на качество растровой графики.

The Philadelphia Shutter Company - Interior and exterior wood shutters for historical accuracy English literature: The Victorian Age The Reform Bill of 1832 gave the middle class the political power it needed to consolidate—and to hold—the economic position it had already achieved. Industry and commerce burgeoned. While the affluence of the middle class increased, the lower classes, thrown off their land and into the cities to form the great urban working class, lived ever more wretchedly. The social changes were so swift and brutal that Godwinian utopianism rapidly gave way to attempts either to justify the new economic and urban conditions, or to change them. The intellectuals and artists of the age had to deal in some way with the upheavals in society, the obvious inequities of abundance for a few and squalor for many, and, emanating from the throne of Queen Victoria (1837–1901), an emphasis on public rectitude and moral propriety. The Novel The Victorian era was the great age of the English novel—realistic, thickly plotted, crowded with characters, and long. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed.

Rare glimpse of Victorian London's working class captured by street photographer John Thomson / Courtesy Dominic Winter Auctioneers 'Crawlers', one of a series of pictures of 19th century London by pioneering street photographer John Thomson. Ben Cavanna / Courtesy Dominic Winter The volume of Street Life in London containing 36 of John Thomson's photographs that will be sold at auction on Thursday. By Yuka Tachibana, Producer, NBC News A book of photographs depicting the grueling poverty lived by many residents of Victorian London is due to be auctioned on Thursday. "In or around 1877, photography was mainly about beautiful landscapes or portraits of the wealthy, but these images [photographer John] Thomson deliberately set out to take were those of the Victorian underclass," John Trevers of auctioneers Dominic Winter told NBC News. "This was a pioneering work of social documentation," he added. Scottish photographer John Thomson, a pioneer of street photography, captured images of London's working class in the 1870s. Update, 12.40 p.m.

TEXTILE FUTURES | Central Saint Martins College MA Textile Futures Welcome to Our Victorian House Victorian literature Herbert F. Tucker: A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture Victorian literature is literature, mainly written in English, during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901) (the Victorian era). It was preceded by Romanticism and followed by the Edwardian era (1901–1910). Robert Browning (1812–89) and Alfred Tennyson (1809–92) were Victorian England's most famous poets, though more recent taste has tended to prefer the poetry of Thomas Hardy, who, though he wrote poetry throughout his life, did not publish a collection until 1898, as well as that of Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89), whose poetry was published posthumously in 1918. Prose fiction[edit] Charles Dickens is the most famous Victorian novelist. The Brontë sisters wrote fiction rather different from that common at the time. Anne, Charlotte and Emily Brontë produced notable works of the period, although these were not immediately appreciated by Victorian critics. Poetry[edit] Drama[edit] Children's literature[edit] See also[edit]

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