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KARL IS MY UNKLE Kingdom Of Style Even though we are both in our 40's, Both Queen Marie and I are women who strongly advocate the 'wear what the hell you want' ethos. If you like it, it looks good on you and you can afford, then you should have it and enjoy it. However, we do still draw our own stylistic lines in the sand that we generally don't cross. As I prepare to enter my 41st year of life next month, I find that I question my choices a lot more than I ever did. When I ask myself that question, I have to also ask myself what exactly I mean by 'get away with it'? Upon consideration, I guess both are true. Which is why this dress in Pixie Market has me conflicted. I want this dress so badly. So then I go back to my original question; "But can I get away with it". What I'm really asking is, "Can I get away with looking like a demented, broken down actress?" Sometimes, the Universe makes the decision for you... QMichelle
