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timetric Drupal 6 SEO - Drupalcamp Colorado | Opensource, Nonprofits, and Web 2.0 Ben Finklea from Volacci presented SEO optimization for Drupal 6. These are my notes from the presentation. Below that are several videos from his presentation. Ben started out by underlining that anyone can do Drupal SEO. There are plenty of good modules that you can use to help. 10 reasons that Drupal is the best platform for SEO 1) Configurable 2) Flexible 3) Stays optimized 4) No duplicate content 5) Clean code 6) Easy to integrate with 3rd party SEO services 7) Fights Spam 8) Allows for landing pages 9) Community Features 10) Thriving Ecosystem 7 Tips to rock your Drupal SEO 1) There are no secret tips 2) Optimize for one or two keywords per page 3) Rule of the upper left corner - what is in the upper left corner is the most important. 4) If you can't see it, neither can Google 5) Track everything - if you don't know what people are doing on your site, you will find it difficult to tweak your SEO plans 6) Content is king-like. Other Modules That Might be Helpful Include

LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language WorldBlu / Freedom By Design Tutorials for Fusion Tables Create with Fusion Tables These tutorials step you through using Fusion Tables’ features to accomplish neat things with your data. See what others have done in the Example Gallery. Basic tutorials Get started using Fusion Tables: Create a map Turn a table of locations into a map. Extending your knowledge Gathering data Create: Collaborative data gathering Give everyone their own table to update, while keeping the eagle-eye view on all of it. Maps Make an intensity map with custom boundaries Display polygons in different colors according to values in your data. Publishing / Embedding Embed visualizations in Google Sites Work around the JavaScript restrictions in Google Sites Merge tricks Use merge to apply map styles by category Want a different icon or color for the map? Working with other tools Use Overlays in Google MapMaker Host your location data in Google Fusion Tables to help while editing Google MapMaker. Search Clear search Close search Google apps Main menu

Semantic Views Module for Drupal 6 - Video Tutorial | Drupal Themes & Design The Semantic Views module for Drupal 6 allows you to easily insert HTML markup for your Views rows and fields. This is a new module by bangpound and I think this is really going to change how we think about theming Views because for the first time it puts clean semantic Views output in the hands of site builders and other end users, without having to get their hands dirty in the templates. Semantic markup is intrinsic to good accessibility, SEO, if not the development of the web as whole. It can also make theming a lot easier—we no longer need to litter our stylehsheets with all those extra classes. I can see this module becoming a big part of our theme development, both for client and commercial themes, where we can provide a Views export module. Usage is quite strait forward. 1. 2. Heres a quick and dirty vid showing how to use the Semantic Views module.

Jeux de l'oie - Combinatoire - Syllabique Par bout de gomme dans Jeux de phonologie le 21 Septembre 2011 à 09:17 Voici les 13 jeux de l'oie ( bientôt tous sur le blog, dès que j'aurai 5 minutes!!!) que je présente à mes CP et CE1 en APE. Comme les autres élèves de la classe ont envie d'y jouer aussi, je les laisse au fond de la classe en autonomie quand ils ont fini un travail. Ces jeux suivent ma progression de phono et de lecture CP. Merci à débor@h pour le jeu des lettres majuscules.Merci beaucoup !!! En voici 3 autres offerts par CaliElyo ( Ils ont été faits en fonction de la méthode de lecture CP " Chut ...Je lis !) Et voici un jeu de l'oie sur les dinosaures et la préhistoire offert par Mélodanse ( Merci beaucoup ...avec du retard pour ma part !!!) Jeu de l'oie la Préhistoire-les dinosaures

tuto Impure Impure is a new programming language designed to give non-programmers access to professional tools for data visualization. Users can use it to process and display data from social media feeds, financial information and more. Unlike Processing, a simple programming language for data visualization and art, Impure is a completely visual language - there's no need to learn any code. Above is a sceenshot of Impure being used to process a Twitter feed. Although it's targeted at non-programmers, some basic programming knowledge would clearly be useful. Given the data deluge that many enterprise face, easy tools for data visualization should be in high demand - especially in areas like social monitoring. For some background on the joys of data visualization, check out this TED talk.
