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How to make good arguments at school (and everywhere else)

How to make good arguments at school (and everywhere else)
From as early as Grade 3 teachers start teaching children how to put across their own points of view. It’s not about winning arguments, but ensuring kids grow up to be thoughtful and engaged citizens. These skills might come in to play at school in essay writing, in oral presentations or in debates. And whether we’re talking about making arguments for school or just in life, there are three things present in all good arguments. Read more: No, you're not entitled to your opinion 1. Reasonability is about connecting reasons and evidence to your opinions. The first is for our own clarity of thought, so we understand how concepts and events relate to each other (or realise when they don’t). The second is so others can assess our reasons. One shortcoming in the Australian Curriculum is that it asks students to write persuasively, by using emotive language. Read more: What's the best, most effective way to take notes? 2. 3. There are several major benefits in recognising our own fallibility.

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