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Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero

Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero
Last week I was lucky enough to receive a Sphero from the generous people of Orbotix. Kelly Tenkely just recently reviewed her Sphero which you can read all about here. Basically, the Sphero is a programmable orb that can be used to play games, as a controller, or even integrate into education. BTW, did I mention that it is waterproof too, and already has over 25 mobile apps to download. This post is going to be the first in a series that focuses on the SPRK (Schools Parents Robot Kids) program. The lessons in the SPRK program focus on Math, Physics, and Computer Science and are designed for 4th-5th graders.

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Video Toolbox - advanced online video editor. Convert, crop, merge or record videos with just few clicks. Great Web Tools Used wisely, technology empowers students to take responsibility for their own learning. In Leonardo’s Laptop, Ben Shneiderman provides teachers with a powerful framework, Collect-Relate-Create-Donate (CRCD), for designing student-centered learning opportunities using computers. In particular, Shneiderman’s CRCD framework emphasizes the importance of the social aspects of learning in generating creative work. In CRCD projects, students research information, work collaboratively to create a meaningful product that demonstrates their learning, and contribute that project to a larger learning community. Shneiderman designed the Collect-Relate-Create-Donate framework as a vehicle for preparing young people for a 21st century world where innovation, creativity, and collaboration will be more highly prized than retention and repetition. What are your Learning Goals?

Educational Technology Guy Free Educational Technology Resources for Teachers and Online Learning With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the declaration of a national emergency, we know that millions of teachers, students, and parents across the nation are struggling to find the best options to ensure that learning is still taking place. Our team has come together to create solutions to assist in the education of our most prized possessions during this extraordinary time. Here are some of things we are doing: FREE Online Course for Teachers

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