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ALL Time 100 Movies

You like us, you really like us. You also hate us. Anyway, you click on us, which is the surest way a website has of measuring interest in its content. The idea was to assemble 100 estimable films since TIME began, with the March 3, 1923 issue. Not so simple, in fact, for we faced a couple of complications. Why do the list? LISTOMANIA I feel one of my grand gender generalizations coming on, and I can’t resist it, so here goes. As a kid I would study the major league batting averages in the Sunday paper more assiduously than any school subject, and I kept box scores of the games our neighborhood team played. As with baseball, so with favorite movies, TV shows, comics. I too was a teenage listmaker. Can the choices Schickel and I made have the shelf life of the Von Bernewitz checklist? But, pardon me, we’re better. Still and all, list of favorites like the All-TIME 100 Movies is just that: a banquet, a groaning board of our fondest prejudices. Then it’s research. Schickel’s Cuts

100 Amazing Movies - a list by Ab Siddique NEGATIV - Magazin für Film und Medienkultur Full List - All-TIME 100 Best Nonfiction Books - TIME Writing her lover’s “autobiography” proved a witty way for American author Gertrude Stein to detail her own life as Parisian writer, salon host and arts patron. Ostensibly, readers can take in the book, published in 1933, as Stein writing about Alice B. Toklas (which is what the title suggests) or as Toklas “writing” about Stein (which is what the book actually is). Either way, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas was groundbreaking in its experimentation with form: an autobiography written by another person. Next Black Boy Top 100 of Each Decade - a list by JohnnyGray Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology

Leser-Umfrage: Die 100 besten Filme aller Zeiten - Topfilme 100: Shutter Island (USA 2010) Das "Departed"-Duo Scorsese und DiCaprio brilliert auch in diesem packendem Psychothriller, in dem US-Marshall Teddy Daniels im streng bewachten Ashecliffe Hospital für psychisch kranke Straftäter das rätselhafte Verschwinden einer Kindermörderin aufklären soll. Wer die gleichnamige Romanvorlage von Dennis Lehane nicht kennt, wird vom finalen Twist ebenso überrascht sein wie von der meisterlich inszenierten Atmosphäre dieser sehr akkuraten Adaption. 99: Reservoir Dogs - Wilde Hunde (OT: Reservoir Dogs; USA 1992) Quentin Tarantino zerlegte die Chronik eines brutal missglückten Überfalls in ihre Einzelteile und wurde damit zum Erneuerer des amerikanischen (Gangster-) Kinos. 98: Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (D/A/F/I 2009) Am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs kommt es zu einer Reihe von Gewalttaten, die den Frieden in einem kleinen Ort erschüttern: Der Arzt stürzt bei einem Reitausflug über ein zwischen zwei Bäumen gespanntes Seil. 62: L.A.

Wonderopolis ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME You like us, you really like us. You also hate us. Anyway, you click on us, which is the surest way a website has of measuring interest in its content. The All-TIME 100 Movies feature—compiled by Richard Schickel and me, and handsomely packaged by Josh Macht, Mark Coatney and all the smart folks at—attracted a record-busting 7.8 million page views in its first week, including 3.5 million on May 23rd, its opening daym, in time for Father’s Day. The idea was to assemble 100 estimable films since TIME began, with the March 3, 1923 issue. Not so simple, in fact, for we faced a couple of complications. Why do the list? LISTOMANIA I feel one of my grand gender generalizations coming on, and I can’t resist it, so here goes. As a kid I would study the major league batting averages in the Sunday paper more assiduously than any school subject, and I kept box scores of the games our neighborhood team played. As with baseball, so with favorite movies, TV shows, comics. Schickel’s Cuts
