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Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness

Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness

L'autre moi-même: Antonio Damasio Jeu de la vie paramétrable Rechercher un outil sur Jeu de la vie Le jeu de la vie est un automate cellulaire créé par John Horton Conway. Un automate cellulaire est un ensemble de cellules représenté par une grille qui peut évoluer au cours du temps. dCode est ton ami ! Plus aucun jeu, plus aucune énigme, plus aucune chasse au trésor ne vous résisteront ! Annonces sponsorisées : Génération 0 - Nombres de cellules vivantes : 0 Par défaut le jeu de la vie suit les règles suivantes : * Une cellule morte possédant exactement trois voisines vivantes devient vivante. * Une cellule vivante possédant deux ou trois voisines vivantes reste vivante, sinon elle meurt. Code source dCodeur se réserve la propriété du code source du script Jeu de la vie. Commentaires © 2014 — Le site indispensable pour résoudre les énigmes, les jeux et les chasses au trésor. dCode

Mindstreaming | uplifting human consciousness on a global scale Antonio Damasio Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Damasio. Antonio Damasio Antonio R. Fonctions[modifier | modifier le code] Il est le directeur de l'Institut pour l'étude neurologique de l'émotion et de la créativité de l'Université de la Californie méridionale (University of Southern California) depuis 2005, après avoir été le directeur du département de neurologie de l’Université de l'Iowa pendant 18 ans. Travaux et recherches[modifier | modifier le code] Neuroscientifique, ses travaux portent sur l'étude des bases neuronales de la cognition et du comportement. Autres[modifier | modifier le code] Il a participé aux conférences du Mind and Life Institute, qui a pour but de promouvoir un dialogue entre la science et le bouddhisme. Bibliographie[modifier | modifier le code] Antonio R. Prix et distinctions[modifier | modifier le code] Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Lien externe[modifier | modifier le code]

Tu sérendipites ou tu procrastines ? Internet aura remis au goût du jour deux termes qui, en dépit de leur sonorité étrange, n’ont rien de grossier : sérendipité et procrastination. Le premier est un néologisme issu d’un mot anglais du XVIIIème. La sérendipité consacre l’art de réaliser une découverte de façon inattendue, très loin de l’objet de recherche initial. On lui doit la radioactivité ou le vaccin contre le choléra et plus, proche de nous, la bande Velcro, le Post It et… le Botox. Appliquée à internet, la sérendipité désigne tous ces trésors enfouis – articles, logiciels, chansons, vidéos - que l’on déniche par hasard au détour d’un lien. Les outils du web 2.0 favorisent ce zapping fructueux. Plus connue, la procrastination désigne la tendance pathologique à remettre systématiquement à demain le travail que l’on peut faire le jour même. De sens a priori contraires, ces deux termes ne sont en fait que les deux mamelles d’un même comportement d’internaute.

Placing a New Light on Death As the individual ages, one will from time to time take into consideration if there is an afterlife, or if we are redistributed into something else on the planet, or very simply, nothing more happens. Well there are many thoughts that are processed to take a concept and find a reality of it, no matter the form or distinction. This article is not meant to explain whether there is an afterlife or to promote any form of religious theory, but to explain the nature of our energies and particles that form our physical bodies and where they disperse to. In religions, some speak of an afterlife in which the human soul leaves the body to leave for a destined place, and in others one would reincarnate in other forms until the enegy becomes eventual nirvana. In science, the human body is considered a bio-mechanical creature, that is our bodies are made up of molecules and trillions of atoms that make up the composition of our physical self. 1) Past, Present, Future Moments in Time

The Brain: The Mystery of Consciousness The young women had survived the car crash, after a fashion. In the five months since parts of her brain had been crushed, she could open her eyes but didn't respond to sights, sounds or jabs. In the jargon of neurology, she was judged to be in a persistent vegetative state. So picture the astonishment of British and Belgian scientists as they scanned her brain using a kind of MRI that detects blood flow to active parts of the brain. Try to comprehend what it is like to be that woman. The report of this unusual case last September was just the latest shock from a bracing new field, the science of consciousness. It shouldn't be surprising that research on consciousness is alternately exhilarating and disturbing. To make scientific headway in a topic as tangled as consciousness, it helps to clear away some red herrings.

2012 Exploration: 2012: Self Transformation of the Energetic Individual When energy (emotions and feelings) directs our participation, and we present as personality the self definitions that define our energy - then we are showing the world exactly how we can be manipulated through using words and pictures that will interplay with our self definitions to trigger the desired energy the manipulator requires us to feel, so that we will do what the manipulator wants us to do. We call this energy our individuality. That is the name the manipulators gave it so we won’t see we are being manipulated. To stop being an energy slave, we must become the directive principle of ourselves, here in every moment, constant, stable, still waters within and stop energy as the 'storm-system' we've allowed to push us around. If we do not stop this energy, we simply remain a perfect slave to those who profit from our energetic self interest - ignoring all abuse while we consume the Earth to fulfill our energetic individuality. Yes, this world must change.

Humans Are Free Unraveling the mystery of consciousness Antonio Damasio asks: How do we become conscious of the things around us?In a TED Talk, he describes scientific findings about the nature of consciousnessOur minds make maps of all the things we see, hear and sense, he saysDamasio: We need more than the maps; it takes a sense of self to be fully conscious Editor's note: Antonio Damasio, author of "Self Comes to Mind", published by Pantheon/Vintage, is a professor of neuroscience and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California. He spoke at the TED2011 conference in Long Beach, California. TED is a nonprofit dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading," which it makes available through talks posted on its website. (CNN) -- How do living organisms become conscious of what is happening to them and around them? The biological mechanisms behind the phenomena of consciousness remain unclear although it is fair to say that recently our understanding has made remarkable progress. What is different about us?
