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Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt

Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt

Mind Maps - A Beginners Guide and Example | Thoughtwrestling A mind map looks a lot like a spider web , a root system or the branches of a tree. Like these marvels of nature, a mind map has a central point. The center of the mind map is the subject that you want to map and it is often represented by a picture or symbol. Use no more than three words to name it. Pick a name that’s meaningful to you. From there, you describe the subject by listing its major characteristics around it. Let’s look at how you would create the mind map shown above. How do I create a mind map? Pen and paper The simplest way to create a mind map is to take a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil. First, put your subject at the center of the mind map. For our example (which we did create using software just to make it look better), we’re going to create a mind map about a vacation that we’d like to take. Next, write the major characteristics of the idea around the circle at the center of the map. In our example, we’ve taken each major category from the mind map: Oh no!

Seelig InnovationEngine NASA releases ‘Told Ya So’ apocalypse video early | The Lookout Dec. 21, 2012, has long been rumored to be the day of the Mayan apocalypse, when Earth comes to its inglorious end. The good folks at NASA want you to know that isn't going to happen. In fact, NASA is so confident that it recently published a video that appears as if it were intended to be aired on Dec. 22. Titled "The World Didn't End Yesterday," the four-minute clip explains how the idea of the Mayan apocalypse was a huge hoax and how the rumors began. Time magazine reports that the space agency has been besieged with questions from citizens worried that their lives are about to end. [Related: NASA to launch new Mars rover in 2020] NASA's official site features an area dedicated to debunking the claims. NASA experts go on to explain the origins of the hoax. Nibiru, by the way, is not a real planet. Translation: The world isn't going to end. Science, Social Science, & HumanitiesSpace & AstronomyNASA
