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Carte des plus beaux villages de France

Carte des plus beaux villages de France

Motion control photography Motion control camera dolly with Canon DSLR camera Motion control photography is a technique used in still and motion photography that enables precise control of, and optionally also allows repetition of, camera movements. It can be used to facilitate special effects photography. The process can involve filming several elements using the same camera motion, and then compositing the elements into a single image. The process is also commonly used when duplication of an element which cannot be physically duplicated is required; motion control is the primary method of featuring multiple instances of the same actor in a shot that involves camera movement. In today's film, the reference take is also useful for digital manipulation of the shots, or for adding digital elements. Similar technology in modern film allows for a camera to record its exact motion during a shot so that the motion can be duplicated by a computer in the creation of computer generated elements for the same shot.

Presqu'île de Giens et Porquerolles - Carnet de voyages en camping-car A peine rentrés, les bagages vidés, me voila sur mon clavier pour vous faire partager notre dernier voyage. J'ai des images, des odeurs et des sensations plein la tête et je vais essayer de vous les faire partager. Tout d'abord, je suis surtout "décalée", en effet, j'ai l'impression d'avoir fait un bond de trois mois dans le calendrier car je viens de vivre ces quelques jours en été ! Je vous raconte... Nous sommes partis samedi matin sous un ciel bien moche qui s'est vite transformé en pluie sur la route. Brrrr!! Humm ! nous monterons tout en haut pour admirer la vue sur les toits, et puis on s'extasiera sur les jardins où poussent des oranges, des citrons, du mimosas, de la glycine et plein d'autres espèces que je ne connais pas. On fera une petite tournée des magnifiques villas qui jalonnent la ville (passez par la rue A. Nous rentrerons au camping ravis de notre expédition que nous avons quand même pu faire malgré le mauvais temps. carte postale !

Семь полезных мобильных приложений для препродакшена Портал Indiewire составил список самых полезных приложений, которые могут пригодиться для подготовки к съемкам. Список ни в коем случае не является полным, однако в него вошли приложения для iOS, которые могут облегчить планирование, сами съемки и пост-продакшн. DSLR Slate ($9.99) Это измерительное приложение, которое облегчает учет кадров и, как следствие, весь процесс пост-продакшна. Оно позволяет делать все то же самое, что и традиционная хлопушка, и, кроме того, вносить гораздо больше информации: например, значение выдержи, светочувствительности, числа диафрагмы, используемые объективы и многое другое. Film Touch ($9.99) Хотя изначально программа предназначалась для рекламных роликов и музыкальных клипов, она может помочь, если вы запутались в прошлых вызывных листах и не можете вспомнить, как зовут того исполнительного ассистента режиссера. MapAPic ($3.99) Shot Designer (бесплатно) Shot Lister ($13.99) ShotPro ($29.99) Storyboard Composer ($14.99)

30+ Websites to Download Free Photos If you are a blogger looking for free photos to use in your blog posts or a designer looking for free photography to use in your designs, then check out the websites below and you will find the best free stock photos. All of the photos that you will find on the websites below are free to use for commercial purposes, without asking permission or they need attribution so make sure you check before you use a photo. If you enjoyed this post please subscribe. Unsplash Unsplash offers you 10 high-resolution stock photos every 10 days. Little Visuals Little Visuals posts 7 high-resolution images every 7 days. Death to the Stock Photo You can subscribe to get free photos every month for commercial use that you can use in your blog posts, social accounts and mockups. Picjumbo Free photos for your commercial and personal works. Gratisography High-resolution pictures captured by Ryan McGuire and free of copyright restrictions. Tinyography SplitShire New Old Stock Jay Mantri Picography Travel Coffee Book Moveast

Ксавье Долан объявил конкурс киносценариев короткого метра На пресс-конференции в Каннах прошла презентация онлайн-конкурса киносценариев Magnum Vie Magnifique Film competition, которую проводит журнал i-D (входящего в состав медиакорпорации «VICE») с участием Ксавье Долана при поддержке компании по производству мороженого «Magnum». В конкурсе, который проходит под девизом «Будь честен со своими удовольствиями» (Be True To Your Pleasure), могут принять участие молодые сценаристы и режиссеры. Главная задача — представить идеи сценария короткометражного фильма длительностью не более 10 минут вместе с идеями актерского состава. В состав жюри входит Ксавье Долан и два представителя медиакомпании VICE — исполнительный продюсер Жаклин Идинброу и ведущий креативный директор Дэнни Гэбэй из филиала VICE в Лос-Анджелесе. Каждый финалист получит грант в размере £10,000, поддержку продюсеров компании VICE, а также консультации Ксавье Долана: он будет тренировать финалистов по Skype и дистанционно помогать им в создании фильмов. обращение учредителей

12 Iconic Directors Share Their Thoughts on Filmmaking & Style As filmmakers, we do quite a bit of research and study. We read a vast number of tutorials, and articles texts; we watch classic films and go to countless first showings. We do so much to fill our brains with all of the information we think will prepare us for making films and seeing our craft from a new perspective. The quotes were taken from 12 filmmakers: Jean-Luc Godard, Maya Deren, Robert Bresson, Orson Welles, Steven Soderbergh, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Nina Menkes, Andrei Tarkovsky, Béla Tarr, Jean-Pierre Melville, Federico Fellini, and Joachim Trier. Some offer some excellent advice on how to find your voice and your filmmaking style, while others simply share their thoughts on the matter. Check out each one of the quotes below. Link: On Filmmaking and Style -- A-BitterSweet-Life [via Filmmaker IQ]

Plot Development: Strengthen Your Plot through Character Creation How to write a plot that entices readers has never been easier with our free download full of tips. Many stories are born from a simple concept that gets outlined into a series of beats, or plot ideas. But to create a truly engaging story, writers need to focus on character development and how it relates to plot development. In our free download, Structure Grid of Character and Plot Development, we share a nine-page grid to help you structure your script in a way that will help you create awell-rounded and compelling screenplay every time. Learn How to Plot a Screenplay or Novel with Our FREE Structure Grid of Character and Plot Development Download How to Plot a Story: Plotting a story is easier with a plot development chart that outlines both character development and action description. Protagonist vs. All characters fall into a character archetypes list. Writing a Plot with Characters in Mind: How to Plot a Screenplay: Get a free download with tips for structuring your script!

41 reasons why you shouldn’t date a photographer Photographers are a different kind of creatures. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them, sometimes too much. After a longer series of technical articles and advice, I thought I’d put together a list of reasons why you shouldn’t date a photographer. Before we get started, I just want to point out that although some of the items on the list will seem realistic, it’s all intended to make you laugh or at least bring a knowing smile on your face. At the end of the day, everybody loves photographers, otherwise I can’t explain why so many people want to get into photography. 1. Photographers are artists. 2. Most of the times it will be a framed portrait of yourself, captured some time ago when you probably weren’t looking. Canon Rebel T5i | Nikon D7100 | Nikon D810 | Canon 5D Mark III | Nikon D5200 | Sony a7R 3. Like most people, you probably enjoy a bright, sunny day. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Especially their photos. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Такие Дела - Мы вернём в журналистику человека Malades étrangers : le couloir de la mort à la française 16 juin 2015 AIDES - La Cimade - Médecins du Monde - La Case de Santé - Observatoire du droit à la santé des étrangers Quatre ans jour pour jour après la réforme du droit au séjour pour soins, et à la veille des débats parlementaires autour de la future loi Immigration, nos associations dénoncent le traitement inhumain réservé par l'Etat à des malades étrangers. Ce que l'Etat réserve désormais à de nombreux malades étrangers, c'est bien un couloir de la mort qui ne dit pas son nom. Retrouver le communiqué de presse de l'ODSE ici. Des actions ont été menées ce matin : - à Paris devant l'Assemblée nationale - à Lyon devant la préfecture du Rhône : - à Nantes denat la préfecture de Loire-Atlantique : - à Toulouse retour à la page précédente | toute l'actualité

Ultimate Cheat Sheets for Photoshop and Lightroom Want an ultimate single-page cheat sheet for looking up keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC? The design team over at setupablogtoday have created just that: massive sheets that you can study and explore to your hearts content. The Photoshop Cheat Sheet First up is an impressive Photoshop cheat sheet that displays shortcuts both on a 2D keyboard and in chart form: You can find a high-resolution version of the image online here, or you can download a PDF of it through this link or via this embed: The Lightroom Cheat Sheet If you thought that Photoshop one was impressive, check out the ridiculously comprehensive cheat sheet they made for Lightroom: You can view it online here, or download the PDF here or through this embed: Finally, if you’re interested, there’s also a single infographic that serves as a one-stop cheat sheet for all of the major Creative Cloud apps. (via Digital Photo Buzz via Reddit)

Data Adventure | Info We Trust The ENDANGERED SAFARI project contains all of the large African mammals along with juicy info like animal size, family, population trend, range, and IUCN threatened species status. The static version, above, is an artsy layout that makes a great print, but to really dig into the data, including individual animal range maps, you will have to jump on a computer (it’s not built for mobile) and play with the interactive below by hovering over each About the design Bloom visualizes the life of all 212 flowers in Jefferson’s Monticello garden across the year. In the animated GIF, flowers appear when they first start blooming and leave the piece when they finally die. The animation has 26 frames, each representing two weeks. Each flower is placed radially around the year according to what week it first blossoms and for how long it blooms (longer living flowers are closer to the center). Steve Jobs counseled Disney CEO Bob Iger to think in terms of brand deposits and brand withdrawals.
